“Don’t think of what it costs to train your employees in customer service – think what it costs NOT to train them.” – Shep Hyken
It is true – the cost of untrained employees, slovenly service, and shoddy products is a lot higher, than focusing on doing the opposite. A company’s best and most valuable assets are its employees – irrespective of the industry or size. Without an energized, skilled, and dedicated workforce, a company would be unlikely to meet its goals or expand its business. It is the responsibility of a company to not just hire great talent, but also ensure that they remain with the company – employee attrition is one of biggest budget spoilers and causes huge damage to a business. As a company becomes weaker, customers too begin to leave – no one would like to stay with a company that does not serve them well and one that is internally in confusion. Motivated and trained employees serve customers better since they receive care and attention from the company they represent – employees pass on to customers whatever they receive from the company.
A robust and consistent training and development program is one of the top ‘qualities’ of a company that serves to attract good talent. Companies that afford employees with development opportunities are more likely to retain them, and such employees are more inclined to serve customers better. Some companies make the mistake of training only new employees, while ignoring the training needs of existing employees. For people working hard to help the company meet its goals, this is a big let-down, and is sure to drive them away. Training of employees should be a process – continuous and based on their needs, such that they remain energized and interested in developing their skills and then using them to serve customers better and collaborate with their co-workers on a daily basis. Customers that receive good service all the time become profitable over time and contribute extensively to the success of a company. If a company is successful, its employees benefit too – it becomes a complete cycle of giving and receiving.
Trained employees not only serve customers better, they also serve as the backbone and accelerators of progress for a company. Trained employees are a lot more productive, driven, and less likely to be prone to illness and stress. They feel valued and recognized for their skills when a company invests resources in their development. They are more amenable to give more than their job demands, serve customers better, and cooperate with their co-workers for greater efficiency. It is a fallacy that unskilled and untrained employees cost less – may be at the time of hiring, however long term such employees bring a company’s profitability down and through poor customer service, drive the company’s customers away.
Trained employees serve customers better and feel less stressed because they are constantly motivated and use their energy and skills to develop, do their job excellently, and focus less on things that do not go so well. They are bright and intelligent, come up with new and innovative ideas, and always ready to take up a challenge. Training of employees is essential since it is directly related to the skills they need to keep pace with the changing market environment and the ever-increasing demands of customers. Teaching employees new skills will enable to accept unconventional ideas, gain experience in dealing with different types of situations and people, and would give them the confidence to express openly their views on topics that would benefit all.
By focusing on increasing the number of trained employees, a company would be building reserves and a pool of highly capable staff, ready to take on leadership roles and spearhead major projects / initiatives in a company. As a company grows in strength on the inside, its output and professionalism increases on the outside, making the company attractive not just for customers, but other stakeholders too. Efficient and effective employees enhance the competitive edge of a company, bringing it success, profitability, and extremely loyal customers. These aspects from any business’ perspective are solid strides towards long-term success and market leadership. The fact is trained employees are durable resources – formidable in their working style, speed, and amount of work they produce in less time than it would take a novice or untrained employee. With resources becoming more limited, it is in the best interest of companies to keep their employees happy through regular training and development opportunities. The cost of employee turnover and the resultant repercussions, send shudders down the spine of even the most experienced professionals and companies.
With training and the development of skills comes a sense of confidence, self-worth, importance, which contribute to a sense of calm and well-being. Such employees remain in control, less likely to be in conflicts, not easily stressed, and are a lot happier doing their jobs. In addition, they would be more likely to take on additional responsibilities, which would affect other factors in the company, including the ability of other employees and the frontline staff to serve customers better. We know that customer service is not the job of a single department – hence if all employees understand the value of serving customers, everyone would benefit. This understanding and expertise to handle customers would come through regular training and coaching.
We have spoken earlier of the fact that employees emulate their leaders. This means that those in leadership positions should also take time out for training and development activities, and build a culture of customer service by doing so themselves. When leaders of the company set positive examples, the other employees would be encouraged to do the same, cementing a culture of learning and customer service companywide. Many companies provide online training programs too – training literature and other materials are ‘placed’ online, which employees can access and undertake at a pace that would be comfortable for them. Doing this regularly fosters a feeling and enthusiasm for continuous growth and learning, goading them to take on more assignments and compete for better positions within the company.
A company’s mission, vision, values, and objectives are reflected through its employees and in the kind of service, they mete out to customers. Employees that receive training are more equipped to understand these critical aspects of a company and would serve customers better under all circumstances. They are the ones who would build on the company’s culture, spread its values, and work relentlessly to help meet its goals – and in doing so will understand the value and worth of the company, goading them to keep up with its efforts. Providing training to employees enables them to work across departments, thereby giving them an insight into the working methods and challenges of their co-workers. This in turn makes them more tolerant and they would be more willing to lend a helping hand whenever necessary. When a company works together as a well-oiled machine, it can serve customers better and pave the path of progress and long-term success for the business.
A company is known by the employees it keeps – by providing existing employees with opportunities to train and develop, a company would soon be a repository of talent, skills, and knowledge, which is indispensable not just to serve customers better, but also to consistently beat competition and stay ahead. Does your company understand the connection between trained employees and success?