Your Customers Don’t Come Back?

“Don’t find fault, find a remedy”. – Henry Ford

Every company has experienced this disappointing and disheartening truth that customers don’t come back. Despite the fact that there could be many reasons, it is possible to mend the dent and look at each experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. Resolving the issues of why customers don’t come back is best done sooner than later. Some issues may be in your control, some may be easy fixes while others tougher and some may not be in your control at all. Whatever the nature of the issues, companies must always remember that is many times harder and costlier to gain new customers as against retaining the current ones. Why go through all the trouble of replacing lost customers with so many more resources when you could easily prevent the current ones from going away. If your customers don’t come back look deep in to what the reasons for this might be. The quote above is a good starting point! When you analyse the whys and wherefores it would easier to prevent customers from going away. Most of the times, it is simple and very basic things that you should have remembered but overlooked.

– No surprises here but lack of proper care and service to customers. When your company can display that the customer’s problems and issues are being actively listened to and everything possible will be done to resolve the issue, your customers are happy to remain. However, when there is a show of indifference and unhelpfulness through tone of voice and mannerisms, it leads to dissatisfaction and then customers don’t come back. As a company, it is your foremost responsibility to ensure that customers feel wanted and are made to feel special. Their needs and expectations must be top most priority and serving them must be inculcated as part of the company’s culture. Would you remain a customer of a company that treated you shabbily and didn’t show any concern for your issues?

– Poor, faulty and or overpriced products are another main reason why customers don’t come back. Why should they when the same stuff is available at so many different companies and probably at lower prices and better quality. Your aim as company must be to please the customer however, because if you don’t, customers now are smart and quick enough to know who will. With such a fierce market scenario, competition is waiting right around the corner to pick up any deflectors and then customers don’t come back to you.

– Not listening or doing something about their complaints and or feedback. Customers hate being ignored and when they come to you with a problem – especially ones created by your company – it is your duty to listen to and resolve the problem. They also provide feedback in so many ways and if you are not listening, you are making sure that your customers don’t come back.

– Customers don’t automatically come back just because they bought from you the last time. They are busy and are also running businesses and you may fall off their radar. It is your need and therefore, you must keep them engaged and connected with you through various communication methods using a variety of channels. Sending out value-added, useful and informative communication will let your customers know you care and will see the effort you are making to remain in their mind. Communication, must however, be kept succinct and periodic, since an overwhelming number could potentially irritate and put them off. Irritated customers don’t come back. Get your customers used to the fact that you will write to them but let them choose the frequency. Channels like social media are a great means of communicating with a large audience without seeming sticky and annoyingly persistent.

In such difficult and competitive times, it is just keen and good business sense to keep your customers and keep them happy rather than having to chase behind them or others in a bid to gain more business. A few simple and small gestures can make your customers feel important, appreciated and listened to. It is the duty of customer service to respond to customers on queries and do whatever possible to resolve any problems they may have. When you treat customers like they meant nothing or like they were invisible, then you would have no one else to blame when customers don’t come back.

The entire culture, mind-set, attitudes and actions of a company and its representatives must display attention and commitment towards the customer. These vital and powerful signs get picked up by customers at the first interaction and if they perceive indifference, research says that at least 70% of customers don’t come back. The perception becomes their reality even if it is not accurate. Therefore, companies must remember to get the first few interactions spot on to leave an indelible and positive impression on the customer.

A customer comes to a company to build a relationship and help their business to grow and be successful. Why would they work with a company that has an air of arrogance and indifference? If your representatives are giving off vibes that say that the company is too busy to deal with them or even return their calls, you are making sure that customers don’t come back. Give them what they want, how they want and when they want – this comprises looking after them and showing them that you are keen on partnering with them for mutual success. Companies often, however, make the mistake of ignoring current customers, especially since their sales staff work on commissions. Their sole aim is push for new customers and err by neglecting their existing customers to the extent that they begin to feel unwanted and a slight effort on the part of competition has them scurrying over.

To ensure that customers can be at ease and have a level of trust, it is the prime duty of companies to initiate this relationship. Don’t expect your customers or prospective customers to build the relationship first – give them time. Introduce your company, its offerings and customer service and then give them time to assess. Provide them with choices, alternatives and incentives that will keep them engaged rather than sticking them with your company’s brochure and telling them to come back when they make a decision – you are making sure that these customers don’t come back. Face it – customers want to feel ‘pursued’ and if they are left on their own, there are enough players out there who will do their bit to make them feel the way they want. You will be out of the running in no time. These are basic but harsh truths and tell the customer that your issues take precedence and their business is being taken for granted. Great way to ensure that your customers don’t come back!

Despite the best products and a great reputation, all first time and existing customers, want to experience personal and customized attention. No products or software or strategies can compare with this. If you don’t have the time and attention they seek, you really shouldn’t be surprised that your customers don’t come back. The fact is that when you deny them this individualized attention, you are ignoring the emotional reasons that customers seek to buy and do business. While the best technology can capture personal details and the history of the customers, it is not built to reach out to customers to address these emotional needs. A customer may buy once because they are limited by other factors but once those factors go away, they are unlikely to return if the emotional considerations are snubbed.

Gathering information on customers is indeed extremely vital, but what companies do with this data is what would keep a customer or ensure that your customers don’t come back. The trick is using this information accurately, asking the right questions and offer personalized information such that it captures the customer’s interest. Use the human touch to make a positive difference to your business and your customers. Do everything from the customer’s point of view so that you never need to wonder why your customers don’t come back.

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