“A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is.” – Scott Cook
Commercial brands represent a definitive contemporary phenomenon, one that enables brand architects, companies, and corporates to present a unique identity to investors, users, buyers, consumers, and customers. The concept of a brand also demonstrates the power of the intangible, allows companies to build a distinctive image in the minds of user communities, empowers brand builders to transmit focused commercial messages, and construct key differentiators that elevate branded offerings above the competition. Contemporary brands must communicate ceaselessly with customers and stakeholders through multiple channels including social media responses. These mechanisms operate exclusively in the digital domain and allow brands to initiate/sustain dialogue with masses of audience in the boundless realm of modern cyberspace. Consequently, brands must pay close attention to the scope, structure, direction, theme, and content of social media responses in order to mold favorable brand perceptions. The flowchart is admirably suited to the development and execution of such projects.
Appreciation and accolades registered via social media channels comprise a core area that should encourage brands to generate social media responses. A flowchart, when devised appropriately, equips brands to frame and deliver a suitable response in such scenarios. The various stages inside the flowchart could include an assessment of comments, examining the content of such communication, evaluation of the context in which brand users authored comments, an investigation into previous comments emanating from users, and a survey of the general tone and tenor of recent dialogues from fans and enthusiasts of a brand. In essence, this flowchart empowers brands to issue a suitable riposte, build greater awareness about the nature of the brand, craft an interesting/witty response that drives social media responses from communities of users, and sustain the pace of digital exchanges over social media platforms. The flowchart can be engineered to contribute responses that boost brand awareness in competitive markets.
Pro-active brands could elect to take the initiative and generate a marketing ‘buzz’ on social media handles prior to the launch of new products and services. This technique, when expertly implemented, enables brands to create an avalanche of social media responses, thereby attaining the objective of sparking a wave of inexpensive publicity in the digital domain. Flowcharts could assist brand strategists to frame campaigns on social media platforms, develop a series of responses to sustain public interest in upcoming products, generate superb marketing momentum that segues with actual launch events, and trigger widespread conversations on social media platforms. These flowcharts must encase three/four major objectives interwoven to create an integrated narrative around social media responses. A series of sub-stages could emerge around each objective positioned in the flowchart; these sub-stages describe plans and actions that narrate the execution of brand strategy in the relevant context.
Direct communication must feature high among the list of social media responses designed by operators of contemporary brands. Such a device must gain precedence owing to its ability to establish an immediate dialogue between a brand and, say, dissatisfied customers. Segments of large flowcharts can undergo construction to depict the modalities of social media-borne communication that must mediate mildly adversarial situations. A list of tiered responses could emerge inside flowcharts – to allow the brand to dissect the situation; these could query customers to detail the nature of the complaint, elicit information on product malfunctions experienced by customers, offer assurances that center on an internal investigation, lay the foundations for reconciliation, contain the potential damage incurred by a brand, and offer product replacement as appropriate. Different editions of such flowcharts could comprise a social media management system that assists brand managers to frame a variety of direct social media responses in tune with the nature/scope of communication penned by users/customers.
Wellness brands must work to define social media responses as part of organizational strategy to build awareness around the quality of their product lines. This observation ties in closely with the fact such brands must educate buyers/customers constantly in a bid to expand market presence and boost the business bottom line. In tune with this idea, operators in the wellness industry could design special handles on social media to promote specific products and explain the value proposition offered to users/consumers. Associates/employees with deep domain knowledge could operate these handles and execute expert campaigns designed to attract new buyers/users. In addition, brands must undertake efforts to create original/custom social media responses as a technique to boost brand differentiation in cyberspace. This allows operators to leverage each instance of interaction with audiences and gain significant mileage in terms of brand recall/recognition. Flowcharts can empower operators to design various editions of such strategy and implement these through social media handles.
“Social listening helps brands to gauge brand sentiment, and ‘read the room’, so to speak”, aver a host of industry observers. In line with this, brands and their owners must work to expand the meaning of social media responses to include mentions of brand properties in online conversations. This technique empowers owners to detect any perceptions of weakness in brand image, develop strength in terms of brand acceptance among different segments of consumers, fortify brand reputation through constant communication with a range of stakeholders, and develop strategies to cater to the evolving expectations of brand followers and enthusiasts. Flowcharts remain instrumental when owners/strategists set about devising the working mechanisms of such techniques; these illustrations also help brand owners to evaluate the merits of many forms of social listening. In addition, such diagrams can serve as a platform to compare the various forms of social media responses that operate in the cyber domain.
A friendly and personable tone must pervade social media responses issued by brand operators and their associates. An added element of courtesy enables brands to boost the quality of their customer service protocols, win new followers, reinforce a positive brand reputation, and connect with a wide variety of users/consumers. Brands must put in place guidelines that consistently allow the creation of to-the-point and accurate responses to comments, suggestions, ideas, and observations authored by audiences in the digital domain. This stance allows brands to maintain hygiene in digital conversations, develop a calibrated framework to generate social media responses, and boost engagement with all manner of followers and enthusiasts. The use of flowcharts allows brands to develop different levels of such strategy, thereby integrating the social media policies endorsed and practiced by contemporary brands.
These lines of inquiry and ideation may create momentum when modern organizations embark on voyages to reinforce a distinctive brand presence in social media platforms. The effective deployment of flowcharts and allied illustrations enables organizations to etch high-quality social media responses that spotlight a brand’s commitment to consumer interests. Flowcharts can also aid brands to design a comprehensive digital response policy that must govern the brand communications on the Internet. Iterative refinements to such policies could take shape when brand architects interact with the fundamentals of such policy through the medium of flowcharts. In addition, the agency of flowcharts remains instrumental when brand owners review critical segments of policy in response to changes in preferences of consumers. Such use of flowcharts allows owners to preserve the best elements of extant policy and adapt other segments to match fluctuations in behavior of consumers and digital audiences.