Taking Advantage of a User Booklet Software

What makes a call center business successful? It is when you implement an effective user booklet software that will serve as an automatic on-screen guide for your call center agents. Despite the existence of other factors that will make a business successful, taking advantage of what technology has to offer will always top the list.

User booklet software advantages
User booklet software advantages

When you take advantage of a user booklet software, it means you have adapted to the fast-paced business world and it is not easy to juggle all things just to stay afloat without technology. So, what can a user booklet software do for you?

1. Increase the productivity of call center agents. The user booklet software can generate information – such as solutions and answers to questions – automatically on-screen. This will enable your agents to resolve customer issues and concerns faster. The average handle time would be a lot lower than when you have not implemented the software.

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting & how-to information for customer self-service.

2. Increase the consistency of all processes within your business. The software can be multi-authored – meaning all of your agents can make notes or additional information on it simultaneously. The information added will be automatically available to all agents using the same data.

3. Seamless call flow. With the software, call center agents can easily provide a simple walkthrough to customers making the entire process seamless and comprehensive at the same time. This significantly enhances the first call resolution (FCR) rates of your business.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree