Haven’t Tried Social CRM Yet?

Many business owners today fail to recognize that unlike standard CRM that makes massive internal database of prospects and existing customers, social networking platforms have external storage of both direct and indirect real-time comments of people about entrepreneurs, experiences, businesses, products and services. Even though this is a broad repository of communication, skilled customer relationship managers can analyze data fast.

Yonyx enables organizations to create multi-media flowcharts that provide customers an interactive self-service experience similar to interacting with a live Agent.

If you have an existing CRM software, you can simply integrate the use of social media so that it will allow you to locate and analyze up to millions of messages relevant to your company, reputation, ads and products.

Social CRM only accounts a fraction of a cost if you look at the potential revenues you can get from valuable information through various channels including Twitter and Facebook. Users of such social media platforms will become potential customers provided that you take full advantage of this strategy. The messages you get from these platforms can be transformed into real-time feedback or testimonial about your service or product.

Social CRM also gives your company power over tracking and interacting with existing and potential customers. It allows you to learn the current trends and what customers desire with regards to the industry that you belong to.

Finally, social CRM can potentially minimize any service calls thus allowing your customer support department to focus on more important details.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, cold calling scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree