Create Call Flow Script

“This step-by-step training module guides new Authors in creating a dynamic call flow script. Log in to your Yonyx account in another browser tab and follow along with this article as you build a decision tree-based call flow script. You’ll discover the various features of the Yonyx platform!” You may also choose to schedule time for a hands on authoring workshop.

Step 1 – Create the Root Node of your Call Flow Script

  1. From the Gear drop-down, choose “My Guides”
  2. Click on “Create Guide”
  3. Choose from a template call flow script, “Outbound Call Script – Internal Use”
  4. Click Next, then “Save & Edit”
  5. The left-hand side of the screen is called “Map View” and the right-hand side is called “Interactive View”. You are now editing the root guidance step of the decision tree based call flow script.
Start creating a call flow script in Yonyx, by choosing a template.

You just created the Root Guidance Family of your call flow script. Each Guidance Step has three main sections:
– Title – brief one-line summary
– Body – contains script text, images, videos, tables, hyperlinks, and embedded forms.
– Follow-on question – A question (or statement) that may lead to branching.

Step 2/27 – Edit script and add form to the Root Guidance Step

Add User Response and next Guidance Step

  1. Click the blue Edit button to edit the root guidance step.
  2. Type “Intro Script” in the Title section.
  3. Type, “Hi ____________, This is __________ from ABC Mortgages. I’m calling to schedule a consultation with one of our loan officers to help save you money on your mortgage. When would be a good time for this call?” This is the script we want an Agent to read to the customer.
  4. Add two new lines and type, “Be enthusiastic and friendly!” This is the guidance you are providing the Agent.
  5. Scroll down and choose the command “tmp-capture-customer-info” Yonyx Commands are forms that can be embedded in any Guidance Step across any decision tree. The command you inserted here is one of the template commands provided for you to start with.
  6. Click the Save button.
  7. Notice a form is included in this guidance step. You can use this form to set customer name and phone number. We will learn in later steps how you can configure your own forms, also called Yonyx Commands and how their values can be pre-populated by reading corresponding fields from CRM systems.

Step 3 – Edit “Intro Script” Guidance Step

We now want to make two more changes to this guidance step:
1. Distinguish the text that the Agent should literally read, vs the text that is guidance provided to the Agent.
2. Replace the blank lines with the Customer name and Agent names respectively.

Apply text style to the script and add placeholders to personalize it.

Step 4 – Edit User Responses of the Template Call Flow Script

Edit User Responses for possible branches

  1. Click on the “Speaking” and then click Edit.
  2. Type “Not Interested”
  3. Click the Save button, or press the Enter key on your keyboard to save.
  4. Click on the “Not Available” and then click Edit.
  5. Type “I already have good rates”
  6. Click the Save button, or press the Enter key on your Keyboard to save.
  7. Click on the “What is this call about?” and then click Edit.
  8. Type “Schedule Call”
  9. Click the Save button, or press the Enter key on your Keyboard to save.
  10. Click on the “Transferring Call” and then click Delete.
  11. Click Yes to confirm, or press the Enter key on your Keyboard.
Edit user responses as per the call flow script.

Each Yonyx decision tree is made up of Guidance Steps and User Responses. Each User Response should have a Guidance Step following it. A Guidance Step may have User Responses following it, or may be a Leaf Guidance Step.

Step 5 – Add a Guidance Step for “Rebuttal #1”

Add “Rebuttal #1” Guidance Step following “Not Interested”

  1. Click on the “Not Interested” User Response in Map View.
  2. Click on the “Add Guidance Step” button.
  3. Type “Rebuttal #1” in the Title section.
  4. Type “_____________ It will just take a few minutes of your time and could save you thousands on your mortgage. Could you please give us a chance to earn your business?” in the Body section. 
  5. Apply the “Call Script” Text Style to this paragraph.
  6. Select _______________ and replace it with the placeholder “tmp-first-name”
  7. Type “Next Step” in the follow on question.
  8. Click the Save button, or press the “Enter” key on your Keyboard (with the cursor in the Follow-on question section) to save.
Continue building the call flow script by adding a rebuttal statement.

