Functions accept Input parameters, perform some operation on them, and produce Output parameters.

Parameter values accept placeholder name or actual value.

The green sections are Input parameters and red sections are Output parameters.

Function Structure

Functions can only be inserted in Guidance Steps and a Guidance Step can contain multiple functions such that the first function’s output parameters become input parameters for the second function.

Function Chain

In this example chain of functions, if the 3rd function (lower) fails due to an error, the remaining functions after that are not evaluated.

Math Functions


Returns the unsigned absolute value of the given number.

Takes a signed number and precision as input and outputs an unsigned absolute number.

Function Abs

Example 1:

Set “number” to “-5.56789”

Leave “precision” as is with Auto. Precision is how you control the number of decimal places the output should return.

The output parameter “absolute” carries the value “5.56789” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 2:

Set “number” to “-5.56789”

Set “precision” to “2”

The output parameter “absolute” carries the value “5.57” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the given number.

Function Ceil


Set “number” to “4.1”

The output parameter “ceil” carries the value “5” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Divides a numerator by a denominator.

Takes two numbers (numerator and denominator) and precision as input and outputs the quotient.

Function Divide

Example 1:

Set “numerator” to “10”

Set “denominator” to “5.1”

Leave “precision” as is with “AUTO”.

The output parameter “quotient” carries the value “1.9607843137254903” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 2:

Set “numerator” to “10”

Set “denominator” to “5.1”

Set “precision” to “2”.

The output parameter “quotient” carries the value “1.96” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the given number.

Function Floor


Set “number” to “4.1”

The output parameter “floor” carries the value “4” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Returns the maximum value from the given list of numbers.

Takes a list of numbers (both in the form of placeholders as well as number values) as input and returns the largest number as output.

Function Max


Set “numbers” to a list of numbers [ 4.4, 4.3, 2, -20 ]

The output parameter “max” carries the value “4.4” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Returns the minimum value from the given list of numbers.

Takes a list of numbers (both in the form of placeholders as well as number values) as input and returns the smallest number as output.

Function Min


Set “numbers” to a list of numbers [ 4.4, 4.3, 2, -20 ]

The output parameter “min” carries the value “-20” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Returns the remainder after the numerator is divided by the denominator.

Takes two numbers (numerator and denominator) and precision as input and outputs the remainder.

Function Modulo


Set “numerator” to “10”

Set “denominator” to “3.5”

Leave “precision” as is with Auto.

The output parameter “remainder” carries the value “3” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Returns the product by multiplying all the given numbers.

Takes a list of numbers (both in the form of placeholders as well as number values) and precision as input and outputs the product.

Function Multiply


Set “numbers” to a list of numbers [ 6, 4.3, 2.0002, -2 ]

Set “precision” to “2”.

The output parameter “product” carries the value “-103.21” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Returns a sum total of all the given numbers.

Takes a list of numbers (both in the form of placeholders as well as number values) and precision as input and outputs the sum.

Function Sum

Example 1:

Set “numbers” to a list of numbers [ 12, 6.001, 24, -2.567 ]

Set “precision” to “2”.

The output parameter “sum” carries the value “39.43” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 2:

Set “numbers” to a list of numbers and placeholders [ ph-branch-total, 250 ]

Leave “precision” as is with “AUTO”.

Assuming ph-branch-total was previously set to 500, the output parameter “sum” carries the value “750” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

String Functions


Returns the concatenation of all the given strings.

Function Concatenate


Set “string” to [ “Yonyx”, “Decision”, “Trees” ]

Set “delimiter” to “_”

The output parameter “concatenated” carries the value “Yonyx_Interactive_Guides” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Find in string

Returns the index (position) within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring.
Index (position) is a zero-based number (initial element starts with zero instead of one).
If the substring does not exist within the string, then -1 is returned.

Function Find in String


Set “string” to “Yonyx Decision Trees”

Set “search” to “Trees”

The output parameter “index” carries the value “15” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Length of string

Returns the length of the given string.

Function Length of String


Set “string” to “Yonyx Decision Trees”

The output parameter “length” carries the value “20” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Converts all characters of the given string to lowercase.

Function Lower


Set “string” to “Yonyx Decision Trees”

The output parameter “lower” carries the value “yonyx decision trees” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Replaces each occurrence of the search-string in the given string with the replacement-string.

Function Replace


Set “string” to “Yonyx Decision Trees”

Set “search” to “Decision Trees”

Set “replace” to “Interactive Guides”

The output parameter “replaced” carries the value “Yonyx Interactive Guides” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Returns a fragment of the given string starting from the start position (inclusive) to the specified length.

Function Substring


Set “string” to “Yonyx Decision Trees”

Set “start” to “0”

Set “length” to “5”

The output parameter “substring” carries the value “Yonyx” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Removes space characters before and after the given string.

Function Trim


Set “string” to ” Yonyx Decision Trees “

The output parameter “trimmed” carries the value “Yonyx Decision Trees” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Converts all characters of the given string to uppercase.

Function Upper


Set “string” to “Yonyx Decision Trees”

The output parameter “upper” carries the value “YONYX DECISION TREES” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Date Functions

Yonyx supports combined Date and Time representations expressed according to ISO 8601 format in UTC with or without the ‘T’ separating date and time.  Eg: 2023-07-18 07:05:15 or 2023-07-18T07:05:15. Learn more about ISO 8601.

Add Date

Returns the date by adding the specified quantity of unit (year/month/day) to it.
Supported units are:
year: Returns a numeric year.
month: Returns a numeric month (1, 2, 3, … , 12).
day: Returns a numeric day of the month (1, 2, 3, to end of month).

Function Add Date


Set “date” to “2023-01-25”

Set “quantity” to “2”

Set “unit” to “year”

The output parameter “added” carries the value “2025-01-25” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Returns a numeric value that represents the number of full years, full months, and full days between the current timestamp and the given date.

Function Age


Set “date” to “1970-01-25”

The output parameter “years” carries the value “53” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

The output parameter “months” carries the value “3” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

The output parameter “days” carries the value “13” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Convert Date Time

Converts the given date or time from one format to another.

Convert Date Time

Example 1:

Set “date-time” to “7:5:5 PM”

Set “from-format” to “hh:mm:ss a”

Set “to-format” to “HH:mm:ss”

The output parameter “converted” carries the value “19:05:05” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 2:

Set “date-time” to “Jun 30, 2009 7:03:47 PM”

Set “from-format” to “MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a”

Set “to-format” to “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”

The output parameter “converted” carries the value “2009-06-30 19:03:47” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 3:

Set “date-time” to “6/30/09 7:03 pm”

Set “from-format” to “M/d/yy hh:mm a”

Set “to-format” to “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”

The output parameter “converted” carries the value “2009-06-30 19:03:00” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 4:

Set “date-time” to “June 30, 2009 7:03:47 AM PDT”

Set “from-format” to “MMMMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ss a zz”

Set “to-format” to “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”

The output parameter “converted” carries the value “2009-06-30 14:03:47” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.  Note: The output is PDT to UTC converted. 

Example 5:

Set “date-time” to “June 30, 2009 7:03:47 AM PDT”

Set “from-format” to “MMMMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ss a”

Set “to-format” to “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”

The output parameter “converted” carries the value “2009-06-30 07:03:47” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 6:

Set “date-time” to “Tuesday, June 30, 2009 7:03:47 PM PDT”

Set “from-format” to “E, MMMMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ss a”

Set “to-format” to “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”

The output parameter “converted” carries the value “2009-06-30 19:03:47” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 7:

Set “date-time” to “2015-05-21T05:05:35+00:00”

Set “from-format” to “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss”

Set “to-format” to “HH:mm”

The output parameter “converted” carries the value “05:05” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 8:

Set “date-time” to “2009-06-30 07:03:47-07:00”

Set “from-format” to “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssXXX”

Set “to-format” to “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”

The output parameter “converted” carries the value “2009-06-30 14:03:47” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.  Note: The output is PDT to UTC converted. 

