A ‘can-do’ Attitude Critical for Customer Service

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“Building an effective customer service program starts with the attitudes of the customer service representatives. Customers are more likely to respond in a positive way when the customer service approach is accommodating, action-driven, and friendly,” – SmallBusiness.chron.com

Attitude is critical and crucial to survive, excel, and achieve success in any line of human endeavor. The correct attitude can spell the difference between attaining spectacular success and embracing oblivion. In modern commerce, customer service hinges on the attitude of frontline staff members. Motivated customer service personnel equipped with a ‘can-do’ attitude are critical for customer service because this attribute confers a competitive edge in modern markets. This attitude is manifest when customer service representatives go the ‘extra mile’ to fulfil customer requirements. We will examine some of the key aspects that drive a differentiated attitude to customer service in the paragraphs below.

Brands and businesses should encourage customer service employees to cultivate self-awareness. This exercise helps them develop a positive attitude that has the potential to fuel outstanding customer service practices and standards. This exercise also enables a customer service organization to be a model corporate citizen that remains responsive to customer wants and requirements. Further, self-awareness denotes the fact that every customer service representative should aspire to reach the highest caliber in his or her chosen line of work. The best operatives are adept at anticipating customer requirements; this is based on their inner belief that their attitude is critical for customer service. In light of the above, we may state that the willingness to help customers stems from a positive, ‘can-do’ attitude that distinguishes the highest customer service standards.

Behavioral science can impart critical momentum in the practice of customer service. Customer-facing operatives should be encouraged to ‘smile; because the gesture can work wonders. It helps the operative to create “a welcoming and friendly frame of mind that is so important in customer service.” A smile can refresh the mindset of the operative and the ensuing conversation with a customer can help both parties to achieve the optimal business outcomes. This fact underlines the reality that a positive frame of mind is critical for customer service in contemporary times.

Businesses can generate repeat customers when they train their employees to be friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. This implies that top-notch training and motivation sessions must be organized before the customer service operative enters a real world business environment. This is critical for customer service because a friendly face encourages a customer to confide his or her issues with a product or service. For instance, operatives employed by a commercial airline operator must remain friendly and approachable. This encourages customers to interact with these entities and enables a smooth transition from a problem situation to an acceptable resolution. In addition, brands and businesses must empower their operatives to solve problems for a customer. These actions underpin the fact that training and attitude remain critical for customer service.

A customer service representative should cultivate a positive frame of mind and explore the options that can be achieved for an aggrieved customer. The operative must focus on creating a complete customer solution that ‘ticks all the right boxes’ in terms of solving a customer’s problem. This attitude essentially taxes the operative’s creative resources and his knowledge of multiple business systems. Alternatively, the operative can recommend a partial solution through innovation to help a customer’s situation. We note that this flexibility of approach is critical in real world situations that can test a customer’s patience and an organization’s ability to react with alacrity. This illustration clearly demonstrates the fact that positivity is a lynchpin and critical for customer service.

Dealing with customer frustrations is a fine art cultivated and practiced by the best customer service operators. Service personnel must train in the art of listening to the customer before they create a strategy to deal with the ‘situation’. This competence is clearly critical for customer service because a balanced approach can convert a complaining customer into a life-long client. Hence, every operative must treat a customer complaint as a potential opportunity to increase the remit of the business organization. Brands and businesses must therefore sensitize their workforce to such possibilities in the interests of expanding their market share.

Empowering frontline staff persons to take ownership of a situation is critical for customer service. Every business organization must realize that outstanding customer service hinges on a creative and informed approach to customer problems. Operatives that are dedicated and routinely apply technical knowledge to a customer’s situation will likely create illuminating instances of creative customer service. For instance, e-commerce businesses can make errors of delivering a wrong package to an online customer. Subsequent to the discovery, an irate customer can seek an ‘exchange’ or some means of redressal to remedy the situation. A trained customer service operative will be able to control the situation, apply soft skills to assuage the customer, and offer a solution in line with customer expectations. This conversation can proceed on the telephone or through online channels; the ‘can-do’ attitude of the operative can save the day and proves critical for customer service.

Commercial organizations should condition their operatives to drive a hard focus on customer solutions at all times. An operative may not have the resources to address a customer grievance; this deficit may block the delivery of an optimum solution. However, the best operatives can rise to the challenge and communicate with the customer in a bid to find the best possible outcome in the face of obvious constraints. We note that this ability to perform in the face of real world hindrances is critical for customer service and can win plaudits for a brand or business. Satisfied customers will likely be impressed with the resolution and may become customers for life. In addition, a sharp focus on customer solutions enables a business to attract new customers at the expense of the market competition. Further, the creation of bespoke customer solutions enables a business to test the boundaries of its ability to deliver and generate ‘customer delight’. The learnings from such encounters can be priceless and may equip a business to deal with future scenarios.

Matchless customer service can generate greater volumes of sales for a business enterprise. This stems from the fact that happy and satisfied customers will learn from their experiences with a brand and leverage this knowledge to arrive at subsequent purchase decisions. For instance, a manufacturer of earth moving hardware can customize its products in tune with the suggestions of its best customers. The organization can go a step further and offer extended product warranties and expert engineer services for a fee. These gestures enable said business to ring fence its customers. They also prove critical for customer service because other market operators may not offer the same levels of customer satisfaction.

In the preceding paragraphs, we have examined some of the techniques that spotlight the importance of a ‘can-do’ approach in the practice of customer service. The business leadership should interact with frontline staff at regular intervals in a bid to boost staff morale. Further, staff persons should share best practices in an effort to improve team performance. That said, we note that enlightened leadership and competent training programs should contribute significantly to boosting business outcomes.

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