Maximize Effects of a Live Marketing Event

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“Live marketing events are expensive, stressful, and must be carefully planned down to the last detail. But the tradeoff for a great event is monumental: brand lift, customer affinity, and great ROI, –

The laws of the physical world postulate that nature abhors a vacuum and moves quickly to fill empty spaces with fluids like gas and water. This action sustains balance in natural processes and ensures the preservation of the natural environment. Similarly, modern markets have evolved into dynamic entities that react with alacrity to any ebbs in market processes. New competition emerges every day and poses a challenge to entrenched commercial interests. These processes are powered by publicity and marketing, which remain the lifeblood of modern commerce. In recent times, the live marketing event has captured the imagination of brands and businesses. We intend to examine some of the processes that converge to create a special luminance around these events.

Planning is an important aspect of the modern live marketing event. In essence, these events need to be choreographed to create the maximum yield for event sponsors. Therefore, brands and businesses should invest time and energy into planning the exact sequence of processes that should ideally comprise the marketing event. For instance, a television channel that is creating a music-driven sub-brand may elect to host a live marketing event around fresh talent and chats with industry luminaries. The fresh talent helps to create zest that attracts consumer attention, while the panel discussions with luminaries can drive a certain level of substance into event proceedings. The marketing event can be broadcast live on television and Internet streaming channels to reach the maximum numbers of audiences. This instance clearly spotlights the criticality of planning the sequence of a live marketing event.

Event follow-up remains a distinct aspect of the modern live marketing event. We note that every marketing event has a life span after which it assumes a life in taped archives and repeat broadcasts. The ‘live’ element of the marketing event is typically short and therefore, organizers and sponsors must work to follow-up with leads, customers, and audiences. We may state that the energy devoted into the post event follow-up can help organizers to glean customer insights, ascertain the business drivers, and spot trends in audience behavior. Certain segments of the audience may relate overtly to the pace of a live marketing event; on the other hand, others may identify closely with the creative element inherent in the nature of the event. These insights can help frame the outlines of future events and thereby boost the ROI for event sponsors.

An element of glamour is essential in the efforts that drive modern marketing processes. Glamour helps to attract attention and boosts audience engagement metrics. Therefore, business sponsors must attach an element of sober glamour to drive the success of a live marketing event. For instance, a manufacturer of automobile may choose to organize an event in a large shopping mall. The venue is a winner because people from all walks of life frequent these retail destinations in modern urban landscapes. The glamour quotient is spotlighted when organizers deploy a fashion starlet in conjunction with the automotive products. Visitors to the mall may be naturally curious and the glamour quotient helps to multiply their curiosity. Leads and converts may emerge in the course of the live marketing event, thereby fulfilling the primary objective of the marketing exercise.

The technical aspects of a modern marketing event represent a significant factor in ensuring event success. Brand managers and event organizers must work to ensure that the best audio and video equipment is deployed in a bid to retain the attentions of event attendees. The showmanship inherent in the modern live marketing event can spell the difference between a successful event and a lukewarm audience response. For instance, a manufacturer of motorcycles may organize an event distinguished by the use of top-notch audio and video paraphernalia. These artefacts help to create the right ‘vibes’ and engage the attentions of the audience. We note that such events essentially work to tap into the enthusiasm of the ‘crowd’; hence, the technical aspect must be flawless to elicit the maximum audience response. This aspect of the live marketing event will likely remain in the minds of consumers long after the event has concluded and may drive the subsequent fortunes of the marketed product. Any slipshod machinery can fuel a negative impression and may drive subsequent accusations of unprofessional behavior.

‘Live streaming’ features prominently in any modern live marketing event. This aspect stems from the fact that Internet technologies enable ‘remote’ audiences to attend a marketing event using digital channels. Market research indicates that remote audiences comprise a numerically superior segment than audiences that present themselves at the physical venue of the event. Therefore, every marketing sponsor and brand organizers should focus on professional live streaming platforms in order to expand the audience outreach of an event. This technique enables an event to attain stupendous depth of reach and generate significantly higher ROI for marketing budgets. In addition, live streaming technologies help to capture an event for posterity, thereby creating opportunities for future interactions.

Video content, post-event emails, social media interactions, and recordings of speaker sessions represent critical aspects of the follow-up campaign that trails a live marketing event. Brands and businesses can gain significant marketing traction by deploying these devices in the aftermath of an event. These actions help to preserve the event in the minds of attendees, set the mood for future participation, and can spark interest in similar subsequent events. These digital artefacts can be curated and presented to audiences via disparate digital channels in a bid to extend the afterglow of a live marketing event. Interesting comments, back-stage incidents, and audience remarks on social media platforms can be packaged to create ‘show reels’ that sustain audience interest. Further, these artefacts can be archived with a view to re-playing them in the opening sessions of planned future events.

Social media marketing has created a prominent presence in the play books of modern marketers. These Internet platforms are reach far and deep in modern consumer domains; therefore, social media-driven marketing should be a prominent plank for the future live marketing event. Organizers and sponsors can work to automate social media postings at regular intervals in a concerted bid to sustain public interest in such events. We note that the ‘build-up’ to a marketing event represents an important aspect of modern marketing. In light of this fact, brands and businesses should join forces with their marketing strategists to develop momentum and awareness among business prospects and potential customers.

The preceding paragraphs have outlined some of the techniques that guarantee the success of a live marketing event. Expert marketers and canny brand strategists can deploy a combination of these techniques to create a high-voltage event that boosts the return on investment on their marketing dollars. The majority of modern customers seek value in lieu of their dollars; therefore, marketing events must spotlight the value proposition inherent in a certain product, service, or idea that is being marketed. In addition, brands and businesses should add ‘extras’ such as great catering to ensure that the event preserves its momentum. Top-notch marketing can confer significant early success to a business enterprise; hence, every commercial organization should invest significantly to create the best live marketing events.

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