Flowcharts to Map Customer Social Media Responses

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Humankind is a “recent addition” to planet earth. This ‘third rock from the sun’ has been in existence for billions of years. It has hosted thousands of species of flora and fauna, mostly unknown to us because these species lived and vanished before the advent of man. Therefore, we must view mankind’s existence in relation to the earth’s natural history through a proper perspective. When we consider the history of mankind, technology and social organization emerge as the defining motifs that dominated human evolution. Emperors, kings and queens, various social classes, commerce, warfare and its assorted technologies have punctuated the evolution of human systems. In modern times, social media has emerged as the pre-eminent consumer technology that is casting a pervasive (and expanding) footprint in our daily lives. Consequently, most commercial operators invest great stock in observing, monitoring, and reacting to social media responses that emanate in the digital domain. Flowcharts and digital diagrams represent one of the means that enable said operators to map the social media responses generated by customers in modern times.

Modern brands and businesses may choose to invest in the creation of cogent strategies that sample the flavors of the myriad social media responses. These operators can create flowcharts that enable them to map the comments that issue from social media platforms. For instance, a fast food operator may create flowcharts to map the entire gamut of social media responses it has received over the last two years. This image may be complex because it depicts every digital response generated from customers. The utility of such an exercize is revealed when we survey the proverbial picture that emerges from these actions. The image allows the operator to deduce the best sellers, the reactions of various customers to new products, sample special requests from customers, etc. This flowchart essentially presents a picture of chaos, but is necessary in the interests of preserving brand integrity and reinforcing customer engagement strategies. In addition, such a flowchart allows the business to infer the directions of future product development based on customer demands and preferences.

A flowchart can assist businesses to refine their market strategies based on the social media responses generated by customers and consumers. A segment of this flowchart must focus on the negative comments attracted by a brand or product. This segment of the diagram has various stages that may instruct reviewers to avoid creating a response, continue monitoring, and (or) respond with factual information. These tactics enable businesses to avoid a very public confrontation in social media, and thus contain the fallout of a damaging slanging match. This flowchart also serves a remedial purpose in that it encourages brand managers to re-calibrate certain aspects of their social media campaigns. The diagram also trains social media strategists to reinforce positivity in their online brand campaigns with a view to reinforce a brand image. In addition, a dispassionate assessment of social media responses allows brand managers to fashion new campaigns that are in line with emerging aspects of consumer behavior.

Corporate entities and business organizations must plan their response mechanisms with a view to deal with social media responses. This is important because social media remains on the frontlines of instantaneous digital communications. A flowchart can help these entities to flesh out an appropriate response mechanism. The multiple stages depicted on such a diagram must instruct staff persons to invest time and effort in framing a cogent (and appropriate) response on social media platforms. Other stages may instruct staff persons to cite legitimate sources through web-links and videos, disclose their affiliation properly, create a series of digital responses when necessary, and frame each response in a positive tone. This flowchart must therefore, operate as part of a company’s public communications policy. It must be upgraded at regular time intervals. In addition, every member of the staff must be well versed in the core tenets propounded by said flowchart. Hence, a flowchart may remain at the very heart of a corporate communications policy.

A negative product or service experience by a customer may generate terse, unflattering comments on social media. Such actions may not serve the best interests of a business or commercial organization. As part of its strategy to deal with social media responses, an organization must design flowcharts that instruct staff persons to respond appropriately. The stages depicted on this diagram may commence at an assessment of the nature of the complaint, a private communication with the aggrieved customer or complainant, seek the details of the negative incident, assure the customer of the best services in the future, and a token offering to smoothen the proverbial ruffled feathers. This flowchart must figure prominently in the company’s strategy to deal with social media responses. In addition, such complaints serve the wider purpose of alerting the business operator to act in a bid to arrest the incidence of negative experiences with customers in the future.

Positive social media responses present commercial operators with a golden chance to promote their business to Internet audiences. Brands and businesses can deploy flowcharts to determine a standard operating mechanism that must be enforced in the wake of positive comments. This flowchart depicts multiple stages wherein, a brand promotes positive social media responses on multiple Internet properties, thanks the customer with a brief message, shares customer feedback with higher management, etc. This template allows the business operator to gain critical mileage in the digital domain, thus lending it a competitive edge over other market players. In addition, this flowchart should serve to reinforce the positive aspects of a brand image. Such reinforcement allows the business operator to burnish its public image, boosts brand loyalty, and encourages staff persons to contribute at higher levels.

Every business operator must endeavor to create an ongoing dialogue with customers. This strategy is critical because it boosts customer engagement and elevates the digital visibility of a brand on the Internet. These operators can fashion flowcharts in a bid to boost such dialogues and converse with customers through social media responses. This strategy gains more significance when we consider the fact that a responsive brand will likely attract more customers. For instance, a manufacturer of sporting goods can connect digitally with its customers in a bid to form an active part of customers’ training regimens. The ongoing dialogue allows the brand to maintain high visibility on social media platforms, while sharing training tips with interested customers. These aspects can populate a flowchart, thereby impressing upon staff members the need to engage with customers on a regular basis. In addition, such a flowchart allows business operators to sample feedback from customers; such data can guide future product development efforts.

The foregoing paragraphs have analyzed the centrality of flowcharts in mapping the social media responses of customers and citizens. Brands and businesses must ensure they create (and sustain) a lively presence on social media for the benefit of their customers. They may explore the use of flowcharts to achieve such ends because these diagrams help business operators to brainstorm future strategies. Flowcharts also enable brands to assess their current levels of digital performance by examining social media responses from customers. Interesting business insights and deep dives into the customer’s mind set represent additional rewards of incorporating flowcharts into such endeavors.

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