Date Part

Extracts the specified part of a given date.

Supported date parts are:
year: Returns a numeric year.
month: Returns a numeric month (1, 2, 3, … , 12).
week-of-month: Returns a numeric week of the month (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5).
week-of-year: Returns a numeric week of the year (1, 2, 3, … , 52).
day: Returns a numeric day of the month (1, 2, 3, to end of month).
day-of-week: Returns a numeric day of the week (1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday,…, 7 = Sunday).
day-of-year: Returns a numeric day of the year (1, 2, 3, to end of year).
quarter: Returns a numeric quarter (1, 2, 3, or 4).

Function Date Part


Set “date” to “2023-01-25”

Set “part” to “year”

The output parameter “extracted” carries the value “2022” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Returns the difference between 2 dates in years, months, and days.

Function Duration


Set “date1” to “2023-01-25”

Set “date2” to “2023-02-25”

The output parameter “years” carries the value “0” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

The output parameter “months” carries the value “1” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

The output parameter “days” carries the value “31” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Subtract Date

Returns the date by subtracting the specified quantity of unit (year/month/day) from it.
Supported units are:
year: Returns a numeric year.
month: Returns a numeric month (1, 2, 3, … , 12).
day: Returns a numeric day of the month (1, 2, 3, to end of month).

Function Subtract Date


Set “date” to “2023-01-25”

Set “quantity” to “2”

Set “unit” to “year”

The output parameter “subtracted” carries the value “2022-01-25” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Time Part

Extracts the specified part of a given time.

Supported time parts are:
hour: Returns a numeric hour (00, 01, 02,….)
min: Returns a numeric minute (00, 01, 02,….)

Function Time Part


Set “date” to “05:35”

Set “part” to “minute”

The output parameter “extracted” carries the value “35” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Time of Day – Greeting

Generates time-of-day part of a greeting. Eg. Good ‘morning’, Good ‘afternoon’, or Good ‘evening’.
‘morning’ if hour of the day is between 12 am and 12 pm.
‘afternoon’ if hour of the day is between 12 pm and 6 pm.
‘evening’ if hour of the day is between 6pm and 12 am.

Time of day


set “timezone” to “PST”. If left empty, defaults to the account’s timezone.

Not all time zones have a 3-character string representation. The 3-character representations are not unique identifiers and can lead to ambiguity. There are many time zones that do not have a unique 3-character abbreviation, and some abbreviations may be shared by multiple time zones.

For accurate and unambiguous handling of time zones, please use the full timezone ID from the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)

The full timezone ID is a string like “America/New_York” or “Europe/London”.

For list of IANA Timezones refer –
IANA Timezone Database –

The output parameter “time-of-day” carries the value “morning” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

List Functions

Add to list

Adds an item to the list at the specified index (position).

Function Add to List


Set “list-string” to “red,blue,green”

Set “delimiter” to “,” because list-string is delimited by commas. If left empty, defaults to delimiter that is compatible with checkbox list control.

Set “item” to “green”

Set “index-type” to “LAST”

Leave “index” empty because “index-type” is not set to “CUSTOM”

The output parameter “updated-list-string” carries the value “red,blue,green,orange” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Common in lists

Produces a list consisting of common items from multiple lists. Think of this as an intersection of multiple lists..


SET “list-strings” to [ ‘red,green,blue,yellow’, ‘black,yellow,white,blue’, ‘blue,orange,white,yellow’ ]

Set “delimiter” to “,” because list-string is delimited by commas. If left empty, defaults to delimiter that is compatible with checkbox list control.

The output parameter “list-string” carries the value “blue,yellow” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Find in list

Returns the index (position) within this list of the first occurrence of the search-item.
Index (position) is a zero-based number (initial element starts with zero instead of one).
-1 is returned, if the search-item does not exist within the list.

Function Find in List


Set “list-string” to “red,blue,green,orange”

Set “delimiter” to “,” because list-string is delimited by commas. If left empty, defaults to delimiter that is compatible with checkbox list control.

Set “search-item” to “green”

The output parameter “index” carries the value “2” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Length of list

Returns the total number of items in the given list.

Function Length of List


Set “list-string” to “red,blue,green,orange”

Set “delimiter” to “,” because list-string is delimited by commas. If left empty, defaults to delimiter that is compatible with checkbox list control.

The output parameter “length” carries the value “4” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Remove from list

Removes an item of the list from the specified index (position).

Example 1: Remove by item

Set “list-string” to “red,blue,green,orange”

Set “delimiter” to “,” because list-string is delimited by commas. If left empty, defaults to delimiter that is compatible with checkbox list control.

Set “item” to “green”

Leave “index-type” as is because it only matters when removing an item by index.

Leave “index” empty because “index-type” is not set to “CUSTOM”

The output parameter “updated-list-string” carries the value “red,blue,orange” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 2: Remove by index

Set “list-string” to “red,blue,green,orange”

Set “delimiter” to “,” because list-string is delimited by commas. If left empty, defaults to delimiter that is compatible with checkbox list control.

Leave “item” empty because item does not matter when removing by index.

Set “index-type” to “CUSTOM”

Set “index” to “1”

The output parameter “updated-list-string” carries the value “red,green,orange” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

The output parameter “removed-item” carries the value “blue” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

String to array

Splits the string by the specified delimiter, wraps each individual split element with prefix and suffix, and finally joins them back into a single string to produce an array representation of the string.

Use this function to pass the value of a checkbox list control as an array to an API.

Function String to Array

Example 1: Value of a Checkbox list control

Set “string” to a placeholder that is a source for a checkbox list. The value of a checkbox list looks like this: “Administrator<!–ynx-delim–>Editor<!–ynx-delim–>Agent”

Set “delimiter” to “” If left empty, defaults to delimiter that is compatible with checkbox list control.

Set “prefix” to { “name” : “

If left empty, defaults to “”

Set “suffix” to ” }

If left empty, defaults to “”

The output parameter “converted” carries the value { “name” : “Administrator” }, { “name” : “Editor” }, { “name” : “Agent” }

which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 2: Comma separated string

Set “string” to “red,blue,green,orange”

Set “delimiter” to “,” because the input string is delimited by commas. If left empty, defaults to delimiter that is compatible with checkbox list control.

Leave “prefix” empty. If left empty, defaults to ‘”‘.

Leave “suffix” empty. If left empty, defaults to ‘”‘.

The output parameter “converted” carries the value “red”, “blue”, “green”, “orange”

which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

String to list

Splits the string by the specified delimiter and joins them back to produce a string that is compatible with Checkbox List control for Yonyx data capture commands.

Function String to List

Example :

Set “string” to “red,blue,green”

Set “delimiter” to “,” because the input string is delimited by commas.

The output parameter “converted” carries the value “red<!–ynx-delim–>blue<!–ynx-delim–>green” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

If a checkbox list control contains 4 values “red,blue,green,orange” and this placeholder is set as its data source, then the 3 items (red,blue,green) will be checked and the last item will remain unchecked.

Unique in lists

Produces a list consisting of unique items from multiple lists. Think of this as a union of multiple lists.


SET “list-strings” to [ ‘red,green,blue,yellow’, ‘black,yellow,white,blue’, ‘blue,orange,white,yellow’ ]

Set “delimiter” to “,” because list-string is delimited by commas. If left empty, defaults to delimiter that is compatible with checkbox list control.

The output parameter “list-string” carries the value “red,green,blue,yellow,black,white,orange” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Format Functions

Format date or time

Formats the given date or time or datetime according to the specified locale (language & country).

