How Do You Make Use of a User Manual Software?

It is definitely not easy to run a call center business specifically because you are going to deal with all kinds of customers with different personalities. Having a polite customer now would not be a total guarantee that all customers would be as kind and as polite later.

Having a user manual software gives ease and convenience to call center agents
Having a user manual software gives ease and convenience to call center agents

How can you take advantage of a user manual software?

Reduce customer irritability by lowering the waiting time. Implementing a user manual software allows you to significantly reduce the average handle time or AHT. When this happens, you are actually lowering the waiting time of each customer. The waiting time can affect your company’s CSAT scores or customer satisfaction rate.

Yonyx enables organizations to create multi-media flowcharts that provide customers an interactive self-service experience similar to interacting with a live Agent.

So, instead of letting your customers wait for the next available call center agent, which could lead to irritability and impolite customers, you can reduce the average handle time.

Avoid confusion by giving a simple and direct walkthrough. With the user manual software, you are actually allowing your agents to automatically gather information almost immediately after the customer calls. With a few clicks, the software will gather only relevant information from your comprehensive knowledgebase and present it on-screen.

The agent will now craft a simplified, direct and not ‘too scripted’ kind of script that customers can easily follow.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree