Multimedia Flow Charts vs. Visual Flow Charts – Clearing The Air

Multimedia Flow Charts are a newer and more cunning edition of their predecessor: The Visual Flow Chart.
Multimedia Flow Charts are a newer and more cunning edition of their predecessor: The Visual Flow Chart.

You may hear the terms multimedia flow chart and visual flow chart and say to yourself “What is the difference?”. Believe it or not, the two terms are one in the same but distinctly different. This articles highlights the features of both tools, sharing further insight in to their similarities and differences:

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  • Visual Flow Charts – Can only be perceived by the eyes and can only be transmitted and distributed in limited formats. Visual flow charts can be transcribed to charts, graphs, dittos and traditional and digital imagery. However, visual charts require more cognitive measures and are not the best option for beginners using flow charts for the first time, or users that are vaguely familiar with the content in which it addresses.
  • Multimedia Flow Charts – Exist in multiple mediums, thus the name. While visual flow charts can only be perceived by the eyes, multimedia flow charts appeal to all the senses. Auditory instructions can be embedded in multimedia flow charts. Movies can be placed in to key points of multimedia flow charts. Multimedia flow charts can also be transmitted on basic paper or in CD, MP3, Video and both Digital and Traditional Imagery. These devices can also be utilized on or offline like visual flow charts.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

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