Function Format Date Time

Predefined Date Format Eamples:

StyleUS Locale
lang=en, country=US
French Locale
lang=fr, country=FR
MEDIUMJun 30, 200930 juin 2009
LONGJune 30, 200930 juin 2009
FULLTuesday, June 30, 2009mardi 30 juin 2009

Predefined Time Format Eamples:

StyleUS Locale
lang=en, country=US
Germal Locale
lang=de, country=DE
SHORT7:03 AM07:03
MEDIUM7:03:47 AM07:03:07
LONG7:03:47 AM07:03:45
FULL7:03:47 AM7.03 Uhr

Example 1 Date: Use predefined format types.

Set “date-time” to “2023-03-25”

Set “language-code” to “en” This is a 2-letter ISO language code in lower case. If left empty, defaults to ‘en’. Review complete list here.  You can use Yonyx system placeholder ‘sys-ynx-lang-code’ if you intend to pass the Guide’s language code.

Set “country-code” to “US” This is a 2-letter ISO country code in upper case. If left empty, defaults to ‘US’. Review complete list here.

Set “format-type” to “FULL” (SHORT/MEDIUM/LONG/FULL/CUSTOM).

Leave “custom-format” empty since we did not set ‘format-type’ to ‘CUSTOM’

The output parameter “formatted” carries the value “Saturday, March 25, 2023” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 2 TIme: Use predefined format types.

Set “date-time” to “01:15:05”

Set “language-code” to “en” This is a 2-letter ISO language code in lower case. If left empty, defaults to ‘en’. Review complete list here.  You can use Yonyx system placeholder ‘sys-ynx-lang-code’ if you intend to pass the Guide’s language code.

Set “country-code” to “US” This is a 2-letter ISO country code in upper case. If left empty, defaults to ‘US’. Review complete list here.


Leave “custom-format” empty since we did not set ‘format-type’ to ‘CUSTOM’

The output parameter “formatted” carries the value “1:15 AM” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 3: Use custom format type.

Set “date-time” to “2023-03-25”

Set “language-code” to “en” This is a 2-letter ISO language code in lower case. If left empty, defaults to ‘en’. Review complete list here.  You can use Yonyx system placeholder ‘sys-ynx-lang-code’ if you intend to pass the Guide’s language code.

Set “country-code” to “US” This is a 2-letter ISO country code in upper case. If left empty, defaults to ‘US’. Review complete list here.


Set “custom-format” to ‘week ‘w’ of ‘yyyy since we set ‘format-type’ to ‘CUSTOM’

The output parameter “formatted” carries the value “week 12 of 2023” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Format number

Formats the given number according to the specified locale (language & country).

Function Format Number

Example 1: Number.

Set “number” to “122341234.55”

Set “language-code” to “en” This is a 2-letter ISO language code in lower case. If left empty, defaults to ‘en’. Review complete list here.  You can use Yonyx system placeholder ‘sys-ynx-lang-code’ if you intend to pass the Guide’s language code.

Set “country-code” to “US” This is a 2-letter ISO country code in upper case. If left empty, defaults to ‘US’. Review complete list here.

Set “currency” to  “NO” (YES/NO).

Leave “custom-format” empty.

The output parameter “formatted” carries the value “123,412,345.55” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 2: Currency.

Set “number” to “122341234.55”

Set “language-code” to “en” This is a 2-letter ISO language code in lower case. If left empty, defaults to ‘en’. Review complete list here.  You can use Yonyx system placeholder ‘sys-ynx-lang-code’ if you intend to pass the Guide’s language code.

Set “country-code” to “US” This is a 2-letter ISO country code in upper case. If left empty, defaults to ‘US’. Review complete list here.

Set “currency” to  “YES” (YES/NO).

Leave “custom-format” empty.

The output parameter “formatted” carries the value “$123,412,345.55” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 3: Custom format.

Set “number” to “122341234.55”

Set “language-code” to “en” This is a 2-letter ISO language code in lower case. If left empty, defaults to ‘en’. Review complete list here.  You can use Yonyx system placeholder ‘sys-ynx-lang-code’ if you intend to pass the Guide’s language code.

Set “country-code” to “US” This is a 2-letter ISO country code in upper case. If left empty, defaults to ‘US’. Review complete list here.

Set “currency” to  “YES” (YES/NO).

Set “custom-format” to “US Dollar ###,###.###”.

The output parameter “formatted” carries the value “US Dollar 123,412,345.55” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Custom Format Patterns:

123456.789###,###.###123,456.789The pound sign (#) denottes a digit, the comma is the placeholder for group separator, and the period is a placeholder for decimal separator.
123456.789###.##123456.78The digits to the right of decimal point has been rounded up because the pattern has only two pound signs.
123.78000000.000000123.780Leading and trailing zeros are added.
12345.67$###,###.###$12,345.67Can include currency symbols in the pattern.

Custom Date Time Format Symbols

Construct representations of dates and times using the symbols from this table:

GEra designatorTextAD
MMonth in yearNumber & TextM –>3
MM –> 03
MMM –> Mar
MMMMM –> March
dDay in monthNumber25
hHour in am/pm (1-12)Number11
HHour in day (0-23)Number23
mMinute in hour (0-59)Number59
sSecond in minuteNumber55
EDay in weekTextE –> Sat
EEEE –> Saturday
DDay in yearNumber84
FDay of week in monthNumber4 (4th Saturday of March)
wWeek in yearNumber12
WWeek in monthNumber4
aam/pm markerTextAM
kHour in day (1-24)Number23
KHour in am/pm (0-11)Number11
zTime zoneTextPacific Standard Time
XTime zone offsetTextX –> -07
XXX –> -07:00
Escape for textDelimiter

API Functions

HTTP request, Encode and Decode. Some tools you can use to test 3rd party APIs before using them in Yonyx Functions are PostmanJSONPath Online Evaluator and XPather.


Returns an encoded version of the given string.

Function Encode

Example 1:

Set “string” to “Lorem?ipsum”

Set “encoder” to “Base64”

The output parameter “encoded” carries the value “TG9yZW0/aXBzdW0=” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 2:

Set “string” to “Lorem?ipsum”

Set “encoder” to “Base64 URL Safe”

The output parameter “encoded” carries the value “TG9yZW0_aXBzdW0=” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 3:

Set “string” to “name=Yonyx Decision Trees”

Set “encoder” to “URL”

The output parameter “encoded” carries the value “name%3DYonyx+Decision+Trees” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.


Returns an decoded version of the given string.

Function Decode

Example 1:

Set “string” to “TG9yZW0/aXBzdW0=”

Set “decoder” to “Base64”

The output parameter “decoded” carries the value “Lorem?ipsum” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 2:

Set “string” to “TG9yZW0_aXBzdW0=”

Set “decoder” to “Base64 URL Safe”

The output parameter “decoded” carries the value “Lorem?ipsum” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Example 3:

Set “string” to “name%3DYonyx+Decision+Trees”

Set “decoder” to “URL”

The output parameter “decoded” carries the value “name=Yonyx Decision Trees” which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

HTTP Request

Make HTTP requests to connect to API endpoints. HTTP requests can retrieve, add, delete, and update data. At the moment, any API both public and authenticated (basic authentication, Access token authentication, and OAuth 2.0 bearer token authentication) are supported.  If the API responds with a payload (xml or JSON), this function is capable of extracting values (single string or list of strings) from it.  Lists of strings are extracted in a format that is compatible with Checkbox list control for Yonyx data capture commands.

