Positioning your Company as Marketing Leader

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“Businesses that think progressively can become a resource for their consumers. They can make predictions about the future of the industry based on their observations and corroborate these with third-party sources. These actions distinguish a brand,” – CoxBlue.com

Conflict and competition are inherent in nature. All variations of flora and fauna compete for survival, access to food and nutrients, sunlight, and water. The food chain operates across the biological world and the interesting term ‘apex predators’ emerged to signify the top tier of the food chain. These majestic entities have no natural enemies and dominate certain aspects of their immediate natural environment. In a similar vein, commercial competition forces brands and businesses to compete for customers; we see the emergence of a marketing leader that towers above the competition by embracing and practicing top-notch business models. These entities dominate the commercial food chain in terms of customer loyalty, distribution networks, promotional spending, etc. We will examine some of the techniques that enable modern enterprises to achieve leadership status.

Appreciating the customer’s point of view enables a business to rise above its peers and rivals. This is a commercial attitude that indicates business intent to address and resolve customer queries and concerns in everyday business activities. The marketing leader retains a pro-active attitude to customer pain points because these have the potential to disturb the end-customer experience. Identifying and resolving pain points also empowers a business to retain and expand its customer base and develop a long-term plan for business growth. For instance, an enterprise that sells hardware products may elect to inform customers about all available variations of a certain product. This action empowers the customer to make an informed choice before committing to a purchase decision. The business may also work to bring new products to the attention of customers. The net outcome of these actions include the creation of a pool of dedicated customers that transact exclusively with said business for their hardware requirements. This example clearly demonstrates the creation of a marketing leader in a certain commercial market.

Motivation and intent often underlies the majority of human actions. Commercial organizations are animated by the profit motive and therefore, a marketing leader should invest in the creation of a motivated sales and marketing department. Driven by ambition and the lure of sales commissions, the members of said department can work to attain new heights in sales graphs and achieve targets on a consistent basis. The business may also encourage the members to brainstorm new marketing tactics in a bid to decimate the competition. Further, business leaders must impress upon their cadre the need to create wining sales strategies with a view to expanding the scope of the business enterprise. These instances of motivation distinguish a marketing leader and enable marketing teams to connect with more customers, boost conversions, and add momentum to the revenue streams of the business.

A modern commercial organization operates multiple departments that work in concert to achieve business goals. Businesses that wish to attain the position of a marketing leader should encourage all the departments to perform in concert. The marketing department may have to interact with sales personnel and front-office staff members in a bid to break corporate silos. This collaboration is vital to the overall success of the enterprise. It also enables business leaders to create viable connections with all employees. That said, we note that a marketing leader invests time and effort to boost employee satisfaction. This aspect of business performance ties in closely with employee motivation levels. A motivated employee is likely to invest human dedication to solving the business task at hand; therefore, high levels of employee motivation across the enterprise create tangible productivity gains. This is significant in modern competitive markets which thrive on the ingenuity and innovation of their human capital.

Technology animates many aspects of our modern existence. Almost every aspect of our lives is guided by the evolution and optimization of multiple technologies. A marketing leader should use social media platforms and mobile technologies in a bid to connect with young generations of customers and consumers. This recommendation is spurred by the fact that traditional media platforms such as television, radio, and newspapers are increasingly ceding marketing space to online media such as the Internet. Brands and businesses that aim to dominate their markets should invest in digital marketing strategies that expand their digital footprint and presence in cyberspace. We note that certain enterprises have already implemented online-only marketing strategies that steer clear of the physical world. They create distribution hubs in the real world but their marketing and selling operations are exclusive to cyberspace. In light of these facts, ambitious enterprises should explore the creation of such strategies and gain market share at the expense of rivals.

Corporate captains should encourage their organizations to invest effort in experimentation and learning. These are essential long-term investments in business growth because they demonstrate the success of certain strategies and spotlight success deficits in others. Therefore, a marketing leader must encourage business initiatives even at the risk of failure. This attitude towards business enables a brand to build a confident workforce that enjoys a certain leeway in its approach to business practices. We note that every success mantra is not enshrined in business school curricula; business interactions with consumers, customers, and suppliers may yield priceless business insights that may not conform to orthodox business thought. These insights can be used to adjust marketing strategies and can be fed into the creation of future strategies.

A sharp focus on current market conditions and awareness of consumer trends distinguishes the actions of a marketing leader. Every brand or business must invest in creating a finely tuned market intelligence network. This enables heightened awareness that can guide appropriate business decisions at the right time. For instance, a provider of wireless telecommunications services should cultivate a fine sense of the contemporary market conditions. This approach enables said business to adjust its offerings in tune with market sentiments. It also enables the business to match its rival’s offerings. These actions are calibrated to retain customers and to attract new consumers that have just entered the market. That said, the marketing leader can embark on a selling strategy designed to lure customers away from competing businesses. We note that such practices are common, but the leader implements these strategies with a certain panache, enabling it to gain a certain degree of market domination.

The preceding paragraphs have examined some techniques that enable a firm to attain the position of a marketing leader. We must note that leadership does not imply cut-throat trade practices because these can, at best, impart a short-lived spurt in sales. Every aspiring marketing leader must essentially operate with a long-term view of the market. Serving the customer and placing customer priorities in the center of business strategies should enable commercial organizations to attain pole position in a market. In addition, a marketing leader should take care to mold public perception and must adroitly manage its brand image. These actions stem from a deep understanding and knowledge of market dynamics and keeping a close eye on the voice of the customer. Intelligent interventions enable a market leader to dominate the competition and extract mileage from traditional marketing tactics. A combination of such actions will lead to favorable business outcomes.

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