Most Effective Ways to Use Customer Reviews

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“In today’s competitive business landscape, online customer reviews have become critical for a majority of ecommerce sites because of their immense influence in boosting conversion rate,” – Anthea Beagles

Business and customer interactions help to create a number of outcomes. These include higher sales, customer goodwill, and enabling businesses to understand customer requirements, among others. Customer reviews represent one of the important outcomes of these interactions. These reviews have emerged as powerful marketing tools that reinforce and elevate the voice of the customer. At the same time, businesses can utilize customer reviews to boost their marketing strategies and to enhance the returns on their investment. We will examine some of the strategies that can help businesses to utilize customer reviews in a bid to increase sales and to boost profitability.

Businesses can choose to spotlight customer reviews on their websites and social media handles. This is essentially a broadcast device wherein, businesses leverage the words of a satisfied customer to attract the attentions of online audiences. We note that said reviews must be accompanied by a customer photograph in a bid to boosts its veracity. Market observers note that viewers and audiences tend to trust reviews that are presented with customer images. Further, the authentic voice of the customer stands out in the clutter of modern marketing messages, thereby enabling viewers to connect to the business enterprise. Any specific feature admired by customers can stand out in the customer reviews thereby helping to focus customer attention on a company’s product offerings.

Commercial enterprises must acknowledge the power of social media channels in the modern world. Therefore, brands and businesses must share positive customer reviews across their social media handles. This is an important strategy because it enables the brand to access a low-cost media channel to reach out to a maximum number of customers. When we realise the fact that most modern customers have a regular presence on social media, the business case for positioning customer reviews on social media channels is even more reinforced. In light of the above, we note that businesses should be encouraged to source genuine product reviews and service reviews from happy customers with the express intent to spotlight these on social media channels.

Brand logos play an important role in modern commerce. The logo is the brand ambassador of a business and it behoves businesses to spotlight the logo on high visibility platforms. Therefore, in addition to customer reviews, brands and businesses are advised to spotlight their respective logos on cyber platforms such as websites and social media handles. This strategy enables a business to boost its share in customer mindscapes, boost brand recall, and establish a credible presence in competitive modern markets.

Newsletters and emails represent significant marketing traffic in modern times. Every brand and business subscribes to processes and techniques that broadcast electronic newsletters through emails. In light of this fact, we note that brands and businesses must send customer reviews through said newsletters and emails. These actions enable commercial enterprises to multiply their share of customer goodwill and win new segments of customers. In addition, the random perusal of such emails can trigger impulse shopping behaviour leading to higher sales for a brand or business. Further, the use of customer reviews can help brands and businesses to deepen their impression on the customer’s minds, thereby leading to positive purchase behaviour on the part of customers.

E-commerce businesses often deploy special product pages in a bid to capture customer attention and to boost product sales. An extension of this strategy is manifest when online businesses embed relevant customer reviews in these online product pages. This practice essentially reinforces the positive image of a product, thereby promoting additional sales. This strategy also enables the seller to spotlight a certain product on its website or micro-site. Further, a user comments section can be activated in a bid to attract comments and reviews from new and current users. We must note that the outcomes of all these strategies makes the webpage highly interactive and may accelerate product sales.

Both online and offline businesses can choose to be responsive to customer reviews. This is recommended as sound business practice because it helps to create the impression of a sound business ethos. In line with this logic, we must note that businesses should respond courteously to customer reviews and acknowledge the customer’s interest in writing a product or service review. This act of acknowledgement helps to deepen customer engagement and may be viewed as an oblique business development tactic. Further, brands and businesses may shout out their appreciation on social media, thereby creating grounds for an online conversation. These techniques can help to expand a commercial relationship beyond the immediate confines of a customer review.

Negative reviews should empower a brand to perform at higher levels. We note that this is a creative use of negativity. Not every customer review may qualify to be called a glowing testimonial, but businesses must exert special care in handling negative customer reviews. These afford brands and businesses an opportunity to examine and review the performance of a product or a service. In addition, brands and businesses can expand the fallout of a negative review by creating a better product, one that may place the business at the top of its market. In light of the above, commercial operators should train to accept both bouquets and brickbats in open markets.

Brands and businesses can elect to spotlight customer reviews in their board meetings and in meetings with investors. We note that such actions represent a valid use of customer feedback and their deployment in the service of furthering business objective remains valid. Customer feedback is considered a genuine market reaction and a bona fide instance of the voice of the customer. In light of the above, we note that said reviews can be viewed as a measure of customer satisfaction and a demonstration of public faith in commercial offerings.

Intelligent business enterprises can encourage customers to pen more customer reviews in a bid to sample the flavour of customer reactions. This is an interesting course of action because the variety of customer reviews enables a business to create a comprehensive picture of public reaction. However, we note that the generated feedback should be carefully examined in a bid to spotlight authenticity and to discard the frivolous. The range of positive feedback can be selected for public platforms, while the negative feedback can be internally examined in a bid to create a better product or service.

In the preceding paragraphs, we have examined some of the techniques to leverage customer reviews in the interests of furthering a business mandate. We must note that commercial enterprises exist to compete in open markets; therefore, any means of extending the commercial agenda is fair game in the face of competitive markets. That said, we note that brands and businesses must stay clear of creating fake reviews in a bid to advance the commercial agenda. These actions can create irreparable damage to a brand and may doom a business enterprise. On the other hand, a genuine customer review can enable businesses to gain a steady reputation in local and foreign markets. This must therefore be preserved and consolidated in the wider interests of commerce and human society.

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