Using different public APIs, we will walk through multiple use cases with examples and understand the following aspects of HTTP Request function:

  • Pass parameters either as path parameters or URL parameters.
  • Set Headers for Authentication or Authorization.
  • Set Request Body
  • Specify path expressions (XPath/JSONPath) in output parameter ‘body-extracts-string’ and ‘body-extracts-list’ to extract specific properties from the API Response body.  You can use tools like JSONPath Online Evaluator and XPather to test and construct correct path expressions.
  • Specify header names in output parameter ‘header-extracts’ to extract specific header values from the API Response header
  • Examine the default output parameters ‘succeess’ and ‘message’ to determine if the API succeeded or failed and auto traverse accordingly.
Function HTTP Request

API Function Examples

Ex.1 – ReqRes GET

API: ReqRes is a test REST endpoint located at
Task: Retrieves list of users and extracts the user object at index 0 (first user object).

url <– “”
Set “url” to “”

method <– “GET”
Set “method” to “GET”

query-params <– [
“page” <– “2”

Add a query parameter “page” with value set to “2”.

Skip Content-Type input parameter.

Skip headers input parameter.

Skip body input parameter.

response-format <– “JSON”
Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

true –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

message –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts <– [
   $.data[0].email –> placeholder you choose
   $.data[0].first_name –> placeholder you choose
   $.data[0].last_name –> placeholder you choose
   $.data[0].avatar –> placeholder you choose
body-extracts output parameter is where you specify JSONPaths to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract the email of the user “” located at path “$.data[0].email” and store it in a placeholder.
Extract the first name of the user “Michael” located at path “$.data[0].first_name” and store it in a placeholder.
Extract the last name of the user “Lawson” located at path “$.data[0].last_name” and store it in a placeholder.
Extract the avatar of the user “” located at path “$.data[0].avatar” and store it in a placeholder.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

The actual JSON response of this call is:

  "page": 2,
  "per_page": 6,
  "total": 12,
  "total_pages": 2,
  "data": [
      "id": 7,
      "email": "",
      "first_name": "Michael",
      "last_name": "Lawson",
      "avatar": ""
      "id": 8,
      "email": "",
      "first_name": "Lindsay",
      "last_name": "Ferguson",
      "avatar": ""
  "support": {
    "url": "",
    "text": "To keep ReqRes free, contributions towards server costs are appreciated!"

Ex.2 – ReqRes POST

API: ReqRes is a test REST endpoint located at
Task: Creates a new user and extracts the user’s name and job from API’s response.

url <– “”
Set “url” to “”

method <– “POST”
Set “method” to “POST”

Skip query-params input parameter.

Content-Type <– “application/json”
Set “Content-Type” to “application/json”

Skip headers input parameter.

body <–

    "name": "morpheus",
    "job": "leader"

Set “body” to JSON payload.

response-format <– “JSON”
Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

true –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

message –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts <– [
   $.id –> placeholder you choose
   $.name –> placeholder you choose
   $.job –> placeholder you choose
   $.createdAt –> placeholder you choose
body-extracts output parameter is where you specify JSONPaths to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract the id of the user “699” located at path “$.data[0].email” and store it in a placeholder.
Extract the name of the user “morpheus” located at path $.name; and store it in a placeholder.
Extract the job of the user “leader” located at path $.job and store it in a placeholder.
Extract the createdAt of the user located at path $.createdAt and store it in a placeholder.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

The actual JSON response of this call is:

  "name": "morpheus",
  "job": "leader",
  "id": "699",
  "createdAt": "2023-05-30T16:09:30.637Z"

Ex.3 – ReqRes DELETE

API: ReqRes is a test REST endpoint located at
Task: Delete an existing user whose id is 2.

url <– “”
Set “url” to “”

method <– “DELETE”
Set “method” to “DELETE”

Skip query-params input parameter.

Skip Content-Type input parameter.

Skip headers input parameter.

Skip body input parameter.

Leave response-format as is.

true –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

message –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Skip body-extracts output parameter.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

Ex.4 – Postman Echo POST Raw Text

API: Postman Echo is a service you can use to test REST API calls. It provides endpoints for GET, POST, PUT, and various auth mechanisms located at
Task: Make a POST request with TEXT payload and extracts specific values from response body and header.

url <– “”
Set “url” to “”

method <– “POST”
Set “method” to “POST”

Skip query-params input parameter.

Content-Type <– “text/plain”
Set “Content-Type” to “text/plain”

Skip headers input parameter.

body <–This is expected to be sent back as part of response body.

Set “body” to TEXT payload.

response-format <– “JSON”
Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

true –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

message –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts <– [
   $.data –> placeholder you choose
body-extracts output parameter is where you specify JSONPaths to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract the data from the reponse body “This is expected to be sent back as part of response body.” located at path “$.data” and store it in a placeholder.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

The actual JSON response of this call is:

    "args": {},
    "data": "This is expected to be sent back as part of response body.",
    "files": {},
    "form": {},
    "headers": {
        "x-forwarded-proto": "https",
        "x-forwarded-port": "443",
        "host": "",
        "x-amzn-trace-id": "Root=1-64762d94-73cce04561cfc2b018c765e1",
        "content-length": "58",
        "content-type": "text/plain",
        "user-agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.2",
        "accept": "*/*",
        "postman-token": "8036c92d-38bd-4c1f-b30a-ec44b3fa8304",
        "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br"
    "json": null,
    "url": ""

Ex.5 – Postman Echo GET Basic Auth

API: Postman Echo is a service you can use to test REST API calls. It provides endpoints for GET, POST, PUT, and various auth mechanisms located at
Task: Make a basic authenticated GET request with base64 encoded payload (postman:password) and extracts specific values from response body and header.

url <– “”
Set “url” to “”

method <– “GET”
Set “method” to “GET”

Skip query-params input parameter.

Skip Content-Type input parameter.

headers <– [
“Authorization” <– “Basic cG9zdG1hbjpwYXNzd29yZA==”
Add a header “Authorization” with value set to “Basic cG9zdG1hbjpwYXNzd29yZA==”. The random characters here are the output of Encode function which took “postman:password” as input.

Skip body input parameter.

response-format <– “JSON”
Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

true –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

message –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts <– [
   $.authenticaated –> placeholder you choose
body-extracts output parameter is where you specify JSONPaths to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract “authenticated” from the reponse body “true” located at path “$.authenticated” and store it in a placeholder.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

The actual JSON response of this call is: { “authenticated”: true }

Ex.6 – POST Multipart/form-data

API: is a simple HTTP Request & Response service you can use to test REST API calls. It provides endpoints for GET, POST, PUT, etc located at
Task: Make a POST multipart/form-data request with payload (name, email, address) and extracts specific values from response body and header.

url <– “”
Set “url” to “”

method <– “POST”
Set “method” to “POST”

query-params <– [
   “name” <– “Adrian Purdy”
   “email” <– “”
   “address” <– “2001 Woodruff Rd, Greenville, South Carolina 29607, USA”
Add a query parameters “name” with value set to “Adrian Purdy”, “email” with value set to “”, and “address” with value set to “2001 Woodruff Rd, Greenville, South Carolina 29607, USA”

Content-Type <– “multipart/form-data”
Set “Content-Type” to “multipart/form-data”

Skip headers input parameter.

Skip body input parameter.

response-format <– “JSON”
Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

true –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

message –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts <– [
   $ –> placeholder you choose
   $ –> placeholder you choose
   $.form.address –> placeholder you choose
body-extracts output parameter is where you specify JSONPaths to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract “name” from the response body “Adrian Purdy” located at path “$” and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “email” from the response body “” located at path “$” and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “address” from the response body “2001 Woodruff Rd, Greenville, South Carolina 29607, USA” located at path “$.form.address” and store it in a placeholder.

header-extracts <– [
   Content-Type –> placeholder you choose
   Content-Length –> placeholder you choose
   Server –> placeholder you choose
header-extracts output parameter is where you specify Header names to extract values from the response header and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract “Content-Type” from the response header “application/json” and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “Content-Length” from the response header “711” and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “Server” from the response header “gunicorn/19.9.0” and store it in a placeholder.

