Flowcharts as a B2B Model Planning Tool

“B2B companies may not necessarily create the next iPod or TiVo, but with the right amount of focus and dedication, they can still create word of mouth that gives them an edge over competitors” – Jackie Huba

B2B is “business to business” enterprises – this model of modern commerce refers to sales from one business to another. For instance, a B2B model operates when a tyre manufacturer sells merchandise to a car manufacturer. According to recent estimates, about 8 million B2B companies exist in North America; these estimates also suggest roughly 55% of B2B buyers search for information via digital networks such as social media platforms and online search engines. Therefore, B2B model planning has emerged as a corporate imperative in modern business landscapes etched by evolving business realities. In this scenario, the flowchart represents a competent framework that helps business operators devise B2B model planning to include a range of actions such as cold calling, nurturing leads, referrals, decision making, and the definitive stages of an extended sales process, among others. The flowchart remains the best framework to fuel the growth and expansion of the B2B industry.

The digital domain is a dominant force in contemporary commercial processes. As a result, the act of B2B model planning must meld with the demands and imperatives that power the vast expanses of modern electronic commerce. A flowchart can assist in sketching the outlines of a functioning digital shopping cart inside a master B2B model planning initiative. Such an illustration can visually outline the different steps and processes that enable a B2B shopper to arrive at an informed purchase decision. The technical content positioned inside the diagram should be self-explanatory; however, the flowchart must also spur the rationale that animated the buyer to embark on a buying decision. In addition, designers of the flowchart could include inputs that signify a range of commercial incentives to the interested B2B shopper. The actions depicted inside such a flowchart impart momentum to the purchase process and lead to the creation of a successful B2B business model.

New entrepreneurs who wish to explore the B2B landscape could chart their journey through a flowchart diagram. This illustration should seek to explore the various facets of conducting business and could emerge as a blueprint for action. A designer could position a range of stages and sub-stages around the primary motive of establishing an operational B2B enterprise. The stages of B2B model planning could (variously) include the addressable market, the sourcing of raw materials, modes of transactions, supply chain mechanisms, sources of seed funding, sales targets, estimated revenue projections, etc. The next level of detail could involve sub-stages that radiate from each primary stage in an attempt to refine and consolidate the depicted model. We note the flowchart serves as the primary platform that helps the entrepreneur define the contours of the incipient enterprise.

Content-based marketing has assumed significance on a scale unprecedented in recent history. In line with this, a B2B operator could undertake B2B model planning through a flowchart illustration. Such a diagram could feature a rich variety of content designed to push sales for said operator. The emerging diagram could depict forms of content such as videos, blog posts, newsletters, white papers, webinars, social media posts, infographics, quiz modules, case studies, product demos, and more. This flowchart, therefore, outlines a universe of custom content that advertises business products and services in the interests of spurring business-to-business transactions. Additionally – versions of the illustration, when edited and designed to address specific business clients – could assist the sponsor fine tune a target market. Colors, tints, and zones, when etched into the flowchart, could serve as a guide to B2B model planning for the intelligent operator.

Strategic planning remains essential for B2B operators that wish to court business clients and engage in subsequent transactions. This can be accomplished when a business operator undertakes to design an information matrix designed to satisfy the questions of B2B clients. This instance of B2B model planning gains heft when said matrix finds expression inside a flowchart diagram. Large vertical silos emerge as the dominant design theme in said diagram; each silo can be identified with different markers, such as ‘client education‘, ‘thought leadership‘, ‘solutions‘, ‘product suitability‘, ‘sponsor credentials‘, etc. The subsequent stages inside each silo serve to educate and inform the client in terms of the unique value proposition offered by the sponsor organization. Clearly, this instance of B2B model planning hinges on creating a dialogue with business prospects, winning client confidence, and offering definitive (and relevant) value to each client.

Contemporary markets often represent congested (and contested) spaces that require intelligent and accurate B2B model planning initiatives. In line with this, a business operator could design a revised B2B plan inside a flowchart. The diagram could describe a circular arc punctuated by key actions; these could include a business development strategy; long-term business goals; team building activities; planning a range of marketing initiatives; trend analysis of market developments; developing a marketing campaign; pursuing new referrals; direct marketing initiatives; participation in trade shows; etc. This instance of B2B model planning allows the sponsor to gain momentum toward an avowed business vision. The diagram also enables sponsors to set fresh goals appended to timelines, thereby enabling visibility in terms of estimated revenue gains. Further, the image emerging from the flowchart could serve as a roadmap that outlines the future direction of the sponsor enterprise.

Micro conversions can create significant impetus in the long-term B2B sales cycle. Such conversions are the culmination of business efforts to build relationships with the visitors to, for instance, a website. Bearing this in mind, a business operator could initiate B2B model planning with a special emphasis on such conversions. The flowchart, in this instance, fashions a strategy constructed around premium digital content, specialized sales emails, client re-engagement campaigns, refreshed product FAQs, high quality landing pages, tracking a client’s purchase decisions, etc. Such actions, contingent on flawless execution, empower the B2B business operator to drive conversions in the digital domain. Hence, such a flowchart emerges as a dynamic document that can elevate the average B2B business model to a higher league. The interested operator could also embellish the flowchart with planned innovation such as new product pages and high quality images. These actions amplify the impact of actions related to B2B model planning in the modern marketplace.

A calibrated product launch program is a crucial step in any initiative that seeks to further the agenda of B2B model planning. Therefore, a business operator could fashion a definitive illustration to outline said program under various lines of action. The flowchart could portray techniques that include, for instance, email-driven business tactics, content-based programs, events, and a variety of lead generation tactics. The first phase could include different outbound emails that appeal to the business sensibility of a client or business prospect; content could be fashioned in the form of blog posts, data sheets, e-books, cheat sheets, and more. The events tab could signify webinars and in-person events; the lead generation tactics may point to social media engagement strategies, paid email campaigns, direct mailers, and SEO-driven content strategies. The outcomes could assist the sponsor enterprise to orchestrate a high velocity product launch that raises the visibility of the sponsor in B2B markets.

These suggestions can empower entrepreneurs to create intelligent B2B business models that court early success in crowded markets. Each suggestion remains open to interpretation and the impulse to refine and refresh an inchoate business strategy. B2B business operators must deploy their own brand of intuition and business insight as part of efforts to drive incremental success in planning new business models.

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