Aspects of a Top Customer Welcome Email

“Welcome emails are vital because they anchor a stronger customer relationship. Welcome messages boost engagement, create personal outreach, and help to predict long-term subscriber behaviour and revenue potential,” – Janet Choi

Commerce and technology have collaborated since ancient times when Greek and Roman ships sailed the high seas as handmaidens of exploratory and commercial ventures. Improvements in shipbuilding and navigation technologies enabled those intrepid businesses to sail further, and fill the gaps in demand and supply that pervaded overseas markets. In modern times, electronic connectivity technologies have attained ubiquity and have emerged as vital enablers that help brands and enterprises to connect to individual customers through the welcome email. We must note that this device has emerged as a primary means of initial communication between an electronically enabled business and its new customers. This device affords the creation of a significant space that enables the introduction of a commercial enterprise to its human customers.

When we consider the architecture of the welcome email, we see that different enterprises have a distinct approach to the creation and content of the said communication. For instance, an online retailer may choose to create a matter of fact email template for all its customers, populating it sparingly with important connectivity information. The essence of the message is akin to a business card that resides inside the mailbox of every individual customer that receives the email. On the other hand, a jewellery business may commission the creation of a lavishly designed welcome email that impresses the customer with many bells and whistles. In both cases, the businesses choose to inaugurate an email-driven relationship with new customers, but the format and content may differ as chalk from cheese. That said, we note that business information should ideally form the crux of such communications, because the business wants he customer to maintain a line of electronic communications with said business.

An ornate ‘thank you’ can dominate the content of the typical welcome email issued by a business enterprise. This conveys a sense of gratitude from the business to the customer and can mark the beginning of a fruitful and extended commercial relationship. Other facets of content may include certain playful animations that attract customer attention, connectivity co-ordinates, and some upselling content in the form of new business offerings. The telephone number or email address of a relationship manager can be included in said email in an effort to establish the seriousness of the business relationship. We must note that every business should invest thought and effort in the creation of the welcome email because this device allows the business to cast a first impression on new customers.

Businesses need to create an incremental relationship with customers, and stakeholders and the welcome email represent an appropriate device that can be used to outline key business achievements. This may include key numbers that provide a snapshot of business performance in recent years, examples of outstanding customer testimonials, a brief message from the chief executive officer, awards and accolades accorded to said enterprise, and a brief range of new merchandise available for sale. This content can be arranged appropriately in the email for the benefit of viewing customers. High definition images from recent publicity campaigns can be appended as email attachments and web-links to significant sections of the flagship website can be included in the welcome email as well. The intent behind this format is to enable the customers to familiarise themselves with the business and to spur commercial engagements in the future.

The welcome email may be followed by corporate newsletters, sent directly at regular intervals to the inbox of customers. These newsletters can outline recent initiatives and point the customer to electronic discussion forums that can spotlight customer voices, feedback, and reactions to the company’s goods and services. This approach to building a two-way relationship can be viewed as a step forward to deeper customer integration and an extension to the welcome email. Brands and businesses should remain sensitive to customer feedback and opinions because these can feature regularly in the mention two-way dialogue initiated by businesses.

Modern commerce hinges heavily on online technologies and sales channels. Therefore, the welcome email can be leveraged to offer customers a flat discount on online purchases made within 72 hours of receiving the said email. This offer carries monetary value for the customer and therefore must figure prominently among the email content. We must note that such offers are discretionary and businesses may or may not opt to include such marketing offers in the welcome email. However, businesses that choose to be pro-active in such matters can make windfall gains every time a new customer acts on the said offer. Online sales remain a significant metric for most modern businesses and the use of the email represents an astute marketing mechanism. Thus, the welcome email can be used as a marketing device that offers a distinct value proposition to every new customer while helping the business to boost its sales figures.

Businesses and customers now operate in the age of mobile technologies and bear universal mobile connectivity; therefore, the welcome email should be optimised for mobile viewers. Statistics reveal that many marketing messages miss the mark because targeted customers are unable to view such messages in their smartphones and connected tablet devices. This may be interpreted as a gap in marketing communications and may portend a series of missed business opportunities. In light of this information, it is incumbent upon modern commerce to engineer emails for mobile customers. The design of the email and the visual impact should be calibrated for maximum effect on smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. This represents behind-the-scenes planning on the part of the marketing department; such actions remain crucial if enterprises are to gain the maximum possible traction in every market situation.

Social media is crucial in modern business environments and represents an important technological aspect that spurs commercial operations. That said, we must note that social media buttons should find prominent mention in the welcome email so that customers have the use of these shortcuts to access the social media profiles of brands and businesses. Certain customers may choose to activate these buttons at the first instance because these may represent the most exciting part of the business email. Therefore, the world of commerce should enable such excitement and point the way to potential opportunities for enhanced interactions. Social media platforms can also serve to deepen customer relationships and create interesting conversations. In light of the above, businesses should direct special efforts to cultivate a lively presence on social media.

In the preceding paragraphs, we have examined some of the aspects that can help to create an outstanding customer welcome email. Modern brands and businesses should leverage this opportunity to instil customer confidence in their operations, boost the brand equity of a business, and create a distinct identity that helps the business to dominate the commercial competition. Business managers must view the email as an essential device to lock on to an enhanced pool of customer dollars. They must be reminded to view the welcome email through the prism of future sales and as part of business development campaigns. To that end, every brand and business should consistently work to refine the concept of the welcome email in an attempt to raise the level of customer engagement.

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