Top 3 Social Customer Service Mistakes You Must Avoid At All Times

Have better customer service for greater results.
Have better customer service for greater results.

Listening to what your followers and customers are saying online is key to success. This is because every customer feels free to post the experience he or she had with the company. These customers find it easy to share on face book, twitter and instagram. Companies using social media to promote customer service need to be very perfect. All the customer experiences shared on the social media platforms are visible to millions.

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.

The worst mistakes you can make include the following:

Responding to positive experiences only

When dealing with social media you have to be ready to share with everyone. You will encounter both positive and negative mentions. Positive experiences tend to attract more customers to a company. However, the way you deal with negative mentions too is important. Followers need to know how you solve customer issues to be able to switch.

Failing to respond to a message where your brand is mentioned

If your brand is being mentioned on social media then you are lucky. This creates an impression that you are growing and popular among the society. You have to do your company justice by responding to comments mentioning it.

Providing impersonal responses

Customer service that happens where a company gets physical visits is not different from social customer service. The same personal feeling attached to customers paying physical visits should not be different. This personal feeling can be promoted through friendly conversational tones and not a machine-like tone.

Yonyx helps you take care of your social customers through interactive user guides, troubleshooting manuals and other self-service materials. Get on board today.

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