Are you trying to find the correct balance of interaction and adoption within your Social CRM strategy? Don’t worry – you’re not alone. A good proportion of business owners don’t know that their CRM strategy can generate a positive return of investment and enhanced customer experience. If you’re not seeing any positive result in your current strategy, perhaps it is time that you evaluate your existing strategy and look for whatever that’s causing the issue.
Yonyx enables organizations to create multi-media flowcharts that provide customers an interactive self-service experience similar to interacting with a live Agent.
The evaluation and assessment must be done on the customer’s perspective. Majority of businesses that fail in their social CRM efforts did not base their strategy on what customers think. How do you evaluate and assess your current process?
1. Evaluate whether your current technology is appropriate for your customers.
2. Look at your relationships with your customers. Is it one that has successfully engaged and nourished?
3. Is your current effort useful and valuable to customers allowing them to reach their goals? Social CRM is mostly interaction thus it must yield good, if not excellent, customer experience.
4. Assess your strategy especially the skills of your employees in the development and execution of customer-centered CRM.
5. Check whether you have the right team for your social CRM efforts. Your team must implement the strategy well and take responsibility for their actions and achievements, alike.
Achieving good balance of your efforts is like preparing a recipe. All ingredients must be there so your efforts are rewarded with good customer experience.
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