The actual JSON response of this call is:

  "args": {}, 
  "data": "", 
  "files": {}, 
  "form": {
    "address": "2001 Woodruff Rd, Greenville, South Carolina 29607, USA",
    "email": "", 
    "name": "Adrian Purdy"
  "headers": {
    "Content-Length": "396", 
    "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=----YonyxFormBoundarySvP3PVXNCT63ZUS", 
    "Host": "", 
    "User-Agent": "Java-http-client/17.0.2", 
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-647702e9-486c9fc132cead02085a2be6"
  "json": null, 
  "origin": "", 
  "url": ""

The actual response Header of this call is:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 08:21:16 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 711
Connection: keep-alive
Server: gunicorn/19.9.0
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

Ex.7 – Google Address Validation – POST

API: Google Address Validation is an API that takes an address and returns standardized address. It is located at
This API requires Api key authentication, so you will have to get your own API key if you are following this example.
Task: Makes a POST request with payload (address) and extracts specific values from response body and header.

url <– “”
Set “url” to “”

method <– “POST”
Set “method” to “POST”

Skip query-params input parameter.

Content-Type <– “application/json”
Set “Content-Type” to “appliction/json”

Skip headers input parameter.

body <–

	"address": {
		"regionCode": "US",
		"locality": "Mountain View",
		"addressLines": ["1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy"]

Set body to the JSON address payload

response-format <– “JSON”
Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

true –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

message –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts <– [
   $..addressComponents[?(@.componentType == “street_number”)].componentName.text –> placeholder you choose
   $..addressComponents[?(@.componentType == “route”)].componentName.text –> placeholder you choose
   $..addressComponents[?(@.componentType == “locality”)].componentName.text –> placeholder you choose
   $..addressComponents[?(@.componentType == “country”)].componentName.text –> placeholder you choose
   $..addressComponents[?(@.componentType == “administrative_area_level_1”)].componentName.text –> placeholder you choose
   $..addressComponents[?(@.componentType == “postal_code”)].componentName.text –> placeholder you choose
   $..addressComponents[?(@.componentType == “postal_code_suffix”)].componentName.text –> placeholder you choose
body-extracts output parameter is where you specify JSONPaths to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract “street_number” from the response body “1600” located at specified path and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “route” from the response body “Amphitheatre Parkway” located at specified path and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “locality” from the response body “Mountain View” located at specified path and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “country” from the response body “USA” located at specified path and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “administrative_area_level_1” from the response body “Mountain View” located at specified path and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “postal_code” from the response body “Mountain View” located at specified path and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “postal_code_suffix” from the response body “Mountain View” located at specified path and store it in a placeholder.

header-extracts <– [
   Alt-Svc –> placeholder you choose
   Server –> placeholder you choose
header-extracts output parameter is where you specify Header names to extract values from the response header and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract “Alt-Svc” from the response header ‘h3=”:443″; ma=2592000,h3-29=”:443″; ma=2592000’ and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “Server” from the response header “scaffolding on HTTPServer2” and store it in a placeholder.

The actual JSON response of this call is:

  "result": {
    "verdict": {
      "inputGranularity": "PREMISE",
      "validationGranularity": "PREMISE",
      "geocodeGranularity": "PREMISE",
      "addressComplete": true,
      "hasInferredComponents": true
    "address": {
      "formattedAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA",
      "postalAddress": {
        "regionCode": "US",
        "languageCode": "en",
        "postalCode": "94043-1351",
        "administrativeArea": "CA",
        "locality": "Mountain View",
        "addressLines": [
          "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy"
      "addressComponents": [
          "componentName": {
            "text": "1600"
          "componentType": "street_number",
          "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED"
          "componentName": {
            "text": "Amphitheatre Parkway",
            "languageCode": "en"
          "componentType": "route",
          "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED"
          "componentName": {
            "text": "Mountain View",
            "languageCode": "en"
          "componentType": "locality",
          "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED"
          "componentName": {
            "text": "USA",
            "languageCode": "en"
          "componentType": "country",
          "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED"
          "componentName": {
            "text": "94043"
          "componentType": "postal_code",
          "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED",
          "inferred": true
          "componentName": {
            "text": "CA",
            "languageCode": "en"
          "componentType": "administrative_area_level_1",
          "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED",
          "inferred": true
          "componentName": {
            "text": "1351"
          "componentType": "postal_code_suffix",
          "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED",
          "inferred": true
    "geocode": {
      "location": {
        "latitude": 37.4223878,
        "longitude": -122.0841877
      "plusCode": {
        "globalCode": "849VCWC8+X8"
      "bounds": {
        "low": {
          "latitude": 37.4220699,
          "longitude": -122.084958
        "high": {
          "latitude": 37.4226618,
          "longitude": -122.0829302
      "featureSizeMeters": 116.538734,
      "placeId": "ChIJj38IfwK6j4ARNcyPDnEGa9g",
      "placeTypes": [
    "metadata": {
      "business": true,
      "poBox": false
    "uspsData": {
      "standardizedAddress": {
        "firstAddressLine": "1600 AMPHITHEATRE PKWY",
        "cityStateZipAddressLine": "MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043-1351",
        "city": "MOUNTAIN VIEW",
        "state": "CA",
        "zipCode": "94043",
        "zipCodeExtension": "1351"
      "deliveryPointCode": "00",
      "deliveryPointCheckDigit": "0",
      "dpvConfirmation": "Y",
      "dpvFootnote": "AABB",
      "dpvCmra": "N",
      "dpvVacant": "N",
      "dpvNoStat": "Y",
      "carrierRoute": "C909",
      "carrierRouteIndicator": "D",
      "postOfficeCity": "MOUNTAIN VIEW",
      "postOfficeState": "CA",
      "fipsCountyCode": "085",
      "county": "SANTA CLARA",
      "elotNumber": "0103",
      "elotFlag": "A",
      "addressRecordType": "S"
  "responseId": "5e0afdd2-cbc9-442e-8ba6-31c598293518"

The actual response Header of this call is:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Vary: Origin
Vary: X-Origin
Vary: Referer
Content-Encoding: gzip
Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 08:55:06 GMT
Server: scaffolding on HTTPServer2
Cache-Control: private
X-XSS-Protection: 0
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Alt-Svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000
Transfer-Encoding: chunked


API: ATTOM is a real estate data API located at
This API requires API key authentication, so you will have to get your own API key if you are following this example.
Task: Makes an API key authenticated GET request and extracts specific values from response body.

url <– “”
Set “url” to “”

method <– “GET”
Set “method” to “GET”

query-params <– [
“geoid” <– “PL0820000”
“minBeds” <– “1”
“maxBeds” <– “2”
Add query parameters “geoid” with value set to “PL0820000”, “minBeds” with value set to “1”, and “maxBeds” with value set to “2”

Content-Type <– “application/json”
Set “Content-Type” to “appliction/json”

headers <– [
“apikey” <– “YOUR_OWN_API_KEY”
Add a header “apikey” with value set to your own API key from ATTOM.

