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“Studies show that people rely on emotions, rather than information, to make brand decisions. The emotional responses to advertisements are more influential on a person’s intent to buy than the content of an ad,” – Blog.HubSpot.com
Emotions are an intrinsic part of the human psyche. These enable human beings to express their ‘feelings’, cope with changing circumstances, survive the ‘thrills and chills’ of daily life, and bond better with their fellow beings. We may state that emotions are an evolutionary tool that empower men and women to deal with their inner lives and bear the ‘weight’ of physical existence. Modern marketers have realized the tremendous power of emotions as a selling tool; consequently, they have deployed emotional marketing as a device to influence the purchase decisions of modern customers and consumers. We shall examine a number of strategies that enable marketers to use such techniques to benefit their commercial organizations in the paragraphs below.
The commercial category of ‘fast moving consumer goods’ typically includes daily staples such as toothpastes, soaps, detergents, body washes, deodorants, etc. As a consumer product, the toothpaste has evolved into a mature oral hygiene product category that may not qualitatively evolve any further. However, manufacturers and marketers of this product must continue to sell toothpaste to all manner of consumers. The large number of commercially available local, regional, and trans-national brands of toothpaste make for a crowded market. Hence, sellers can use emotional marketing to promote a new brand of toothpaste. For instance, marketers can associate the product with happiness. This is achieved by creating print advertisements that depict a perfect set of sparkling teeth set inside a wide smile. The image is perfect and garners curiosity and attention. The sub-text of the image is that a certain brand of toothpaste ensures total oral hygiene that leads to a happy life. We note this commercial message should resonate with consumers and allow the advertised product to pull ahead of the competition.
Every individual nurses ambitions, aspirations, and dreams in their hearts and minds. They may not discuss these goals and wishes openly but dreams and ambitions remain a powerful motivational factor that moulds personalities and guides individual actions. Consequently, brands and businesses can devise emotional marketing strategies that tie a certain product to the dreams, ambitions, and aspirations of the common consumer. For instance, a manufacturer of cameras can use the peg of emotional marketing to fashion an advertisement, wherein, a child realizes his or her dreams of attaining stardom as a top-notch movie director. The product being promoted (the camera) is the enabler in the commercial message, which helps the young citizen explore the physical world and hone his or her storytelling talents. Subsequently, the child achieves his or her dream through the expert use of the advertised product. We note such advertisements can take viewers on the journey of the budding youngster on to the eventual destination of being a star director. The commercial message can resonate at a deep level with all viewers and thus help sell the high-tech optical recording device.
Ambition remains a key emotion in a competitive world. This hold true for every sphere of human enterprise – including business, individual achievement, sport, education, the performing arts, etc. Brands and businesses can use emotional marketing ideas that hinge on the basic ambition that powers the human spirit. We note the use of ambition in commercial marketing presents a powerful tool because advertisements that depict the appropriate images can incite human ambition in viewers and consumers. For instance, a manufacturer of energy drinks can deploy emotional marketing tactics to sell the product. The commercial message can include expertly crafted video footage of extreme sports events; the winner of these sporting events can endorse the energy drink and relate key points that drive his or her ambition to excel in the chosen sport. The essence of such marketing communications can instil a sense of raw ambition among viewers. This emotion leads them into certain purchase decisions that favor the advertised product. We note this instance of expertly crafted emotional marketing works wonders for the advertiser.
A child’s imagination is a wonderful thing unrivalled in the physical universe. Experts have noted that a child’s imagination brooks no barriers and that makes it a unique proposition. However, the beauty of such imagination fades with time as children grow and learn the rules that govern modern society. Brands and businesses can use the tenets of emotional marketing to sell children’s products to their customers. For instance, a manufacturer of toys can create advertisements centered round the unique aspects of a child’s imagination. Children can fashion unique creations by using toy building blocks. The outcomes of such innocent enterprise can comprise the focus of a marketing message. The advertiser is basically communicating the limitless ability of child to transform its artistic vision into a physical shape. The outstanding creation is the centerpiece of the marketing campaign and encourages parents and guardians to buy into the commercial message. We note this instance of emotional marketing represents an efficient means of engaging viewers and consumers.
Inspiration is a primary human emotion that bears the potential to power significant human achievement. The commercial operator that wishes to create emotional marketing campaigns can harness role models to inspire customers and consumers. In essence, a brand that leverages endorsements from inspiring personas is well positioned to achieve high levels of customer engagement. For instance, a manufacturer of athletic footwear can inspire its clientele by creating highly emotive advertisements and publicity campaigns that hinge on the achievements of certain sporting stars. The visuals created by framing effortless and perfect sporting action can inspire viewers to improve their ‘game’ and achieve sporting glory in their own personal lives. We note such instances of emotional marketing can hinge on the achievements, talents, and dogged perseverance of sporting stars. These attributes help create the final images that inspire consumers and encourage them to invest in the advertised products.
Family values represent an abiding image in the minds of modern consumers. Commercial organizations can create marketing communications that hinge on these values through emotional marketing tactics. We note messages framed round such emotive content can gain significant traction with customers and consumers. For instance, a restaurant brand can create advertising messages that spotlight the benefits of a family meal in commercial settings. The family dinner is a staple image in most cultures around the world because it helps family members to bond better. A restaurant that offers the perfect ambience for such a dinner is likely to attract consumer attention; families may choose this brand of restaurant for their next family meal leading to higher sales for the commercial establishment.
In the preceding paragraphs, we have examined some of the aspects of emotional marketing that are designed for the commercial landscapes. Every brand and business can choose to invest in such forms of marketing with a view to embellish the commercial message with emotive content. A well-crafted message can garner huge levels of consumer attention, win awards, and empower businesses to gain higher traction at the expense of the competition. Commercial organizations can also elect to refine marketing strategies to address the issues of the day, create ‘awesome’ commercials, and win widespread customer approval.
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