Step 6 – Copy/Paste User Responses to expand Call Flow Script

Copy/Paste User Responses

  1. Click on the “Not Interested” User Response in Map View.
  2. Click on the “Copy” button.
  3. Click on the “Schedule Call” User Response in Map View.
  4. Click on the “Copy” button.
  5. Click on the “Rebuttal #1” Guidance Step.
  6. Click on the “Paste User Response” button.
Copy paste user responses to continue expanding call flow script.

You can paste multiple User Responses into a Guidance Step, or copy and paste a Guidance Step into any Orphan User Response. Additionally, you can copy nodes from one decision tree and paste them into another decision tree in a different tab of the same browser.

Step 7 – Connect & Disconnect Decision Tree Nodes to edit Call Flow

Connect/Disconnect User Responses 

  1. Click on “I already have good rates.”
  2. Click on “Connect”
  3. Click on “Rebuttal # 1”.
  4. Click on “Connect Here”.
  5. When multiple User Responses lead to a Guidance Step, Author can also disconnect a User Response. 
  6. Click on “Not Interested”
  7. Click on “Disconnect”
  8. Confirm by pressing the “Enter” key, or by clicking on “Yes”
  9. Notice the decision tree following “Not Interested” now re-draws itself following “I already have very good rates”
  10. Now reconnect “Not Interested” back to “Rebuttal # 1”
Connect/Disconnect User Responses allows convenient way to modify the call flow.

Step 8 – Add “Rebuttal #2” Guidance Step

Add “Rebuttal #2” Guidance Step following “Not Interested”

  1. Click on the “Not Interested” User Response in Map View.
  2. Click on the “Add Guidance Step” button.
  3. Type “Rebuttal #2” in the Title section.
  4. Type “____________, I don’t want to bother you if you’re not interested. Let me ask you a quick question and please give me an honest answer:
    If a 15-minute conversation with my loan officer could save you a few hundred dollars every month, can you imagine how you would use this savings month after month? Or would you still look back six months later and say I wish I had not wasted those 15 minutes?” in the Body section.
  5. Select _______________ and replace it with the placeholder “tmp-first-name”
  6. Apply the “Call Script” Text Style to this paragraph.
  7. Note, you may not be able to add a new line at the end fo this formatted paragraph. To do so, click on “Tools” and choose “Release Cursor”. Now add a new line.
  8. Type “Be confident in your voice. Your time is valuable.”
  9. Apply the “Internal Guidance” Text Style to this paragraph.
  10. Type “Next Step” in the follow on question.
  11. Click the Save button, or press the “Enter” key on your Keyboard (with the cursor in the Follow-on question section) to save.
Continue expanding the call flow script by adding a "Rebuttal #2" Guidance Step following "Not Interested"

Step 9 – Keyboard Shortcuts

Becoming a Power User

  1. Click on the “Help” button to see all keyboard shortcuts. 
  2. Keyboard Shortcuts are designed to allow you to keep your left hand on the keyboard while using the mouse with your right hand.
Keyboard shortcuts available in Yonyx Platform enable authors to become power users for creating and editing call flows.

Step 10 – Copy/Paste User Responses using Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Click on the “Not Interested” User Response in Map View.
  2. Press “c” to copy.
  3. Click on the “Schedule Call” User Response in Map View.
  4. Press “c” to copy.
  5. Click on the “Rebuttal #1” Guidance Step.
  6. Press “v” to paste.
Copy/Paste User Responses using Keyboard Shortcuts to continue expanding call flow script.

You can copy and paste multiple User Responses into a Guidance Step, as well as copy and paste a single Guidance Step into any Orphan User Response. Additionally, nodes from one decision tree can be copied and pasted into another decision tree in a separate tab within the same browser.

