Flowcharts for preparing Social Marketing Strategies for NGOs

“Transparency may be the most disruptive and far-reaching innovation to come out of social media.” – Paul Gillin

In a certain sense, we may consider the modern age as the heyday of digitally-enabled social media. This platform of contemporary communication represents an incremental step forward from the ages of smoke signals, billboards, and television and radio broadcasts. Social media – as available to the masses today – enables the average individual to connect consistently with a range of audiences using audio, video, text, animation, graphics, memes, and images. Modern NGOs and their funders/marketers can devise interesting versions of social marketing strategies in a bid to pitchfork civil society into the age of digital. These strategies must essentially differ from other forms/modes of marketing in that such strategies must build on unique ideas and bespoke marketing spiels that attract (and retain) the attentions of fickle modern audiences. In this context, NGO-based activists and professionals could consider using flowcharts to develop engaging social marketing strategies designed specifically for digital audiences.

  • The Troika Effect

Operators of NGOs could consider designing flowcharts that position the troika of a social cause, narratives on the human condition in the modern world, and the mandate of a funding agency. This stance could comprise the base of elegant social marketing strategies designed to drive audience engagement and escalate the connections between NGOs and target audiences. The flowchart could emerge in three distinct segments, including campaign/program particulars, promotional techniques, and higher levels of engagement between operators and stakeholders. Additional segments of the illustration could feature notes on traction registered by the campaign in different markets. Hence, we could state that flowcharts remain elementary to the designing of effective NGO-driven social marketing strategies that resonate with modern audiences.

  • Composite is Best

Multiple parts of a composite social marketing technique could find expression within the graded spaces of flowcharts. These parts could include details of NGO programs executed in times past, an enumeration of the stars of contemporary civil society, appeals for donations from audiences, links to published works authored by NGO activists, statistics on projects underway in different domains/geographies, among others. The illustration could spotlight the connections between each segment mentioned above, and promote clarity/transparency within the field of view of marketers. An extensive deployment of such campaign could bring forth custom editions of online marketing solutions and strategies. Such versions of social marketing strategies allow NGOs to capture customer attention in crowded markets, enable them to establish a footprint in congested digital landscapes, and expand the concept of public awareness in a very modern sense of the term.

  • Flowcharts-borne Collaboration

Acts of framing functional collaborations remain a key contributing factor that may help NGOs to design and execute competent social marketing strategies. Pursuant to this, teams of professionals could design, develop, and ideate inside flow diagrams; such collaborations could emerge as chaotic enterprise mediated by debate, dissent, and experimentation. Subsequently, the smooth contours of refined social marketing could emerge, leading to the formulation of stalwart campaigns that connect NGOs with different constituencies of participants and funding agencies. Flowcharts help promote seamless collaboration that picks the brains (and experiences) of individual professionals; hence, we could view flow diagrams as an extended matrix, and indeed a lively confluence of ideas, methods, and techniques that blend to bring an NGO’s social marketing strategies into a pronounced digital existence.

  • The Matter of Radiation

Solar radiation is a pervasive aspect of natural ecosystems on planet earth; the idea hinges on light waves emanating from a source and spreading out into distant limits. Designers of flowchart could adapt this idea to fashion social marketing strategies that distinguish spaces inside flow diagrams. For instance, a designer could position a core idea in the center of flowchart; subsequently, different stages and sub-stages could populate the diagram, thereby reflecting the expansive ideas and creative originality that attends the process of developing social marketing strategies. In addition, sections of illustration could contain appropriate NGO-driven messaging that seeks to embellish the marketing strategy. Hence, we may state the flowchart emerges as a sandbox etched on paper/digital media – one that allows NGOs to explore/execute multiple levels of marketing tactics and operational strategy.

  • Drive Scale for Success

Ideas designed to scale successful instances of social marketing strategies could find expression inside flowcharts. Such a stance enables designers/creators to develop experimental strategies into mainstream marketing and selling propositions. Pursuant to this, creators may elect to re-define some of the contours of civil society strategy to match the requirements of the proverbial big picture. Flow diagrams can depict these transitions effectively for the benefit of stakeholders, evaluators, assessors, clients, and novice marketers. Additionally, extensions appended to flowcharts can promote further ideation, thereby enabling marketing professionals to refine social marketing strategies in tune with specific contexts. These scenarios enable us to appreciate the scope of applying flowcharts to the NGO-based digital marketer’s toolkit.

  • Revisions

Marketers could implement systematic revisions as part of improving the scope/effectiveness of social marketing strategies. Such technique enables NGOs to evaluate ongoing marketing campaigns and frame/design new iterations in tune with time. A revision must essentially unfold through the agency of multiple flowcharts. Inputs, comments, notes, etc. could comprise the bulk of revisions, thereby encouraging designers/marketers to shuttle between multiple illustrations. Additionally, the concept of effecting systematic revisions could lead to emergence of brand new strategies/sub-strategies ensconced within the confines of structured diagrams. Some NGOs could elect to cherry-pick the best concepts/ideas as part of efforts to integrate novelty into marketing campaigns that focus on social.

  • Promoting Original Ideation

Random musings, when fleshed out inside flowchart-based diagrams, could serve to build the outlines of modern social marketing strategies. We may note segments of original strategy could emerge from such efforts; the intelligent marketer could link these (or incorporate these) into existing campaigns of NGO marketing tactics and techniques. For instance, an online marketer of an international charity organization could utilize trade information and statistics emanating from ongoing campaigns to tweak (or amend) the course of NGO-based marketing activity. In such instances, the flowchart serves as a prototypical device, one that brings to life refreshed segments of tactics and marketing strategies. Marketers could also elect to focus on the particulars of a certain market/demographic prior to embarking on re-engineering that drives changes in social marketing strategies and techniques.

  • Demolishing Convention

We may consider the ideas/explorations contained in the paragraphs above to ideate on the designs of social marketing strategies executed through flowcharts. The interactions between flowchart-borne spaces and minds of modern marketers can help create interesting examples of highly effective strategy designed specifically for use in cyberspace. Additionally, creators could integrate the cadence/rhythms of the digital domain into human thought processes that output marketing strategies. Such a stance allows them to rise above the conventions of legacy marketing practices, resulting in well-crafted methods that help NGOs connect productively with digital audiences. Further, flowcharts should remain an integral part of progressive thought processes; these illustrations bear significant potential to spur original developments in the headline topic.

  • In Conclusion

Further to the above, it is important that social marketing strategies must retain a constant element of contextual relevance. A flow diagram could aid in such appreciation by enabling the formation of multiple editions of said strategy. NGOs could test-run each iteration in real time as part of efforts to focus on the best instances of coherent strategy. Subsequently, they could work to tweak and re-align key sections in response to the demands of marketing environments. In enabling these scenarios, flowcharts take pride of place as premier analytical devices that empower the denizens of civil society.

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