“Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.” – Blaise Pascal
The architecture of creation – when investigated at different levels – reveals multiple dimensions, discrete layers of material existence, interesting expressions of the laws of physics, nuanced elements that promote rhythms and chaos, and varied lines of activity defined by multiple meanings. We may view such architecture as the outcome of evolution that shaped the visible, terrestrial plane in the natural world, as also the many forms of creation that populate the extra-terrestrial. Evolution also plays a deterministic role in the arena of modern illustrations; processes governed by the evolution of human thought enabled designers/thinkers/ideators to construct/frame a variety of connected illustrations that can incubate and express multiple meanings at various levels. Such an observation allows readers to discern/appreciate entire narratives of meaning coded into the structures and texture of flowcharts and allied diagrams. From a purely design perspective, such ability gains heft when designers seek to portray a multiplicity of expressions through the agency of compact illustrations such as flowcharts.
Intelligent designers working on behalf of commercial operators of the travel and touring industry could architect multiple meanings into large expressions of flowchart diagrams. The different layers in these diagrams could include the evolving cost structures of the industry, expansion initiatives undertaken in collaboration with local/federal government organizations, methods to improve the quality of touring experiences, acts that aim to preserve the natural environment, steps undertaken to monetize popular monuments, techniques that amplify different forms of employment generation centered on locations of historical/cultural interest, and acts that help establish deeper integration between local communities and masses of touring visitors. Such flowcharts must convey clear levels of multiple meanings into the minds of readers and reviewers; these illustrations could emerge as segmented diagrams that incorporate the weft and weave of different elements that animate the modern tourism industry.
Researchers/investigators/academics posit the idea that ‘meaning’ can emerge in the form of independent layers of interpretation – or connected planes that interact with the powers of human perception. Therefore, the concept of multiple meanings must find endorsement when creators and builders set about tasks of encoding structured information (and promoting disciplined interpretation) inside flowcharts. For instance, architects of complex industrial systems and networks could promote the uptake of meaning using geometric shapes; such a technique allows them to signal different levels of operation inside industrial processes by implementing visual devices – such as squares, rectangles, circles, octagons, polygons, triangles, and other shapes. – inside expansive blueprints. Each shape could denote specific meaning in terms of functionality. This technique empowers designers to reduce the volume of text inside blueprints, thereby creating multiple meanings that help propagate complex, integrated visual narratives. A quick review of the ensuing diagram impresses multiple layers of meaning in the minds of readers/reviewers.
Microcosms of information could emerge inside flowcharts skilfully constructed to radiate multiple meanings in different contexts. Such a technique finds relevance in arenas such as high-tech design ventures, wherein a variety of parameters could convey different formations embellished with meaning, detail, and context. Therefore, designers working on such projects could encode multiple meanings denoted through changes in color representations, mean values, alignments of shapes inside flowcharts, the directional flow of content, multiple stages depicted inside segments of processes, among others. Additional devices could include legends positioned inside these diagrams; these enable readers to establish clear lines of meaning, thereby promoting comprehension in visual landscapes marked by sheer complexity. The very design of such blueprints necessitates the use of digital technologies and software packages as part of efforts to drive positive outcomes in such ventures.
Planners, designers, and architects may utilize spatial expanses built inside flowcharts as a device to generate range of multiple meanings in tune with the demands of design projects. This technique may exhibit utility especially in projects that encompass complexes of ongoing, coordinated, multi-stage, multi-agency efforts such as building essential infrastructure in different regions of modern nation states. Pursuant to this technique, designers could implement different scales of construction to denote depth of meaning for readers and reviewers of flowcharts. Such processes allow the delineation of ‘major’ and ‘minor’ operations as envisaged in the minds of planners and architects. The delineation finds attendance from inputs and factors such as budget outlays, the inflow of human resources, and application of technical resources to different segments of such projects, timelines, the assessed impact of completion of segments, inter-dependencies shared by segments of projects, the outlines of a final assessment of project performance, etc. In light of these, we may infer the spatial expanse technique bears potential to encase multiple meanings and drive momentum in a variety of undertakings.
Representations of circular linearity may help designers to construct multiple meanings inside blueprints and diagrams. Linearity, in this context, denotes closed-loop processes that may share certain elements/functions/resources to complete their designated operations. Pursuant to this stance, a designer could embed multiple meanings in terms of expressing the range of dynamics that animate processes or sub-processes. The act of embedment is necessary because it allows the illustration in question to transmit layers of meaning (and key points of significance) to readers and reviewers. Such meaning may pertain to the operational duration of certain segments of processes and may help portray outcomes that may appear over irregular spans of time. The duality inherent in this observation demonstrates one aspect of multiple meanings built into stylized editions of modern flowcharts. Certain shades of meaning may also coalesce when readers observe the staggered flow of sub-processes; levels of such functionality could find design inside depicted systems to deal with vagaries attendant on the external environment of a system/process.
A creative approach to design methodology could assist architects of flowcharts to develop multiple meanings inside modern illustrations. For instance, designers could etch a series of separate illustrations that may appear visually similar in form, but convey different or multiple meanings depending on the directional flows of information (or operational elements) built into each diagram. Such a technique could assist designers of industrial systems to explore various levels of complexity inherent in commercial processes, industrial technologies, patent applications, process expansion mechanisms, new product development initiatives, among others. The idea of ‘multiplicity’ emerges as the key theme in such initiatives; this idea – when implemented in various scenarios described above – enables process engineers and designers to mold and shape new processes, develop multiple meanings inside acts of transmitting information, and translate insights into elements of new strategy/functionality built into processes. In addition, such a technique enables humankind to pursue the goal of innovation in contemporary times, thereby reducing risks that emanate from legacy systems and processes.
These ruminations direct our attentions and thought processes to concepts that hinge on constructing multiple meanings – and driving the subsequent modes of interpretation – through modern flowcharts and blueprints. Multiplicity in meaning remains central to the design of new technological platforms, tools, systems, and implements that may point the way to the next generation of development in realms as diverse as technology, commerce, engineering, research, and innovation. Multiplicity also enables designers to experiment with new ideas, refurbish old constructs, and build productive alliances between these forces. Flowcharts can play a fundamental role in such development, and could aid humankind to fulfill the destiny on planet earth.