Step 11 – Add “Follow up in Future” Guidance Step

Add “Follow up in Future” Guidance Step following “Not Interested”

  1. Click on the “Not Interested” User Response in Map View.
  2. Press “a” to add a Guidance Step.
  3. Type “Follow up in Future” in the Title section.
  4. Type “_____________ I really appreciate your time. Let me know if I should follow up in a few months?” in the Body section. 
  5. Apply the “Call Script” Text Style to this paragraph.
  6. Select _______________ and replace it with the placeholder “tmp-first-name”
  7. Type “Next Step” in the follow on question.
  8. Click the Save button, or press the “Enter” key on your Keyboard (with the cursor in the Follow-on question section) to save.
Add "Follow up in Future" Guidance Step following "Not Interested" to continue expanding the call flow script.

Step 12 – Add “Lead Summary” Guidance Step

Add User Response and next Guidance Step

  1. Click the “Follow up in Future” step.
  2. Press “a” to add a User Response.
  3. Type “Continue”
  4. Click the Save button, or press the Enter key on your keyboard to save.
  5. Select “Continue”
  6. Press “a” to add a Guidance Step.
  7. Type “Lead Summary” in the Title section.
  8. Click the Save button, or press the “Enter” key on your Keyboard (with the cursor in the Follow-on question section) to save.
Add User Response and next Guidance Step to continue building the call flow further.

We will revisit this Guidance Step later in this training exercise.

Step 13 – Placeholders, Commands and Logic Conditions

We now want to capture some data for customers who want to schedule time with the loan officer. This is cool stuff … continue following along!

Placeholders are objects that store values (a Placeholder corresponds to a CRM field when used with Yonyx Data Connector) 
Commands are configurable forms that can be embedded in multiple guidance steps across multiple Yonyx Guides.
Logic Conditions are also called auto-traverse conditions. These conditions are specified in User Response nodes to help automatically skip along a path in User View, based on Placeholder values.

Create some placeholders.

  1. Click the gear drop-down and choose “User Defined Objects”. Use Control-Click to open this in a new browser tab.
  2. Click on the “Create Placeholder” button.
  3. Type “Current Interest Rate”.
  4. Notice the platform creates an internal name with capital letters replaced by small letters and space characters replaced by hyphens.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. Now once again, click on the “Create Placeholder” button.
  7. Type “Employment Status”.
  8. Click on the Save button, or press the “Enter” key to save.
  9. Now once again, click on the “Create Placeholder” button.
  10. Type “Sources of Income”.
  11. Click on the Save button, or press the “Enter” key to save.
Add placeholders to store values captured in various embedded forms. This enables the call center agents to capture values while gong through the call flow script with customers.

Step 14 – Create Embeddable Form to Include in Call Flow Steps.

Create a Yonyx Command (Embeddable Form).

  1. Click the Commands tab under User Defined Objects.
  2. Click on the “Create Command” button.
  3. Type “Current Interest Rate” in the name field.
  4. Type “This form will let the Agent capture the customer’s current interest rate in a text box” in the Description section.
  5. Click on the “Data Capture” tab.
  6. Click on the “Add Field” drop-down and choose the Textbox option.
  7. Associate the current-interest-rate placeholder with this field. This means the interest rate entered in the text box will be stored in the current-interest-rate placeholder.
  8. Type “What is the interest rate for your current mortgage?” in the Label text field.
  9. Type “6%” in the Help text field.
  10. Type “Not Provided” in the Default Value field. This is the value stored in the current-interest-rate placeholder if the Agent doesn’t enter any value.
  11. Click Save.
Create Embeddable Form to Include in Call Flow Steps.

Once a Yonyx Command (embeddable form) has been created, it can be used across multiple Guidance Steps in multiple decision trees.

