Using Flowcharts in Employee Onboarding Process

Corporate culture is increasingly gaining traction in the globalized economies that thrive in (and shape and mold) the modern world. Observers note that corporate culture refers to “the shared values, attitudes, standards, and beliefs that characterize members of an organization and define its nature.” The attribute is “rooted in an organization’s goals, strategies, structure, and approaches to labor, customers, investors, and the greater community.” In tune with this, corporate entities have made the employee onboarding process an intrinsic part of standard operating procedures. This process helps participating employees to gain a close familiarity with the corporate culture and practices that distinguish an organization. In this context, managers and senior associates within an organization can deploy flowchart diagrams to architect the employee onboarding process. The sheer expanse and inter-linked structure of these diagrams allow said personnel to ideate and create the final outlines of such a process in tune with the corporate tenets of an organization.

Flowcharts that seek to track a modern employee onboarding process can proceed through a series of stages that culminate in an employee’s induction. The initial stages of this flowchart can focus on pre-boarding requisitions, an employee’s identification, the acceptance of an employment offer by employees, etc. The designers of these flowcharts can populate these stages with different levels of relevant information. In essence, the initial stages must instruct readers and reviewers on the activities that preface the employee onboarding process. The subsequent stages of this flowchart diagram can include orientation actions, employee interactivity with the onboarding process, tasks to be completed by new hires and their respective managers, and the entry of each employee into the workplace. This flowchart diagram, therefore, creates a complete picture of the post-hiring processes.

A timeline is essential to generate an appropriate impression on new employees attending the employee onboarding process. Instructors can create a vertical flowchart that describes the various stages, which punctuated the founding, growth, evolution, and diversification of a corporate enterprise. The designers of this flowchart must ensure that each point of information conveys the facts to all readers and reviewers. Each stage in this flowchart can be appended with notes that explain the significance of the date or event contained therein. Instructors and veterans at the enterprise can also elect to create a voice-based narrative that accompanies the visual dialogue emanating from the flowchart. The narrative can spotlight the achievements of the company and convey the high points in its corporate journey. Such a narrative also helps instructors of the employee onboarding process to set the background for training sessions in the future.

Elaborating on the milestones achieved by an organization and the facilities offered to employees represent important parts of the employee onboarding process. Flowcharts can help organizational actors to describe these facts to new hires. The flowchart may include ‘large numbers‘ such as the number of customers annually gained by the organization. This represents a milestone in its own right, and a series of these milestones allows new hires to appreciate the growth rates registered by said organization. In addition, the flowchart may depict revenue numbers attained by different divisions inside the organization on a quarterly basis. The flowchart that explores these numbers can help to create a complete picture of organizational performance, thereby creating a positive impression in the course of the employee onboarding process. Similarly, such a flowchart can emerge as a descriptive visual that narrates the various facilities (sporting, training, etc.) available to associates and employees.

Reporting relationships within an organization represent a critical cog that drives employee performance. The employee onboarding process should survey these relationships as part of standard procedures. Such actions allow employees to gain familiarity with their position in the hierarchy of the organization. In line with this, designers must create flowcharts that bear the names and images of those that populate the organizational chart. Essentially, this flowchart helps new hires to familiarize themselves with the human components of the modern organization. In addition, such a flowchart, when expanded, can include various details such as the work responsibilities of each employee (or sets of employees), their first projects for their new employer, and the titles conferred them by the organization. Designers must ensure that each data point conveys a valid impression in the interests of executing a successful employee onboarding process.

Flowcharts designed in the form of network diagrams can help new employees to gain an understanding of modern digital networks. Specialists can enlighten the employee onboarding process by creating flowcharts that describe the basics of such networks. Work stations, laptops, modems, servers, printers, scanners, email servers, cloud connectivity, etc. can populate the proverbial sinews of such a network diagram. The specialists can elaborate on the connections between each element and may attempt a description of the factors that drive the corporate (or organizational) digital network. Ergo, the flowchart must outline the different elements inside the network for the benefit of those attending the employee onboarding process. These actions empower employees to troubleshoot challenging situations and confidently overcome any real (or perceived) problems inside the organization. Network diagrams also firmly convey the message that every problem can have a range of solutions. In addition, such a flowchart can encourage new employees to create their own networks per the requirements of their assigned duties.

The values that animate an organization must find pride of place in the rendering of the employee onboarding process. Leaders and organizational actors can elucidate and discuss the core values, ideas, and beliefs that underlie organizational performance. Complex flowcharts may emerge as the visual medium that discuss these values. Such a flowchart may help create the foundations of ethics and behavior that must underlie and inform all actions for every actor inside the organization. Consequently, this variation of a flowchart diagram takes shape as the proverbial hydra that manifests in many planes at the same time. Instructors and narrators can hold forth on the virtues of a certain value and its role in promoting certain organizational goals. The dense sets of information depicted in these flowcharts may require more than a single onboarding session. Narrators may also elect to magnify sections of these diagrams in a bid to spur comprehension for those attending the employee onboarding process.

The foregoing paragraphs have discussed the use of flowcharts as part of executing a successful employee onboarding process. The designers of these diagrams must seek constant inputs from organizational actors and process experts in a bid to diversify the uses of the flowchart. Such inputs, when offered steadily, allow designers to elevate the quality of a flowchart diagram. This assists the onboarding process by allowing new employees to gain access to high quality instruction. The designers of such flowcharts may include useful information (such as process manuals, human resource policies, leave policies, etc.) within the ambit of said instruction. Instructors must also encourage new hires to ask questions as part of attempts to interrogate the various aspects of such a flowchart diagram. The ensuing dialogues (or conversations) should boost the relevance of employee onboarding systems and processes. Additionally, designers must remain vigilant to any changes that may arise and incorporate these into the onboarding process. The outcomes may include an informed set of new employees that are ready to perform in their assigned corporate duties.

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