Skip body input parameter.

response-format <– “JSON”
Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

true –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

message –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts <– [
$.property[0].identifier.fips –> placeholder you choose
$.property[0].identifier.apn –> placeholder you choose
$.property[0].identifier.attomId –> placeholder you choose
body-extracts output parameter is where you specify JSONPaths to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract “fips” from the response body “08031” located at specified path and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “apn” from the response body “05053-14-021-000” located at specified path and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “attomId” from the response body “143367” located at specified path and store it in a placeholder.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

The actual JSON response of this call is:

  "status": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "SuccessWithResult",
    "total": 10000,
    "page": 1,
    "pagesize": 10,
    "transactionID": "e5476a46b543ab5c2fdf48de27e13a1a"
  "property": [
      "identifier": {
        "Id": 143367,
        "fips": "08031",
        "apn": "05053-14-021-000",
        "attomId": 143367
      "vintage": {
        "lastModified": "2023-05-12",
        "pubDate": "2023-05-12"
      "identifier": {
        "Id": 145233,
        "fips": "08031",
        "apn": "05036-12-019-000",
        "attomId": 145233
      "vintage": {
        "lastModified": "2023-05-12",
        "pubDate": "2023-05-12"
      "identifier": {
        "Id": 145234,
        "fips": "08031",
        "apn": "05066-00-144-144",
        "attomId": 145234
      "vintage": {
        "lastModified": "2023-05-12",
        "pubDate": "2023-05-12"
      "identifier": {
        "Id": 145235,
        "fips": "08031",
        "apn": "05065-14-015-000",
        "attomId": 145235
      "vintage": {
        "lastModified": "2023-05-12",
        "pubDate": "2023-05-12"
      "identifier": {
        "Id": 146764,
        "fips": "08031",
        "apn": "05066-16-005-000",
        "attomId": 146764
      "vintage": {
        "lastModified": "2023-05-12",
        "pubDate": "2023-05-12"
      "identifier": {
        "Id": 147148,
        "fips": "08031",
        "apn": "05304-03-007-000",
        "attomId": 147148
      "vintage": {
        "lastModified": "2023-05-12",
        "pubDate": "2023-05-12"
      "identifier": {
        "Id": 147149,
        "fips": "08031",
        "apn": "05102-26-026-000",
        "attomId": 147149
      "vintage": {
        "lastModified": "2023-05-12",
        "pubDate": "2023-05-12"
      "identifier": {
        "Id": 147151,
        "fips": "08031",
        "apn": "00221-01-037-000",
        "attomId": 147151
      "vintage": {
        "lastModified": "2023-05-12",
        "pubDate": "2023-05-12"
      "identifier": {
        "Id": 147152,
        "fips": "08031",
        "apn": "02291-21-035-000",
        "attomId": 147152
      "vintage": {
        "lastModified": "2023-05-12",
        "pubDate": "2023-05-12"
      "identifier": {
        "Id": 147157,
        "fips": "08031",
        "apn": "00186-03-016-000",
        "attomId": 147157
      "vintage": {
        "lastModified": "2023-05-12",
        "pubDate": "2023-05-12"


API: ATTOM is a real estate data API located at
This API requires API key authentication, so you will have to get your own API key if you are following this example.
Task: Makes an API key authenticated GET request and extracts specific values from response body.

url <– “”
Set “url” to “”

Note: URL can be dynamically constructed.{{ev:number}}/{{ev:direction}}/{{ev:street}}/{{ev:suffix}}/{{ev:unit}}/{{ev:city}}/{{ev:country}}/{{ev:state}}/{{ev:zip}}

method <– “GET”
Set “method” to “GET”

Skip query-params input parameter.

Skip Content-Type input parameter.

headers <– [
“Accept” <– “text/xml”
“apikey” <– “YOUR_OWN_API_KEY”
Add headers “Accept” with value set to “text/xml” and “apikey” with value set to your own API key from ATTOM.

Skip body input parameter.

response-format <– “XML”
Set “response-format” to “XML” because we expect the API to respond with XML.

true –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

message –> placeholder you choose
The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts <–


body-extracts output parameter is where you specify XPath to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract “_City” from the response body “DARIEN” located at specified path and store it in a placeholder.
Extract “_State” from the response body “IL” located at specified path and store it in a placeholder.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

The actual XML response of this call is:

  <RESPONDING_PARTY _Name="ATTOM Data Solutions" _StreetAddress="505 Technology Drive, Suite 100" _City="Irvine" _State="CA" _PostalCode="92618" />
  <RESPONSE ResponseDateTime="2023-05-31T02:31:19">
    <KEY _Name="TransactionId" _Value="e7720fec-a7e4-41e0-98b0-227ef7d96bb4" />
          <PROPERTY PropertyParcelID_ext="20823815" APNFormatted_ext="25-21-212-003" OwnerNames_ext="LAWRENCE LEBLANC" _State="IL" _PostalCode="60628" _City="CHICAGO">
            <PRODUCT_INFO_ext ReportID_ext="105" ReportDescription_ext="PropertySearch" Product_ext="PropertySearch" RecordNumber_ext="0" MappingVersion_ext="1" />
            <PARSED_STREET_ADDRESS _DirectionPrefix="S" _HouseNumberFraction_ext="" _HouseNumber="11235" _DirectionSuffix="" _StreetName="STEWART" _StreetSuffix="AVE" _ApartmentOrUnitPrefix_ext="" _ApartmentOrUnit="" PlusFourPostalCode="4751" />
            <MAILING_ADDRESS_ext _City="DARIEN" _State="IL" _PostalCode="60561">
              <PARSED_STREET_ADDRESS _DirectionPrefix="" _HouseNumber="7721" _HouseNumberFraction_ext="" _DirectionSuffix="" _StreetName="SAWYER" _StreetSuffix="RD" _ApartmentOrUnit="" _ApartmentOrUnitPrefix_ext="" PlusFourPostalCode="4818" />
    <STATUS _Code="0" _Condition="Success" _Name="Success" _Description="Successful execution" />
  <ECHOED_FIELDS_ext JobID="" LoanNumber="" PreparedBy="" ResellerID="" PreparedFor="" />

Ex.10 – FedEx Address Validation with OAuth 2.0 Bearer token authentication

API: FedEx offers Address validation API among others APIs like Rates and Transit Times, Shipping, Tracking, etc. The Address validation API is located at

This API requires OAuth 2.0 Bearer token authentication, so you will have to register with FedEx developer account to get your own API credentials if you are following this example.
Task: Makes an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token authenticated POST request and extracts specific values from response body.

This is a 2-step process:

1. Get OAuth token.

2. Validate address.

1. Get OAuth Token:

Set “url” to “”

Set “method” to “POST”

Add the following query parameters:

“grant_type” with value set to “client_credentials”

“client_id” with value set to the client id you received when you created your developer account.

“client_secret” with value set to the client secret you received when you created your developer account.


Leave header parameter empty.

Leave body parameter empty.

Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts-string output parameter is where you specify JSONPaths to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract “access-token” from the response body “the-access-token-from-response” located at JSONPath “$.access_token” and store it in a placeholder.

Skip body-extracts-list output parameter.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

The actual JSON response of this call is:


2. Validate Address:

Set “url” to “”

Set “method” to “POST”

Leave query parameters empty.

Set “Content-Type” to “APPLICATION/JSON”

Add the following headers:

Set “Authorization” to “Bearer {{ev:access-token}}”

Note: {{ev:access-token}} will get replaced with the actual access token (eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1….UeVIKZzc) we extracted in the previous call.

Set body to the following:

  "addressesToValidate": [
      "address": {
        "streetLines": [
        "city": "{{ev:city}}",
        "stateOrProvinceCode": "{{ev:state}}",
        "countryCode": "{{ev:country}}",
        "addressVerificationId": "string"
{{ev:street}}, {{ev:city}}, {{ev:state}} and {{ev:country}} are placeholders that were set to some values during the journey.
In this example the placeholders were set to the following values:
"street" was set to "7372 PARKRIDGE"
"city" was set to "IRVING"
"state" was set to "TX"
"country" was set to "US"

Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts-string output parameter is where you specify JSONPaths to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.

Extract “street” from the response body “7372 PARKRIDGE BLVD” located at JSONPath “$.output.resolvedAddresses[0].streetLinesToken[0]” and store it in a placeholder.

Extract “city” from the response body “IRVING” located at JSONPath “$.output.resolvedAddresses[0].city” and store it in a placeholder.

Extract “state” from the response body “TX” located at JSONPath “$.output.resolvedAddresses[0].stateOrProvinceCode” and store it in a placeholder.