Step 15 – Create another Yonyx Command (Embeddable Form)

  1. Click the Commands tab under User Defined Objects.
  2. Click on the “Create Command” button.
  3. Type “Employment & Income Sources” in the name field.
  4. Type “This form will let the Agent capture the customer’s employment status and sources of income” in the Description section.
  5. Click on the “Data Capture” tab.
  6. Click on the “Add Field” drop-down and choose the Radio Button list option.
  7. Associate the employment-status placeholder with this field. This means the option chosen by the Agent will be stored in the employment-status placeholder.
  8. Type “Employment Status” in the Label field.
  9. Type “Employed” in the first list item.
  10. Type “Un-employed” in the second list item.
  11. Check the “Required” checkbox to make this a mandatory field for the Agent.
  12. Now, click on the “Add Field” drop-down again and choose the Checkbox List option.
  13. Associate the sources-of-income placeholder with this field. This means the items checked by the Agent will be stored in the sources-of-income placeholder.
  14. Type “Check all that apply” in the Label field.
  15. Add “Salary” as the first checklist item.
  16. Add “Bank Deposits” as the next checklist item.
  17. Add “401K” as the next checklist item.
  18. Add “Alimony” as the next checklist item.
  19. Note, you can drag the checklist items and change the order in which they appear.
  20. The left-hand column of each checklist item indicates the phrase that appears on the checkbox list. The right-hand column indicates the value that is stored in the placeholder sources-of-income.
  21. Click Save.
Create another Yonyx Command (Embeddable Form) to include in the call flow steps.

Once a Command (embeddable form) has been created, it can be used across multiple Guidance Steps across multiple decision trees.

Step 16 – Add “Current Interest Rate” Guidance Step

Add “Current Interest Rate” Guidance Step following “Schedule Call”

  1. Click on the “Schedule Call” User Response in Map View.
  2. Press “a” to add a Guidance Step.
  3. Type “Current Interest Rate” in the Title section.
  4. Type “Thank you, _______________ I will need some basic information so that the loan officer can provide you with the most accurate quote for you!” in the Body section. 
  5. Apply the “Call Script” Text Style to this paragraph.
  6. Select _______________ and replace it with the placeholder “tmp-first-name”
  7. Type “Next Step” in the Follow-on question section.
  8. Scroll down and click on the “Command” button.
  9. Now choose current-interest-rate and click “Insert”
  10. Click “Save”.
  11. Note that a form defined in the earlier step was embedded in this Guidance Step.
Add "Current Interest Rate" Guidance Step following "Schedule Call" to continue building the call flow script.

Step 17 – Add “Skip Step” and User Responses

Add “Skip Step” Guidance Step following “Current Interest Rates”

  1. Click on the “Current Interest Rates” Guidance Step in Map View.
  2. Press “a” to add a User Response.
  3. Type “Continue” in the Title section.
  4. Click on “Continue” 
  5. Press “a” to add a Guidance Step.
  6. Type “Skip Step” in the Title section.
  7. Type “Which direction?” in the Follow-on question section.
  8. Click “Save”.
  9. Press “a” to add a User Response.
  10. Type “Less than 5%” in the Title section.
  11. Press “Enter” to save.
  12. Press “a” to add a User Response.
  13. Type “5% or more” in the Title section.
  14. Press “Enter” to save.
Add "Skip Step" Guidance Step following "Current Interest Rates" to continue expanding the call flow script.

In the next step, we will now add logic conditions, so that when the user clicks on “Continue”, the decision tree should automatically skip in one of these two directions based on the value of the interest rate captured in current-interest-rate placeholder. 

Step 18 – Add “Logic Conditions” to User Responses

Add “Placeholder Auto-traverse” conditions to the User Responses

  1. Click on the “Less than 5%” User Response in Map View.
  2. Press “e” to edit User Response.
  3. Now add a Placeholder Auto Traversal condition, “current-interest-rate Is Less Than 5.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click on the “5% or more” User Response in Map View.
  6. Now choose Auto traverse if  Any All  of the following is true.
  7. Now add a Placeholder Auto Traversal condition, “current-interest-rate Is Equal To 5.
  8. Now add a Placeholder Auto Traversal condition, “current-interest-rate Is Greater Than 5.
  9. Click “Save”.
Add "Placeholder Auto-traverse" conditions to the User Responses. Such logic conditions allow call center agents following the call flow script to automatically skip some steps along a path, based on the values of placeholders.

