Customer Segmentation Important to Personalize Marketing Strategy

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“The only way to get close to the idea of truly personalized marketing is with deep and ever-changing segmentation. Businesses must understand their customers to a whole new degree, customizing every message to their recent actions, personal preferences, and more,” – OptimveBlog

The idea of selling is as old as commerce and hinges on the exchange of goods and services for a monetary consideration. In the modern world, brands and businesses need to create intelligent selling mechanisms when they hawk their merchandise to modern customers. We must note that modern customers represent an enlightened constituency that is empowered with omniscient awareness made possible by universal access to digital tools. Therefore, brands and businesses must embark on customer segmentation exercises in a bid to personalize marketing strategy.

Modern technologies enable digital marketers to create bespoke marketing messages that target specific customer segments. These messages are tailored to cater to customer needs, expectations, and behaviours. This approach enables commercial organizations to sell more efficiently and to expand their customer base. For instance, a business that manufactures and markets candles and rosaries can personalize marketing strategy by targeting key customer segments such as religious institutions and prayer homes. This strategy can be refined to include special marketing offers during religious festivals in a bid to accelerate sales. The outcomes of these actions may include higher sales to said customers; therefore, we may note that this example clearly illustrates the efficacy of creating and deploying customised marketing strategies.

The actions that personalize marketing strategy can include techniques that specifically target a certain segment. Modern marketers are keenly aware of the fact that different segments need customised marketing spiels in order to achieve the desired business outcomes. For instance, a travel company may choose to focus on the youth segment to enhance its business prospects. Accordingly, the marketers may set out to personalize marketing strategy by creating packages that offer bespoke travel experiences. These packages are delineated on the lines of package cost, destinations, time frame, group or individual travel, and other criteria. The intent of this marketing exercise is to offer a wide range of choices to every customer, thereby enhancing the chances of eliciting a deep response from targeted customer segments.

E-commerce business operators can choose to personalize marketing strategy with a view to enhancing their business outcomes. The business websites of these operators can be engineered to follow customer behaviour through ‘cookies’ and the resulting information can be methodically compiled. Once this data is processed, a personalised campaign can target customers through online ad banners, pop-up advertisements, and custom sliders. We must note that these devices can deliver customised marketing messages designed to pique the customer’s curiosity. These advertising devices should encourage customers to explore e-commerce offerings and new product offers in line with their personal tastes and preferences.

Marketing campaigns based on behavioural targeting represent one of the important methods to personalize marketing strategy. These campaigns hinge on segmenting customers based on their on-site behaviour patterns. We must note that a wide range of data points is collected through the systematic observation of a customer that is visiting a website or browsing an e-commerce app. The typical data points include the customer’s most frequent visits to product category pages, purchase history, the number of previous visits, their location, typical purchasing habits, etc. Brands and businesses can collate and analyse such information to fashion personalised marketing messages designed to boost buying and selling practices. In addition, the collation of such detailed information from a large number of customers helps a brand to sample the mood of the market and embark upon subsequent actions.

A brand can choose to personalize marketing strategy by offering special treatment to its new customers. This is important because it affords a brand or a business an opportunity to create and sustain a favourable first impression. For instance, customers that have newly registered at an e-commerce website may receive a series of emails from the business operator. These welcome emails can carry special promotional offers, showcase the best products, and distinct brand messages designed to raise the customers’ awareness levels. The customer responses to such emails can be tracked in an attempt to discern levels of interest and the general attitude of the customer. The ensuing attempts to engage and re-engage customers can be calibrated keeping in mind the responses from prior attempts at engagement.

Businesses can choose to target certain mass segments of shoppers and customers with a view to boost customer engagement. For instance, healthcare enthusiasts and fitness champions can receive customised marketing messages that promote a certain brand of healthcare products and services. This campaign can personalize marketing strategy through intense action on social media platforms. Hashtags and a slogan can be the devices to promote the said brand among this mass segment. In addition, real-world platforms such as billboards and flyers can augment the said campaign. The outcomes may include higher awareness among targeted customers, as also heightened customer commitment to the brand driving these marketing efforts. Business managers that survey the outcomes may notice an uptick in customer engagement and a definitive increase in the number of enrolled customers. That said, we must note that brands and businesses should refresh the content and direction of said campaigns in order to retain the customer’s attention and to widen the customer base.

Market research indicates that small groups of customers often display similar behavioural traits. The constituents of these groups typically cut across the metrics of age, gender, income, and location. Therefore, marketers can work to personalize marketing strategy for the benefit of these small groups. For instance, a brand can work to identify such groups and offer them lifetime privileges that include free website passes and special or preferential treatment at checkout queues. These actions are relevant for both e-commerce operators and for traditional business organizations. The personalization of such preferential treatment enables the brand to capture significant chunks of the market and thereby boost its sales and revenue numbers. In addition, brands and businesses can select brand ambassadors from said pools of customers in a bid to evangelize brand values in the open markets.

Pop-up and scrolling on-screen advertisements can personalize marketing strategy. We must bear in mind that e-commerce shoppers typically browse through thousands of products and this may impair their abilities to recall certain favourite brands or products. Businesses must acknowledge these human limitations and work to refresh the customer’s memory through pop-up advertisements. Impulse shoppers appreciate such techniques and may click on said ads to indicate their commitment to a brand. That said, we note that the personalization aspect of these advertisements should rely on relevant metrics and shopper-specific information culled from tracking customer visits. Further, repeat shoppers can be encouraged to monetise electronic coupons and bonus points accrued during earlier shopping sessions. These techniques should help a brand or business to infuse fresh energies and passion into the designing of on-screen advertisements.

In the preceding paragraphs, we have explored some of the techniques that help businesses to personalize their marketing strategies. Commercial organizations and marketers should deploy these strategies in conjunction with systematic and regular evaluation of customer data and market information. These actions can help to generate favourable business outcomes and enable brands to create outstanding business performances.

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