Surprise and Delight Your Customers for Success

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“Successful businesses add features and benefits on a regular basis that surprise and delight their customers. It means getting them accustomed to being delighted every time they buy a product from you,” –

Customer delight is a wonderful concept that powers reputational achievements and drives business outcomes in modern commercial organizations. Brands and businesses should equate the importance of customer delight with the exercise of ‘soft power’ that defines certain aspects of modern geopolitics. Therefore, they should strive to surprise and delight customers. This should be done with a view to win competitive differentiation, as part of strategies to expand the customer base, and to carve a distinct niche for themselves in competitive markets.

Packaged delights represent one of the best means to surprise human customers. For instance, a shoe manufacturer that sells its merchandise on the Internet can choose to surprise and delight customers by enclosing a discount coupon with each purchase. We may state that the customer is already assured of product quality because this assurance triggers an online purchase decision. However, after the package is delivered to the customer’s address, the customer’s action of opening the box and the subsequent discovery of the coupon triggers the delight factor. The emotion associated with the feeling of being valued is priceless and is instrumental in converting customers into eminent brand ambassadors. In light of the above, we may state that businesses should strive to surprise and delight customers in a bid to harvest outsize returns.

Material gain is certainly not the only means available when businesses seek to surprise and delight customers. Kind gestures and information sharing can help brands and businesses to achieve these effects. For instance, an hotelier that works in a hospitality establishment can elect to be friendly with guests and share information regarding local entertainment avenues and local cultural activities. This line of information can be valuable to foreign guests and visitors from distant lands. In addition, the said hospitality professional can choose to waive certain extra charges in an attempt to surprise and delight customers. These actions can be spontaneously woven into regular business activities so as to elicit the maximum delight from consumers and customers.

E-commerce business operators can fashion multiple tiers of customer delight in the pursuit of achieving business objectives. For instance, an online business can offer its customers plain vanilla discounts and ignite customer delight by offering a two-for-the-price-of-one option. Thereafter, free gift-wrappings and premium packaging can be offered in a concerted bid to surprise and delight customers. We must note that the circumstances of doing business may not permit all of these strategies to be deployed at the same time; however, the said online business can use combinations of said tactics to surprise and delight customers. The outcomes can include enhanced customer commitment, an elevated business and brand reputation, unabashed customer recommendations, and higher business volumes.

Customised giveaways represent a significant instrument that helps businesses to surprise and delight customers. For instance, a baking and confectionary establishment can choose to offer shoppers free home delivery of batches of cookies and savouries. The products can be tastefully packaged with a plaque bearing the name(s) of the shoppers or customers that paid for the said items. We must note that the bakery should exert itself to collect the proper and full names of shoppers that opt for home delivery of the merchandise. In addition, the said plaques should be impeccably presented in order to surprise and delight customers. In a similar vein, hotels and hospitality establishments can choose to welcome high value guests with fresh flowers and a bucket of iced beverages placed in their hotel suites. This act of welcome can be complemented by placing the names of the valued guests inside their hotel accommodations.

Intellectual service providers such as graphic artists and content developers can add a nice touch to their products before delivery to their clients. These individuals can choose to add high definition images and custom graphics to their deliverables in a bid to surprise and delight customers. We must note that the genuine effort invested in the creation of the add-ons can shine the spotlight on the creator’s commitment to his or her chosen line of work. In addition, the gestures detailed above can help the said service providers to win client recommendations and additional work contracts. Therefore, we may state that the extra effort is really an investment in the business of staying in business.

‘Thank you’ cards represent a useful technique to boost customer engagement and to surprise and delight customers. This gesture is significant because it tells clients and customers that a business establishment values their custom and wishes to welcome them back at a subsequent time. For instance, a bespoke tailoring and clothing establishment can choose to deliver tailored clothing packages to customers with a paper insert that thanks the customer for his or her custom. The high quality paper and raised emboss lettering can lend a premium touch to the gesture and thus surprise and delight customers. Subsequently, these customers may refer the tailoring business to their friends and acquaintances thereby resulting in increased workflow for the tailoring establishment. That said, we note that the said business can invest time and effort to diversify the scope of such gestures and infuse an element of dignified novelty into such gestures. These actions can help brands and businesses to carve a distinctive (and enduring) presence in the minds and hearts of their customers.

Customer education can one of the useful planks to leverage opportunities designed to surprise and delight customers. Every business must appreciate the fact that customers may not be fully conversant with every aspect of a product or a service. For instance, a sporting goods manufacturer can organize regular sessions wherein, sports experts and fitness enthusiasts are invited to speak to customers on the various aspects of good physical form and the finer points of using sporting equipment. These experts may choose to demonstrate the correct physical postures and physical attitude to using various types of sporting hardware. In a similar vein, a camera and optical goods retailer may hold training sessions that teach users the basic techniques of practicing good photography. We must note that these initiatives carry a lot of significance from the point of view of consumers, enthusiasts, and customers. These business initiatives also help commercial enterprises to surprise and delight customers.

In the preceding paragraphs, we have examined a number of techniques that can be commercially used to surprise and delight customers. These techniques can be further refined and innovated upon in a bid to retain their freshness and to delight customers in unexpected ways. Every brand and business must bear in mind the fact that a customer is essentially a human being that should be wooed and courted assiduously in a bid to retain his or her custom. This is especially significant when we consider the fact that modern businesses operate in competitive environments and that customers remain susceptible to innovative marketing pitches from rival business enterprises. Both material and emotional means of enticement should be explored in a bid to refresh a brand’s core value proposition in the minds of customers. Therefore, brands and businesses should deploy all the marketing devices at their command to retain their existing customers and to win new customers.

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