Step 19 – Add “Not a Good Fit” Guidance Step

Add “Not a Good Fit” Guidance Step

  1. Click on the “Less than 5%” User Response in Map View.
  2. Press “a” to add a Guidance Step.
  3. Type “Not a Good Fit” in the Title section.
  4. Type “At __ %, you seem to have very good rates already. I am afraid, we may not be able to beat that. Thank you for your time, and have a nice day!” in the Body section. 
  5. Apply the “Call Script” Text Style to this paragraph.
  6. Select __ and replace it with the placeholder “current-interest-rate
  7. Click “Save”.
Add "Not a Good Fit" Guidance Step to add a leaf node for a path through the decision tree.

Step 20 – Add “Good Fit” Guidance Step

Add “Good Fit” Guidance Step

  1. Click on the “5% or more” User Response in Map View.
  2. Press “a” to add a Guidance Step.
  3. Type “Good Fit” in the Title section.
  4. Type “_______ I just have a couple more questions and then we can schedule time with the loan officer.” in the Body section. 
  5. Apply the “Call Script” Text Style to this paragraph.
  6. Select _______ and replace it with the placeholder “tmp-first-name
  7. Type “Next Step” in the Follow-on Question section.
  8. Scroll down and click on the “Command” button.
  9. Choose “employment-income-sources” and click Insert.
  10. Click “Save”.
Add "Good Fit" Guidance Step to add another path in the decision tree based call flow script.

You can see the embedded form in the Interactive View. We are getting ready to see this decision tree in the User View. This is the view used by Agents to go through it. Exciting!

Step 21 – Add “Continue” User Response and “Lead Summary” Guidance Step

Add “Continue” User Response and “Lead Summary” Guidance Step

  1. Click on the “Good Fit” Guidance Step in Map View.
  2. Press “a” to add a User Response.
  3. Type “Continue” in the Body section.
  4. Push “Enter” on the keyboard to save.
  5. Click on “Continue” in Map View.
  6. Press “a” to add a Guidance Step.
  7. Type “Lead Summary” in the Title section.
  8. Add a 7×2 table
  9. Add Title Columns “Lead Info” and “Value”
  10. Select the top row of the table.
  11. Apply Foreground and Background colors (as shown) to highlight the Title row. Remember, these color properties (just like Text Styles) are toggle features. So if you apply the same property again, it will get removed.
  12. Now type “Customer First Name” in the first column of the next row.
  13. Now type “Customer Last Name” in the first column of the next row, etc.
  14. Once the first column is complete, click on Tools, and choose Insert Placeholder, one by one, to insert corresponding placeholders in the second column.
Add "Continue" User Response and "Lead Summary" Guidance Step to expand the call flow script.

We are now ready to check out this decision tree in User View.

Step 22 – Traverse in User View

Traverse in User View

  1. Click on the “Home” button in Interactive View. The Home button always selects the root node in Map View.
  2. Now click the “View” button. This opens a new browser tab and shows the decision tree in User View. 
  3. Click along a path to reach a Leaf Guidance Step.
  4. Note how the decision tree skips along a path based on whether you enter a value less or more than 5 for the current interest rate.
User View provides an interactive view of the call flow script. At each step the call center agent sees the call script, captures embedded data and traversed along a decision tree path based on logic conditions set.

User View is how Agents access such decision trees. We will now display the value of Placeholders captured during the journey in the “Lead Summary” Leaf Guidance Step.

Step 23 – Search in Map View & Connect Orphan User Responses

Search in Map View & Connect Orphan User Responses

  1. Select “Leaf Guidance Steps” from the Search drop-down.
  2. Click the “Search” button to find possible endpoints of journeys through the guide.
  3. The first Leaf Guidance Step, “Not a Good Fit” is selected. Click the Next or Prev buttons to select all Leaf Guidance Steps one by one. 
  4. Select “Orphan User Responses” from the Search drop-down.
  5. Click the “Search” button to find all Orphan User Responses one by one. 
  6. There should be no Orphan User Responses when a guide has been completed by the Author.
  7. Connect “Continue” to “Current Interest Rate” Guidance Step.
  8. Similarly, choose “Search All Fields” from the Search drop-down. Now enter “Rebuttal” in the Search text field and click the “Search” button. 
  9. You now see all the nodes containing “Rebuttal” text.
  10. This full-text search is case insensitive and searches across the Title, Body, Follow-on Question, and Author’s Notes sections of all nodes in the guide. You can also choose to confine your search to a particular field type – e.g., “Title” from the Search drop-down to search across only the Title section of all nodes.
Author can search across a call flow script in Map View and connect orphan user response nodes to guidance steps.

