Say the Most Important Words To Your Customers- Customer Names

A person’s name is the most important word to anyone. This rule extends even when you’re calling customer names.

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Calling ones name breaks through the noise and is the best way to reach your customers on your first meetings- very important. When younger, we are trained to respond to our name in that, even if we have a common name like Joe, there is no doubt we turn around when we hear it mentioned- mostly when it has nothing to do with us.

Customers always remember when you address them by name, yet not many customer service, or all businesses treat customer names with importance.  Call them by name and see their loyalty soar! Nonetheless, here are a few tips to ponder about customer names.

There are so many opportunities when you greet your customers using their names.

  • Use the in-person name when greeting and conversing.
  • During a call you can also use the customer’s name.
  • In emails salutation is important as well as the use of a name.
  • Customers name can be used in automated email newsletters.

You have to be careful in spelling, pronouncing or even calling someone by their name. Doing this the wrong way make the customer angry.

Do not be afraid to ask ones name if you are in doubt on how to spell or say a name.

Give other ways you can use your customer names to build relationships.

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Failing to use a customers’ name correctly can often result in poor customer experience. If you’re overwhelmed, using self service can help you avoid using your customers name incorrectly. Yonyx can help you deploy super customer self service just the way live agents do- on your website, social media, etc.

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