How Do You Increase CSAT Among Dissatisfied Customers?

People say that running a company is one of the most challenging things. But what about handling dissatisfied customers? Customers are the main assets to a business, make them happy and they will remain loyal. Since customers tastes and preferences vary, at some point you will encounter dissatisfied customers. These are customers who were totally unsatisfied by your services? How do you deal with this?

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.

The first major step to changing dissatisfied customers into a satisfied lot is by talking with the support staff. These are the people who are in direct contact with customers. They understand how mad customers get. They are therefore the people who carry information that might help to influence a decision.

If you know your customers are dissatisfied, make a point of visiting them. Do not contact them through automated communication channels. Sometimes being close and in person improves level of understanding. Get to know what they need changed, follow up and work on it.

As you strive to increase customer satisfaction, you need to define your goals. As a support team, are

Yonyx can help you increase CSAT rates.
Yonyx can help you increase CSAT rates.

your goals to make customers happy or increase the number of dissatisfaction? If satisfying a dissatisfied customer is first, think of better ideas to do that. The support team should not digress away from that role until the number of dissatisfied customers lower.

Yonyx can help you increase CSAT in whatever industry you operate.

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