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“Language is important not just to how we communicate with our customers but to how we communicate with ourselves. The right words can put an irritated customer at ease and help you approach difficult situations with greater ease,” – CustomersThatStick.com
Human languages evolved thousands of years in the past but continue to hold a central position in the affairs of mankind. In the realm of trade and commerce, the use of language remains central in commercial transactions, business negotiations, client presentations, and customer service mechanisms. The use of appropriate service language is critical in winning over irate customers, making a perfect pitch for a new product, and executing a deft product demo for the benefit of clients and customers. In addition, the expert use of appropriate language helps a business to expand its customer base by convincing new customers and by retaining regular clientele. We will examine some of the aspects of using appropriate service language in the paragraphs below.
Mastery over appropriate service language is an acquired skill set that must be cultivated by customer service personnel. This is important because the use of such language conveys a sense of professional courtesy that sets the tone for the customer interaction. For instance, a customer service operative manning a customer care center operation must gain superb command over appropriate service language in a bid to serve customers better. The operative must appreciate the fact a fluent command on the spoken word is a professional skill that can elevate his service levels beyond those of his or her peers. This skill set can set at ease irritated customers that may have undergone a negative product experience and may defect to competing service operators. The expert use of appropriate service language and smooth intonation can prevent the situation from spiraling into a loss for the business. In light of the above, we note that such operatives should refine this skill into a second nature in order to be effective executives.
Mistakes, errors, and instances of oversight are common in modern customer facing business operations. These instances stem from the fact that many businesses have acquired huge numbers of customers in the pursuit of business expansion strategies. Complex back-end information technology systems and gaps in service protocols may create inadvertent errors that impact the end-user experience. Therefore, customer service representatives can deploy appropriate service language to assuage aggrieved or agitated customers. A simple apology, proffered with sincerity, can ease the situation and enable the service operative to move into trouble shooting mode. This action also sets the stage for a deeper interaction between the customer and the business. Hence, the deft use of business language helps to contain a potentially ‘explosive’ situation and directs the momentum to positive outcomes.
Client presentations are an important aspect of winning new business in the modern corporate world. Business development teams can join forces with middle management personnel to create client presentations designed to expand business opportunities. The use of appropriate service language is important in this scenario, because any miscommunication can have adverse consequences and may disrupt a business relationship. We note that presenters must rehearse the selling pitch in an attempt to project confident body language and wield the spoken word with consummate ease. That said, we note that language assumes heightened importance because senior management personnel may attend these events and a felicity with words can create a positive impression in the minds of business captains.
A positive mind set and a can-do attitude are important in customer service practices. Every customer service operative should cultivate these traits because they help him or her function at higher levels in the workplace. These positive attitudes, when mated to appropriate service language, can create a winning presence that can tackle the toughest customer situations. For instance, customers that walk into a service center with a broken piece of equipment or a dismantled gadget can be verbally soothed. A confident tone of voice on the part of the customer service executive can instantly instil confidence in the customer that the situation can be salvaged. A replacement product can delight the customer, while the appropriate service language can set him or her at ease. We note these situations can arise in a variety of industries, but smooth deployment of service language remains a common approach to solve customer problems and to defuse tensions.
A customer-friendly attitude must exist with a certain level of formality during initial business interactions. Experts concur that “Staff should use language that is friendly but courteous. It is better to be slightly formal rather than too friendly.” This approach allows service personnel to respect the red lines in customer service paradigms. For instance, the staff at a hospitality establishment are trained to be formal and friendly with their customers. This training system also drills the staff members in the finer points of using appropriate service language when dealing with all manner of clients, holiday makers, and average customers. We note that the balance may be hard to achieve but can be attained through rigorous classroom training sessions and deft practice in real world situations.
Negative (or doubtful) language must be excised from customer service best practices and paradigms. We note that every customer approaches a business with a desire or a problem or a requirement or an expectation. Brands and businesses must respect the customer’s wishes and train their service personnel to ‘tune out’ any negativity in customer interactions. This is vital because it encourages operatives to set aside their personal predilections and use appropriate service language in every customer interaction. Therefore, business managers must put in place the correct training, orientation, and refresher courses in a bid to keep every service operative in top form. In addition, commercial operators must appreciate the fact that customer service personnel operate in the front lines and this makes them the brand ambassadors of a business enterprise. A positive impression can add many customers to the roster of a business; however, a lackadaisical approach to customer service can effectively besmirch brand reputations and demolish carefully constructed brand values.
The promise of delayed action, when couched in appropriate service language, can help to put anxious customers at ease. These situations call for customer service operatives to explain a situation to a client and assure them of full satisfaction. Shifting the time frame to the future must be communicated effectively, so that the customer remains convinced of top-notch service. In essence, the expert use of language combined with a sincere attitude can encourage customers to forgive a temporary lapse in service. In light of the above, we note that brands and businesses should cultivate these arcane skills only for use in an emergency. Assuring the customer of best services should be the prime message; the delay can be communicated to arrest the chances of miscommunication.
In the preceding paragraphs, we have surveyed the many applications of using appropriate service language in modern customer service paradigms. Commerce operates within the realm of human activities and therefore, the centrality of language in commercial communications remains unabated. Customer service personnel should work in conjunction with language experts to refine the applications of language in their chosen line of work. This will enable them to serve customers better and boost their professional careers.
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