Extract “zip” from the response body “75063” located at JSONPath “$.output.resolvedAddresses[0].parsedPostalCode.base” and store it in a placeholder.

Extract “country” from the response body “US” located at JSONPath “$.output.resolvedAddresses[0].countryCode” and store it in a placeholder.

Skip body-extracts-list output parameter.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

The actual JSON response of this call is:

  "transactionId": "2fffd391-87bd-475d-9510-9f63d70448ef",
  "output": {
    "resolvedAddresses": [
        "streetLinesToken": [
          "7372 PARKRIDGE BLVD"
        "city": "IRVING",
        "stateOrProvinceCode": "TX",
        "postalCode": "75063-8659",
        "parsedPostalCode": {
          "base": "75063",
          "addOn": "8659",
          "deliveryPoint": "99"
        "countryCode": "US",
        "classification": "UNKNOWN",
        "ruralRouteHighwayContract": false,
        "generalDelivery": false,
        "customerMessages": [
            "code": "SUITE.NUMBER.REQUIRED",
            "message": "Invalid or missing Apartment/Suite"
        "normalizedStatusNameDPV": false,
        "standardizedStatusNameMatchSource": "Postal",
        "resolutionMethodName": "USPS_VALIDATE",
        "attributes": {
          "POBox": "false",
          "POBoxOnlyZIP": "false",
          "SplitZIP": "false",
          "SuiteRequiredButMissing": "true",
          "InvalidSuiteNumber": "false",
          "ResolutionInput": "RAW_ADDRESS",
          "DPV": "false",
          "ResolutionMethod": "USPS_VALIDATE",
          "DataVintage": "December 2022",
          "MatchSource": "Postal",
          "CountrySupported": "true",
          "ValidlyFormed": "true",
          "Matched": "true",
          "Resolved": "true",
          "Inserted": "false",
          "MultiUnitBase": "true",
          "ZIP11Match": "true",
          "ZIP4Match": "true",
          "UniqueZIP": "false",
          "StreetAddress": "false",
          "RRConversion": "false",
          "ValidMultiUnit": "false",
          "AddressType": "STANDARDIZED",
          "AddressPrecision": "MULTI_TENANT_BASE",
          "MultipleMatches": "false"

Ex.11 – JIRA Create Issue

API: Atlassian JIRA offers REST APIs to create and update Issues. This API is located at https://<your-subdomain>

This API requires Access token authentication, so you will have to register with Atlassian developer account to get your own API credentials if you are following this example.
Task: Create a new Issue with minimal fields.

Set “url” to “https://<your-subdomain>”

Set “method” to “POST”

Skip query parameters.

Set “Content-Type” to “APPLICATION/JSON”

Add the following header(s):
Set “Authorization” to “Basic <your-access-token>”

Set body parameter to this payload:

    "fields": {
          "key": "PRJ1"
       "summary": "{{ev:title}}",
       "description": "{{ev:description}}",
       "issuetype": {
          "name": "{{ev:type}}"
{{ev:title}}, {{ev:description}}, and {{ev:type}} are placeholders that were previously assigned to some values.
In this example the placeholders were set to the following values:
"title" was set to "Test Issue"
"description" was set to "This is a test JIRA issues, please ignore."
"type" was set to "Bug"

"PRJ1" is simply the project key.

Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts-string output parameter is where you specify JSONPaths to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract “key” from the response body “PRJ1-10” located at JSONPath “$.key” and store it in a placeholder.

Skip body-extracts-list output parameter.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

The actual JSON response of this call is:

  "id": "10009",
  "key": "PRJ1-10",
  "self": "https://<your-sobdomain>"

Ex.12 – Zendesk – Read Ticket

API: Zendesk offers REST APIs to create and update Tickets. This API is located at https://<your-subdomain>  Documentation can be found here

This API supports both Basic and API token authentication methods.

For Basic Authentication, it expects a header in this format:
Authorization: Basic <BASE64 ENCODE(email:password)>
Eg: If username and password string is$$w0rd, then the header would look like this:
Authorization: Basic amRvZUBleGFtcGxlLmNvbTpwYSQkdzByZA==

For API token Authentication, it expects a header in this format:
Authorization: Basic <BASE64 ENCODE(email/token:api-token)>
Eg: If username and token string is, then the header would look like this:
Authorization: Basic amRvZUBleGFtcGxlLmNvbS90b2tlbjo2d2lJQldiR2tCTW8xbVJETXVWd2t3MUVQc05rZVVqOTVQSXoyYWt2

Task: Read an existing ticket from Zendesk.

In order to achieve this task, we will chain two functions.
1. Encode – to encode the string for authentication
2. HTTP Request – to make the actual http GET call

1. Encode Function
Set “string” to {{ev:sys-ynx-user-email}}/token:<zendesk-api-token-here>

Set “encoder” to “BASE64”

The output parameter “encoded” carries the base64 encoded version of the input string which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose. Let’s say you had already created a placeholder called “token” and are using that placeholder here to store the value of the output parameter “encode”. This is important because we will be passing this placeholder as input to the next function HTTP Request.

2. HTTP Request Function
Set “url” to”https://<your-subdomain>{{ev:ticket-id}}”. 

Notice that {{ev:ticket-id}} is another placeholder that you are using here which could have been set in the previous steps on the user’s journey.

Set “method” to “GET”

Skip query parameters.

Set “Content-Type” to “APPLICATION/JSON”

Add the following header(s):
Set “Authorization” to “Basic {{ev:token}}”

Notice that you are using the output of previous function here as an input.

Leave body empty.

Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts-string output parameter is where you specify JSONPaths to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract “first-name” from the response body located at JSONPath “$.ticket.custom_fields[?( == “15175380405524”)].value” and store it in a placeholder.

Extract “last-name” from the response body located at JSONPath “$.ticket.custom_fields[?( == “15175380405524”)].value” and store it in a placeholder.

Extract “phone” from the response body located at JSONPath “$.ticket.custom_fields[?( == “23985743”)].value” and store it in a placeholder.

Extract “description” from the response body located at JSONPath “$.ticket.description” and store it in a placeholder.

Extract “subject” from the response body located at JSONPath “$.ticket.subject” and store it in a placeholder.

Skip body-extracts-list output parameter.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

The actual JSON response of this call is:

    "ticket": {
        "url": "https://<your-subdomain>",
        "id": 1479,
        "external_id": null,
        "via": {
            "channel": "web",
            "source": {
                "from": {},
                "to": {},
                "rel": null
        "created_at": "2023-06-16T21:49:15Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-06-16T21:52:55Z",
        "type": null,
        "subject": "Can't login ",
        "raw_subject": "Can't login ",
        "description": "Not sure why?",
        "priority": null,
        "status": "new",
        "recipient": null,
        "requester_id": 481420907,
        "submitter_id": 362619316,
        "assignee_id": null,
        "organization_id": 35463043,
        "group_id": null,
        "collaborator_ids": [],
        "follower_ids": [],
        "email_cc_ids": [],
        "forum_topic_id": null,
        "problem_id": null,
        "has_incidents": false,
        "is_public": true,
        "due_at": null,
        "tags": [
        "custom_fields": [
                "id": 14656737968404,
                "value": "d9dc63a0-0c8f-11ee-997a-4201c0a8012b"
                "id": 15175380405524,
                "value": "Hanes"
                "id": 15175365857556,
                "value": "Christine"
                "id": 13429169078420,
                "value": "family_plan"
        "satisfaction_rating": null,
        "sharing_agreement_ids": [],
        "custom_status_id": 13642571,
        "fields": [
                "id": 14656737968404,
                "value": "d9dc63a0-0c8f-11ee-997a-4201c0a8012b"
                "id": 15175380405524,
                "value": "Hanes"
                "id": 15175365857556,
                "value": "Christine"
                "id": 13429169078420,
                "value": "family_plan"
        "followup_ids": [],
        "ticket_form_id": 13404111369236,
        "brand_id": 2666126,
        "allow_channelback": false,
        "allow_attachments": true,
        "from_messaging_channel": false

Ex.13 – Zendesk – Update Ticket

API: Zendesk offers REST APIs to create and update Tickets. This API is located at https://<your-subdomain>  Documentation can be found here

This API supports both Basic and API token authentication methods.

