Use Visitor Data to Optimise Website

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“The process for optimizing a website follows the same principles as conversion rate optimization. Website optimization is best conducted as an on-going process that over time makes a website more effective and valuable,” –

Websites have established an important mainstream presence in the corporate world in modern times. They help companies, brands, and businesses to extend their reach to global markets and are therefore, considered critical to business outcomes. Ergo, commercial entities should focus attention and effort to optimise websites by using a variety of data and information streams. Visitor data in its various forms is considered critical in engineering the optimisation process.

Page popularity can be considered an important index in website optimisation. This index hinges on the examination of visitor data and is created by comparing the pages that receive the maximum online traffic and the pages that register negligible volumes of traffic. Companies should monitor the web pages that attract the maximum visits because these contain content that are considered useful by most visitors and sales prospects. Therefore, these pages should be leveraged to further business objectives. For instance, a company can design such pages to offer visitors a registration form that invites visitors to enter their contact information, such as email and cell phone numbers. In addition, relevant content specific to a business domain or an industry can be depicted on these pages in a bid to generate future visits. These mechanisms clearly constitute an example of using visitor data to optimise the functioning of a website.

Online landing pages are essentially entry points into a business website or a web presence. The visitor data generated by online traffic discovering the landing pages is acutely linked to pages indexed by online search engines. Therefore, businesses should carefully evaluate this metric because it indicates the target web pages that receive the highest percentage of online visits. For instance, the blog section of a website can emerge as the biggest target of online traffic during a certain time frame. In response, businesses should work to boost and diversify blog content in an effort to retain and expand the quantum of online traffic. We must note that the said page can be engineered to promote products and services offered by the company in an attempt to gain greater market traction.

Modern websites feature a site search feature prominently on their home pages. This feature is used by visitors and customers to find products and services offered by the business website. Recent research that analysed visitor data indicates that online visitors that operate the search function typically tend to generate more revenues for an online business. Therefore, the data generated by popular site searches can be leveraged to inform online marketing campaigns. For instance, if product ‘x’ emerges as the most searched item on a website, the business should invest in the creation of online banners and email campaigns that advertise the ready availability of the said product. In addition, ambitious businesses should work to refine the site search feature in an attempt to present visitors with more relevant search results. This illustration clearly underlines the importance of harvesting visitor data to create online marketing campaigns that bear significant relevance for online businesses.

Unique visitors and repeat visitors should be tracked carefully because these versions of visitor data help to indicate the efficacy of website design, the quality of posted content, ‘stickiness’ factors, etc. The analytics dashboard should indicate an upward trend in unique visitors when the website is attracting higher volumes of online traffic. This trend indicates that the website is optimally engineered, is being discovered and indexed regularly by search engines, and is attracting incremental volumes of traffic. Similarly, healthy numbers of returning visitors indicate good business health because this section of visitors typically transact in higher volumes. We must note that these two streams of visitor data typically indicates that a business is expanding its online audience and that its marketing campaigns are generating an adequate return on investment.

Search engine optimisation techniques are widely deployed by modern businesses to boost the chances of online discovery and to expand the subsequent scope of commercial transactions. The sources of online traffic include direct, organic, and referral online traffic. The visitor data generated by these sources of online traffic indicates the extent of effectiveness of search engine optimisation methods. This metric enables businesses to decipher the various sources of online traffic that is landing on website(s). Further, the extent of traffic enables businesses to figure the scope of optimisation for different website tools and content. For instance, if visitor data indicates that French speakers represent a large contingent among online visitors, the business should be advised to boost the French language capabilities on the website. The quantum of content in French should also be boosted in an attempt to generate additional volumes of traffic from that source. The translation abilities for French should also be overhauled in a bid to cater to such customers.

Payment method popularity should be closely examined by businesses that offer multiple payment options to their customers. Most businesses offer facilities that hinge on payments by credit card, debit card, wire transfers, and digital payment systems. Customers from territory ‘X’ may prefer payments by credit cards while customers from ‘Y’ may choose wire transfers. A business can respond to such visitor data by boosting the possibilities of payment for the widest range of products in accordance with the trends outlined above. Payments in foreign currency should be offered as an option for visitors that choose this method. We must note that such actions expand the concept of consumer choice and reinforce customer service paradigms for the said business. These actions also serve to invite additional volumes of online customer traffic to business websites.

The speed of actions and website mechanisms offer a wealth of visitor data that can be assessed for website optimisation. Businesses should track a variety of website information, such as average page load time, average server connection time, average redirection time, average page download time, etc. to evaluate the end-user experience of website visitors and users. We must note that these mechanisms cumulatively exert an outsized impact on the impression cast upon online visitors. Therefore, businesses must work to optimise these mechanisms by reducing the size of some images, lower the number of plug-ins and widgets deployed on a web page, among other measures. Visitors typically enjoy a speedy website experience and this encourages return visits. In light of the above visitor data, websites must optimise their websites for speedy operation under all circumstances.

The preceding paragraphs have sought to examine some of the techniques that can be deployed to assess visitor data in the interests of achieving desirable business outcomes. We must note that a website represents a flagship presence and must reflect the core values endorsed by a business enterprise. Websites help to boost online conversions and therefore, every page must be optimised to spur the volumes of conversion. In addition, businesses must rely heavily on generating and hosting interesting content in an attempt to stand apart from the commercial competition. The best practices should be arrived at and must be practised rigorously in order to fulfil the vast potential offered by a business website.

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