How to Deal with Customer Complaints

No entrepreneur will sail through softly with his/her customers unless one is perfect. Customers always want the best.  Failure to present them with whatever they need, they will burst right in your face. Therefore, getting feedback from customers is very important if you want to keep them happy.

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More important is the negative feedback or complaints which you should work on. Here are ways on how to deal with customer complaints.

Create feedback channels

First your customers should know that you welcome their feedback gladly. Create feedback channels that customers may use to air their complaints. By creating feedback channels you have acknowledge the fact that customer’s views are important. It will be bad if your customers complain on other social media networks.

Establish a customer complaints system

Now that customer has channels to air their views what next? Show customers that you are working on their complaints by establishing an effective complaint system. Provide a form where customers can fill their complaint. That is not enough; give them an update on what you have done to solve the problem. Think of putting up a queue of complaints you have solved and those yet to be solved. Remember customers are interested in the solutions you provide at the end of the day.

Self service is one of the best ways to serve and collect customer feedback (complaints). We help you get it right.

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