For Basic Authentication, it expects a header in this format:
Authorization: Basic <BASE64 ENCODE(email:password)>
Eg: If username and password string is$$w0rd, then the header would look like this:
Authorization: Basic amRvZUBleGFtcGxlLmNvbTpwYSQkdzByZA==

For API token Authentication, it expects a header in this format:
Authorization: Basic <BASE64 ENCODE(email/token:api-token)>
Eg: If username and token string is, then the header would look like this:
Authorization: Basic amRvZUBleGFtcGxlLmNvbS90b2tlbjo2d2lJQldiR2tCTW8xbVJETXVWd2t3MUVQc05rZVVqOTVQSXoyYWt2

Task: Update an existing ticket in Zendesk.

HTTP Request Function
Set “url” to”https://<your-subdomain>{{ev:ticket-id}}”. 

Notice that {{ev:ticket-id}} is another placeholder that you are using here which could have been set in the previous steps on the user’s journey.

Set “method” to “PUT”

Skip query parameters.

Set “Content-Type” to “APPLICATION/JSON”

Add the following header(s):
Set “Authorization” to”Basic {{ev:token}}” Note: The placeholder called token was computed in an earlier step of the guide and is reused here.

Set “body” to

  "ticket": {
    "subject": "{{ev:title}}",
    "comment": {
      "body": "{{ev:notes}}",
      "public": false
    "custom_fields": [
        "id": 15175365857556,
        "value": "{{ev:first-name}}"
        "id": 15175380405524,
        "value": "{{ev:last-name}}"
        "id": 23985743,
        "value": "{{ev:phone}}"
Note: The placeholders first-name, last-name, and phone were presented in a form to the user in an earlier step to allow for changes. 

Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Skip body-extracts-string output parameter.

Skip body-extracts-list output parameter.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

Using the placeholder that stores the value of the output parameter “success”, you can branch off either towards success path or towards failure path.

Ex.14 – Freshdesk – Read Ticket

API: Freshdesk offers REST APIs to create and update Tickets, Contacts, and other objects.
This API is located at https://<your-subdomain>
Documentation can be found here

This API supports API token authentication method. It expects a header in this format:
Authorization: Basic <BASE64 ENCODE(api-token:X)>
Eg: If token string is abcdefghij1234567890:X, then the header would look like this:
Authorization: Basic YWJjZGVmZ2hpajEyMzQ1Njc4OTA6WA==

Task: Read an existing ticket from Freshdesk.

In order to achieve this task, we will chain two functions.
1. Encode – to encode the string for authentication
2. HTTP Request – to make the actual http GET call

1. Encode Function
Set “string” to <your-api-key-here:X>

Set “encoder” to “BASE64”

The output parameter “encoded” carries the base64 encoded version of the input string which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose. Let’s say you had already created a placeholder called “token” and are using that placeholder here to store the value of the output parameter “encoded”. This is important because we will be passing this placeholder as input to the next function HTTP Request.

2. HTTP Request Function
Set “url” to”https://<your-subdomain>{{ev:ticket-id}}”. 

Notice that {{ev:ticket-id}} is another placeholder that you are using here which could have been set in the previous steps on the user’s journey.

Set “method” to “GET”

Skip query parameters.

Set “Content-Type” to “APPLICATION/JSON”

Add the following header(s):
Set “Authorization” to “Basic {{ev:token}}”

Notice that you are using the output of previous function here as an input.

Leave body empty.

Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

body-extracts-string output parameter is where you specify JSONPaths to extract values and store into placeholder you choose.
Extract “description_text” from the response body located at JSONPath “$.description_text” and store it in a placeholder.

Extract “subject” from the response body located at JSONPath “$.subject” and store it in a placeholder.

Skip body-extracts-list output parameter.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

The actual JSON response of this call is:

    "cc_emails": null,
    "fwd_emails": null,
    "reply_cc_emails": null,
    "ticket_cc_emails": null,
    "fr_escalated": true,
    "spam": false,
    "email_config_id": null,
    "group_id": 1060000055670,
    "priority": 1,
    "requester_id": 1060001463062,
    "responder_id": null,
    "source": 1,
    "company_id": null,
    "status": 2,
    "subject": "Received a broken TV",
    "association_type": null,
    "support_email": null,
    "to_emails": null,
    "product_id": 1060000011924,
    "id": 3,
    "type": "Question",
    "due_by": "2023-06-22T07:00:00Z",
    "fr_due_by": "2023-06-19T16:00:00Z",
    "is_escalated": true,
    "description": "Hi,<br><br>The television I ordered from your site was delivered with a cracked screen. <br><br>I need some help with a refund or a replacement.     <br><br>Here is the order number FD07062010     <br><br><br>Thanks, <br>Sarah",
    "description_text": "Hi,  The television I ordered from your site was delivered with a cracked screen.   I need some help with a refund or a replacement.       Here is the order number FD07062010        Thanks,  Sarah",
    "custom_fields": {
        "cf_reference_number": null
    "created_at": "2023-06-18T05:38:40Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-06-22T13:51:52Z",
    "tags": [],
    "attachments": [],
    "source_additional_info": null,
    "nr_due_by": null,
    "nr_escalated": false

Ex.15 – Freshdesk – Update Ticket

API: Freshdesk offers REST APIs to create and update Tickets, Contacts, and other objects. This API is located at https://<your-subdomain>  Documentation can be found here

This API supports API token authentication method. It expects a header in this format:
Authorization: Basic
Eg: If token string is abcdefghij1234567890:X, then the header would look like this:
Authorization: Basic YWJjZGVmZ2hpajEyMzQ1Njc4OTA6WA==

Task: Update an existing ticket in Freshdesk.

In order to achieve this task, we will chain two functions.
1. Replace – to convert description from text to html (convert text line break to html line break)
2. HTTP Request – to make the actual http PUT call

1. Replace Function
Set “string” to: {{ev:description}}

Set “search” to “\n”

Set “search” to “<br/>”

The output parameter “replaced” carries the html version of the input string which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose. Let’s say you had already created a placeholder called “description-html” and are using that placeholder here to store the value of the output parameter “replaced”. This is important because we will be passing this placeholder as input to the next function HTTP Request.

2. HTTP Request Function
Set “url” to”https://<your-subdomain>{{ev:ticket-id}}”. 

Notice that {{ev:ticket-id}} is another placeholder that you are using here which could have been set in the previous steps on the user’s journey.

Set “method” to “PUT”

Skip query parameters.

Set “Content-Type” to “APPLICATION/JSON”

Add the following header(s):
Set “Authorization” to “Basic {{ev:token}}”

Note: The placeholder called token was computed in an earlier step of the guide and is reused here.

Set “body” to

  "description" : "{{ev:description-html}}",
  "subject" : "{{ev:subject}}"
Note: The placeholders description and subject were presented in a form to the user in an earlier step to allow for changes. 

Set “response-format” to “JSON” because we expect the API to respond with JSON.

The output parameter “success” carries the value “true” if API succeeds or “false” if it fails – which will be assigned to a placeholders.

The output parameter “message” carries the error message if API fails – which will be assigned to a placeholder that you choose.

Skip body-extracts-string output parameter.

Skip body-extracts-list output parameter.

Skip header-extracts output parameter.

Using the placeholder that stores the value of the output parameter “success”, you can branch off either towards success path or towards failure path.

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