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“Personalized marketing is the implementation of a strategy by which companies deliver individualized content to recipients through data collection, analysis, and the use of automation technology,” – Emarsys.com
Marketing is a complex science made complicated by the many dynamics that attend modern markets. Modern customers have a huge range of goods and services at their disposal. Even so, more brands are entering the market every day. Meanwhile, economic globalization has ensured the ceaseless flow of goods and services; this powers growing competition between the manufacturers and marketers of material products. These factors necessitate ever sharper marketing strategies that transmit targeted messages to customers and consumers. Therefore, we may state that personalized marketing communications represent the best strategy to succeed in modern consumer markets in 2018. We shall examine some of these strategies in the paragraphs below.
Online businesses have access to some of the best opportunities to implement personalized marketing communications. These businesses interact with customers face-to-face when buyers surf their websites and shopping apps on smartphones and connected tablets. This mode of consumer behavior enables online merchants to track consumer behavior minutely. The resulting streams of data help the business to craft various levels of personalized marketing communications. For instance, an online merchant can deploy software to create algorithms that offer the best product recommendations based on a shopper’s past behavior. This technique allows the merchant to create bespoke recommendations that multiply shoppers’ buying opportunities. When applied across the board to all shoppers, this strategy encourages impulse buying from online shoppers and results in huge sales boosts for the merchant. This instance clearly illuminates the power of targeting customers based on data and personalized marketing communications in the modern world.
Electronic merchants can deploy personalized communications to shape buyer behavior in many ways. In addition to the above instance, merchants can monitor buyers’ shopping processes and direct attention at abandoned shopping carts. This information, when compiled into a metric, can drive marketing decisions. We must acknowledge the fact that an abandoned shopping cart represents lost value to a business. The abrupt abandonment of a cart indicates a change in buyer intent or an interruption incurred at the expense of the merchant. Therefore, online businesses may choose to issue email-based communications (or alerts) to such shoppers, gently encouraging them to complete the shopping expedition. Shoppers that respond to such communication help the business deepen its revenues. This instance of personalized marketing communications has a direct bearing on the revenues generated by a business enterprise.
Marketing strategists should chalk out clear roadmaps interspersed by personalized marketing communications. Behavioral science indicates that human beings respond best to systematic messages couched as reminders. This approach can help modern marketers to act as influencers in the buying process. For instance, a traditional business operator may choose to remind every customer to take home a paper copy of the shopping bill. This may appear trivial, but helps said merchant to establish a deep connection with his clientele. Over time, repeated reminders may drill the message into each customer’s psyche and this cements the bond between the seller and his many customers. We note that the act of repeating the same message reflects positively on the seller’s sense of duty. In time, every buyer will appreciate the message and the fact that the paper copy of the shopping bill reinforces the rights of the buyer as a customer. This instance clearly underlines the importance of personalized marketing communications.
Gamified mobile apps present a unique channel to transmit personalized marketing communications. Marketers have acknowledged the fact the modern app is all-powerful in garnering the customers’ attention. Therefore, brands and businesses can deploy this unique cyber device to develop customer engagement strategies. For instance, a coffee merchant can engage individual customers by ‘pushing’ rewards and loyalty programs through the app. This engagement strategy hinges on one-to-one communications between the merchant and the consumer. This channel of interaction also facilitates a constant level of brand communication at a personal level. This encourages a level of customer loyalty and creates enhanced selling opportunities for the merchant. In addition, the merchant can transmit product updates, information pertaining to new products, updated product pricing, discount schemes, tailored selling strategies, etc. to individual consumers. In light of the above, we may view the app as a critical tool in the marketing repertoire of modern businesses.
Gathering and acting upon information pertaining to individual customers is critical in the creation of personalized marketing communications. Context signals represent a key spoke in the wheel of such marketing communications. These signals should be harnessed to create relevant forms of personalized marketing communications. For instance, businesses can use this technique to fashion bespoke messages for high-value customers. The information gathered from recent interactions may indicate that one such high-value entity executed serial attempts to connect with customer help desks. The interested business can take note of this fact and inquire with said customer the reason for his or her actions. This inquiry can be couched within the confines of a marketing message directed at said customer’s mailbox. The message assures the customer that his actions have not been in vain; it also indicates the business continues to remain interested in his custom. We note the net effect of such business-driven actions bear immense significance in customer retention and help businesses cement bonds with their customers.
Information issuing from consumers’ mobile devices and customers’ individual locations can help businesses to create personalized marketing communications. This real-time strategy hinges on marketers using mobile technology and modern messaging platforms. For instance, consumers visiting a trade show can receive contextual advertisements in their mobile devices from exhibitors. These messages can assist individual customers to navigate their way to stalls of personal interest. We may state this form of commercial communication helps facilitate the sales process for brands and businesses. In addition, this technique aids business development processes because consumers may elect to engage with a business later. The intelligent business organization may therefore, invest in technologies that enable consumer connections at specific geographic locations.
Data collection technologies can help modern businesses to cater to consumer choices. The vehicle of choice in this strategy hinges on modern analytics. This technology can inform businesses about consumer interests in a range of products. Now, in certain cases, some product lines may be out of stock in the inventory. This is a normal situation; yet, businesses gain when they track consumer interest in such items. For instance, an online merchant may track consumer interest in products that are absent from the inventory; this information can be noted and a customized email dispatched to the consumer once the product re-enters the merchant’s inventory. Essentially, the merchant is notifying the customer about current product availability through an email, a text message, or an in-app message. This technique empowers businesses to boost product sales and offers additional opportunities to engage with the modern consumer.
In the preceding paragraphs, we have examined some of the techniques that enable businesses to create personalized marketing communications. Every brand and business can elect to refine these techniques and apply them to gain greater business outcomes. Business owners and brand managers can also deploy combinations of aforesaid techniques to gain a competitive edge in modern markets.
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