Making Your Brand Resilient through Customer Service

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“In today’s Age of Disruption, resilient brands depend upon principles of adaptation and alignment to continually read and react to permanent uncertainty,” – Jonathan David Lewis

Modern brands need to survive and thrive in a world that is populated by discerning customers, multiple brand identities, ferociously competitive enterprises, and the underlying threat of uncertainty in business. Brands face great risks in the modern hyper-connected world because the Internet is able to boost transparency and reach. This means that a random instance of a negative customer experience can be broadcast to wide swathes of customers, thereby posing a serious challenge to brand reputation. Therefore, every brand needs to maintain its own distinct presence in the market and adopt a range of strategies to hold its own, while creating a distinct legacy. Customer service is one of the techniques that can be utilised to build brand resilience. This technique should work in conjunction with the consistent delivery of a steady value proposition.

Brands and businesses should invest time and corporate resources to create a distinct identity. The paradigm of customer service can enable a brand to build and create an enduring identity in competitive markets. For instance, a brand or a business can undertake a conscious decision to pay close attention to the customer’s voice. This decision should be implemented across the firm and must be enforced at every level of customer contact. Senior management personnel can be sensitised to the above requirement, and the same applies to business managers and business associates. We must note that a steady brand reputation indelibly associated with customer service in the public perception can help the business to operate profitably through all business cycles. When consistently applied, this emphasis on customer service will be identified closely with the values enshrined in the said brand.

Every brand thrives on using brand ambassadors because these advocates take the brand’s message to large sections of future or potential customers. The business managers of a brand must pay close attention to these allies because such communication comprises an essential aspect of customer service. A brand’s approach to managing brand ambassadors is viewed as a litmus test of the brand’s manifest attitude to its customers. Therefore, every brand must make it a business priority to communicate regularly with its ambassadors and to listen carefully to any suggestions put forth by these entities. Once a stable and thriving relationship is established between a brand and its ambassadors, the spotlight can be encouraged to explore this phenomenon as a manifestation of the brand’s commitment to all customers. In light of the above, we may state that customer service has emerged as a critical milestone in the achievement of brand resilience.

A unique brand personality can be created through top-notch customer support services. This approach to building brand resilience hinges on the fact that brands interact with customers at multiple levels and therefore, excellent customer support services can elevate the brand’s standing and reputation in the market. For instance, a business manager that oversees floral productions and the supply of cut flowers can choose to walk around the business premises with customers in a bid to review the offerings. The customer can be personally advised on the different types of flowers and the prices of each product. We may state that this stance represents individualized customer support services and will likely persuade the customer to offer repeat business to the said enterprise. This comprises another instance of leveraging customer service in the pursuit of building brand resilience.

The information age we live in affords brands and businesses multiple means to harness and collate customer information. Both online and offline methods are available through which brands can gather customer information. Thereafter, a brand or a business can work to fashion individualized product and service offers in a bid to attract customers. This approach leverages an element of novelty in the conduct of business operations and therefore, creates higher chances of profitable interactions with potential business prospects. We must note that this technique is essentially a variation of using customer service to promote the achievement of business goals and outcomes. Interesting variations can be spotlighted in devising such strategies. For instance, a brand or a business can devise the mentioned offers in variance with the common deals available in the market. This element of variance injects fresh interest in customers and may ignite a buying frenzy that can boost business outcomes.

Enduring instances of customer service can help modern businesses to add credence to their brand reputation and develop additional brand resilience. For instance, a supermarket chain can choose to react constructively to their young customers in an effort to add fresh vitality to brand operations and to boost their public image. This may appear as an unconventional approach to customer service, but we must acknowledge the fact that reacting to customer suggestions and feedback comprises one of the cornerstones of customer service. These actions help to reinforce brand reputations in public arenas because they indicate that brands remain open to suggestions from multiple quarters. In light of the above, we may state that customer service should include nimble and agile responses that cut through the bureaucracy that typifies certain businesses.

The element of surprise should be ever discounted from customer service paradigms. Businesses must try and fashion creative surprises designed to delight the customer. This strategy must be brainstormed and must have an element of impromptu action in order to boost the creative outcomes. For instance, regular customers at hospitality establishments can indicate their preferences for bed sheets, towels, toiletries, etc. Business managers may take note of these choices and send gift hampers of these precise items to certain regular customers on their birthdays. This strategy will likely reinforce a brand reputation in the eyes of select customers; additional pay-offs may emerge when said customers narrate these events on social media, much to the delight of the said hospitality business. We must state that these actions expand the concept and practices inherent in customer service paradigms.

In the preceding paragraphs, we have examined some of the mechanisms that can help a business to reinforce its brand resilience by leveraging customer service paradigms. Brands and businesses must note that every action undertaken in the commercial arena should be designed to strengthen business bonds with all stakeholders, especially customers. In addition, traditional customer service practices should be overhauled, and re-worked to retain a sense of relevance, in modern times. Business thinkers and strategists must examine and explore the means to expand the scope of customer service paradigms. Similarly, the concept of the brand should be re-engineered to help brands identify themselves more closely with business practices. We must note that this assumes significance because every market is home to legacy brands that have established their market share and native brand persona. These aspects and the perception of brands must be minutely examined and their core value proposition should be carefully re-assessed. These actions may require brand re-engineering and the dismantling of traditional branding concepts and practices. Further, brands and businesses should objectively act upon suggestions sourced from external experts. The cumulative outcome of such efforts will likely cast fresh light on legacy business enterprises so that they can be attuned to the sensibilities and preferences of modern customers.

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