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Geology denotes the field of scientific inquiry that studies and examines the earth, its physical layers, and its formative processes. Experts in the field of geology also analyze the tectonic plates, which are essentially built by the process of accretion. In the animal world, accretion is a process that finds clear resonance in ant behavior. These tiny creations of nature labor constantly to build mounds of earth that rise a few feet above ground level. This is a remarkable accomplishment when we consider the size of the ant in proportion to the heights of these mud-built constructions. Similar accretive processes operate in the domain of the modern organization. Brands and businesses seek to grow their organizations by hiring fresh manpower to execute new projects and service existing business processes. Flowcharts represent one of the means to initiate and complete the new hire process. These diagrams lend themselves admirably to the business imperative to expand the workforce in the modern era.
Business operators can choose to create rudimentary flowchart diagrams when they wish to construct a new hire process. Such a diagram may proceed from the intent to create a new position for an employee. The subsequent stages of the new hire process may cover seeking documents from a pool of candidates, the examination of said documents, supervisor reviews, hiring an appropriate candidate, the creation of a new workspace, activating the onboarding process, etc. These stages enable the business operator to visualize the new hire process and review or tweak the process as appropriate. Each stage in this diagram contributes to value addition in terms of moving the process forward to its intended destination. The visual image of the flowchart serves to assure hiring managers of the robust processes and sub-processes that propel the hiring system inside an organization.
Hiring new employees can present certain complexities to the modern organization. Interviews, approvals, escalations, and selections may have to negotiate a range of hierarchical levels inside the modern organization. In response, flowcharts that depict a new hire process may present a zigzag visual that defies the traditional outline of a conventional flowchart. The visual complexity arises from the fact the selection process proceeds through multiple layers and remains subject to negotiations, multiple interviews, escalations, etc. Hence, such a new hire process may present many inter-connections between the depicted stages inside the flowchart diagram. Per this process, certain candidates may successfully fill a position or may remain in reserve. These decisions must reflect clearly in the flowchart diagram, thereby enabling business operators to meet their hiring targets.
Planning is an essential part of creating and executing a new hire process via flowchart diagrams. These inter-linked diagrams must be mated to communication channels that operate at all levels within the modern organization. A directive from the top management cadre must activate said channels to the effect that each organizational level begins work to enable the new hire process. The flowchart diagram must serve as a roadmap that instructs various personnel about their contribution to said process. Subsequently, hiring managers must interact with multiple stakeholders inside the organization with a view to create a recruitment plan, allocate timelines to various hiring activities, develop a bank of interview questions, etc. The flowchart plays a pivotal role by coordinating these actions at various levels inside the organization. Designers can digitally enable the flowchart to send automated prompts to various organizational actors connected with the hiring process. In addition, said flowchart can serve as a template that guides departmental managers to initiate hiring actions for their respective domains.
The digital domain allows organizations to advertise opportunities for employment on a variety of electronic platforms. Business operators can devise certain flowcharts for the new hire process with a view to promote such opportunities. This flowchart diagram may comprise a part of the general hiring process and may comprise stages such as the company’s website, appropriate social media handles, online employment boards, Internet landing pages, various job websites, etc. This digital manifestation of the new hire process empowers organizations to plumb the digital landscape in pursuit of finding and hiring appropriate candidates. These diagrams may be periodically updated in an attempt to stay abreast of various developments in digital technologies. In addition, business operators in the services industry may instruct their departmental heads to invest their focus in specific aspects of said new hire process; for instance, an organization may choose to drive a sharp focus on social media handles in light of the vast reach of these digital platforms. Subsequently, specific sections of the flowchart diagram may instruct organizational actors in terms of the best practices that help recruiters to harvest the best talent from applications routed through social media. This illustration clearly underlines the import of deploying flowcharts in the service of boosting the new hire process.
Every organization that initiates the new hire process must invest in flowcharts in a bid to define the steps that screen each applicant. This activity is vital because it allows every organizational actor to remain on the proverbial same page in terms of hiring practices. Such a flowchart diagram may spotlight email applications from job seekers, an initial review of the work experiences of each applicant, a scan of the cover letters accompanying each curriculum vitae, a list of disqualified candidates, a selection of the most appropriate applications, etc. This flowchart diagram must be constructed keeping in mind the timelines that attend the completion of each stage of the new hire process. Essentially, the flowchart must interact with every recruiter inside the organization in a bid to spur the hiring process within stipulated timelines. In addition, such flowcharts – when digitally enabled – play the role of a dashboard that offers a high-level view of progress achieved in each stage of the hiring process. This view enables hiring managers to estimate progress and report said knowledge to the management cadre.
Specialized work functions may necessitate the construction of flowchart diagrams that assess the ability of a candidate to fulfil work expectations. This new hire process diagram may comprise a series of blank stages that must be populated by a hiring manager. The said stages may include specific work experience, the ability to tackle a project from multiple perspectives, the ability of a candidate to display initiative and resolve in the face of the uncertain, the ability to work with teams and as an individual contributor, etc. The manager may grade each candidate on these parameters during an interview; the sum total of the grades determines the ranking of the candidate among a list of potential recruits. In essence, such a flowchart must proceed from a blank sheet of paper to a document populated by text that outlines the perceptions and opinions of the hiring manager. This format of the new hire process differs from the standard flowchart because it starts at (nil) value and builds up to a document that decides the subsequent course of action. This illustration clearly underlines the importance of deploying new lines of thought to re-imagine the hiring process.
The foregoing paragraphs allow us to gain a fine appreciation of using flowchart diagrams to drive the modern hiring process. Business organizations and operators in the service industry may consider using these techniques to impart fresh energies to said processes.
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