Sales Process Flowcharts

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Adventure, entertainment, sports, and recreation represent signature leisure activities that distinguish human lives. These pursuits distract the human mind from the proverbial daily grind, refresh the senses naturally, and instil a sense of confidence in the human psyche. Health professionals and wellness experts attest to the human need to pursue regular recreational activities in the interests of leading a healthy life. Similarly, the domain of trade and commerce allots outsized significance to the sales process as a means to gain a regular measure of rejuvenation. The impulse to sell, ingrained in the psyche of commercial operators, drives the sales of products and services and this promotes healthy cash flows inside an enterprise. In this context, flowcharts have emerged as a premier tool that allows businesses to plan and execute sales processes. The systematic schema afforded by a modern flowchart enables business operators to design and implement selling plans in modern markets. Further, the ability to add stages to a flowchart enables businesses to extend the sales process beyond local markets.

Business operators must adopt a versatile approach when they devise flowcharts to map the typical sales process. The intent behind such a diagram should reside squarely in the central tenets of commerce. Ergo, such a flowchart diagram must proceed through lead generation, lead qualification, setting a sales appointment, making sales presentations, pursuing final negotiations, and the closing of a sale. These stages, when depicted inside a sales process flowchart, must find resonance in the actual chain of events in the real world. Sales professionals may choose to consult the flowchart and add refinements as required. Business leaders, on their part, may elect to add subtle nuances to the process in a bid to elevate the chances of closing a successful sale. In addition, designers of a sales process flowchart may add alternative methods that enable sellers to negotiate with the ‘difficult’ customer. This illustration clearly outlines the importance of using flowcharts as a method to drive the sales process.

The annual business calendar covers a period of twelve months in modern times. Most selling activities are planned within this timeframe and therefore, these plans and activities occur throughout the calendar year. However, most businesses divide the selling cycle into weeks (or calendar quarters); this allows them to drive the quantum of selling activity to be accomplished within a certain period. In line with this, flowcharts that map the sales process may include a sub-process that logs weekly sales data and generates a weekly sales report. This sub-process can be incorporated into the master flowchart that tracks and drives the sales process. The different parts of such a flowchart may include regular commissions, sales commissions, the attendant calculations, new sales prospects, the large numbers that emerge each week, etc. The utility of such a flowchart is primarily manifest in the fact that it creates a systematic record of selling activity and documents the sales process in detail. Additionally, a review of the flowchart-borne data allows management personnel to create sales forecasts and drive the achievement of new targets.

The management of sales leads represents an important stage of the sales process. Brands and businesses must invest significant efforts in managing sales leads and expanding the number of sales opportunities that emerge. Flowcharts can be deployed to achieve these ends. These diagrams may cover the processes of generating cold leads and internal leads. The initial stages of these flowcharts must focus on offering ‘bait’ to the sales prospect; the inducement can be in the form of a free report, a list of short videos, or a webinar. Subsequently, the prospect may elicit a level of interest in the product or service, leading the sales person to pitch a formal offer. These stages, when depicted inside a flowchart diagram, allow sales persons to calibrate their efforts at targeting a range of sales prospects. In addition, these sales process flowcharts enable novice sales persons to acquire selling skills and hone their craft. Further, these flowcharts, when diversified, can include a variety of pre-selling techniques that may boost the prospects of cold sales mechanisms.

Locating the perfect sales lead or sales opportunity is a crucial part of the selling process. Sales personnel resort to a variety of means and techniques in a concerted bid to locate these opportunities in modern markets. Digital channels represent one of the avenues of modern sales. In response, businesses may fashion flowcharts that depict the sales process in the digital domain. Such a flowchart can map the progression from an initial response from a potential lead to the generation of a bona fide sales opportunity. This flowchart can include stages such as near-term opportunities, lead nurturing, lead scoring techniques, deferred sales, alternative lead generation, etc. The picture that emerges from this exercise depicts multiple aspects of the sales process and the emergence of a sales opportunity. Variations of this flowchart may allow business enterprises to re-calibrate or adjust their sales strategies in response to market conditions. The captains of industry may elect to overhaul such selling mechanisms in a bid to infuse fresh energies into the selling process in a bid to add heft to the business bottom line.

Momentum remains a force of nature in the world of trade and commerce. Every business operator seeks to boost the velocity of business operations in the pursuit of commercial objectives. The sales process is no exception and business operators may fashion tactics to gain a competitive edge in open markets. Flowcharts are one such tactic that, when leveraged, can boost the scope and momentum of selling activities. Operators may attach a numerical value to each stage of such a flowchart; the numbers may indicate a certain amount of dollars in sales to be achieved against a specified time scale. This flowchart diagram, when shared among sales associates as part of standard business practices, enables each associate to gain a clear picture of the expectations at the workplace. In addition, the numbers on said flowchart, when revised upward at certain times of the annual calendar, allow sales personnel to map their business wins against the targets etched on the flowchart.

Digital technologies enable business operators and sales professionals to dissect, analyze, construct, and deconstruct modern processes in detail. Flowcharts that depict the modern sales process can originate in a variety of (stacked) sub-stages that include the multiple lead generation mechanisms available in the digital age. These may include email, online advertisements, social media, search platforms, online banners, chatbots, landing pages, websites, micro-sites, etc. The subsequent stages may appear in a linear fashion to include lead nurturing programs, campaign triggers, lead scoring systems, campaign re-targeting systems, etc. The image that ensues allows observers to gain a fine appreciation of contemporary sales processes that hinge on digital technologies. The sheer amount of detail depicted in this image indicates the mature stage attained by digital selling paradigms. In addition, such a flowchart can serve as a premier instructional tool that can school legions of freshmen in the nuanced art of modern selling.

The aforesaid paragraphs outline the various points of intersection between flowcharts and modern selling practices. Brands and businesses must exert brainpower in efforts to refine said diagrams to forge new and more potent selling mechanisms. These efforts may allow them to dominate the competition and boost their market footprint.

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