Note 1: Yonyx Platform provides very comprehensive ways to search across your decision tree. Authors with complex decision trees containing hundreds or thousands of nodes appreciate being able to search and hop directly to a node. 

Note 2: Search takes place across the expanded portion of the decision tree. To expand your decision tree completely, click the “Home” button in Interactive View and click on the “Expand Guide” button in the top right-hand corner in Interactive View. You may also use the keyboard shortcut “x” to expand.

Step 24 – Create a Command (Call Back Period)

Create a placeholder and a Command (Call Back Period).

  1. Click the gear drop-down and choose “User Defined Objects”. 
  2. Click on the “Create Placeholder” button.
  3. Type “Call Back Period”. Remember, a placeholder is an object that can store values.
  4. Click the Commands tab under User Defined Objects.
  5. Click on the “Create Command” button.
  6. Type “Call Back Period Form” in the name field.
  7. Type “This form will let the Agent capture the period of time after which we should call the customer again” in the Description section.
  8. Click on the “Data Capture” tab.
  9. Click on the “Add Field” drop-down and choose the Radio Button List option.
  10. Associate the call-back-period placeholder with this field. This means the option chosen by Agent will be stored in the call-back-period placeholder.
  11. Type “When should we call back customer?” in the Label text field.
  12. Type “1 week” in the first list item.
  13. Type “2 weeks” in the second list item.
  14. Type “1 month” in the third list item.
  15. Type “3 months” in the fourth list item.
  16. Type “6 months” in the fifth list item.
  17. Type “Never” in the last list item.
  18. Update the value to be stored n the call-back-period placeholder when a radio button is chosen.
Create a placeholder and a Command (Call Back Period) to continue expanding the call flow script.

Once a Command (embeddable form) has been created, it can be used across multiple Guidance Steps in multiple call flow scripts.

Step 25 – Insert Command into “Follow up in Future” step

Insert Command into “Follow up in Future” step

  1. Click on “Follow up in Future” in Map View.
  2. Press “e” to edit this Guidance Step.
  3. Scroll down all the way in the right-hand panel.
  4. Click on the “Command” button.
  5. Choose “call-back-period-form” and click Insert.
  6. Click Save.
Yonyx commands are configurable forms that can embedded in any step of the call flow script.

This command will save the number of days after which to call back the customer in the call-back-period-form placeholder. 

Step 26 – Delete blank “Lead Summary” and copy/paste “Lead Summary” with table.

  1. Click on “Lead Summary” in Map View.
  2. Press “d” to delete this Guidance Step. Note, the delete option (the red delete button) appears only for leaf nodes.
  3. Press “Enter” or click “Yes” to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click on the “Lead Summary” Guidance Step.
  5. Press “c” to copy.
  6. Click “Continue” and click “Paste Guidance Step”
  7. Press “e” to edit Guidance Step.
  8. Edit the table to remove rows that are not relevant and add a row for a number of days to call back the customer.
Delete the blank "Lead Summary" and copy/paste "Lead Summary" with the table.

Now we are ready to view this decision tree in User View again. This time we go down the path of the customer being not interested!

Step 27 – Traverse in User View Along “Not Interested” Pathway

  1. Click on the “Home” button in Interactive View. The Home button always selects the root node in Map View.
  2. Now click the “View” button. This opens a new browser tab and shows the decision tree in User View. 
  3. Click along the “Not Interested” path.
  4. Note the value saved in the call-back-period-form placeholder.
Traverse a call flow script in user view. This shows a step by step view of the call flow with call scripts relevant for each step.

Thank you for following along with this interactive training. Now you can try to build a decision tree for your own use case. Please choose the way you want to proceed further.

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