Making The Most Of Your Company’s Social Media Content

Scott Levy from Tweet Naked (Facebook) gives the information entrepreneurs need to work with as a social media strategy to improve their brand and business. By using social media pages, there are 1,000 ways people can engage in question asking, offering daily tips or posting quotes and fun facts to help brands grow (social CRM).

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.

Pictures and videos posted are shared 40 percent more than text. Content has to be clever, creative, entertaining and to you get appraised by people seeing new stuffs.

Device a plan with all conversation, pictures, videos, blogs and links between your work and website. By posting often you realize that quality contents are gotten quickly. Your social media sources are supposed to be ready.

Working alone or with a partner has to have a simple plan of engaging in conversations on different aspects with your fans and followers.

The key lies in finding content. Be versatile with news in your industry. Content curation is a social media strategy. Directories and aggregators gather, organize and provide content from sources and help in sorting them according to topics directories and, Hacker News, and TechMeme aggregators are useful places you can use to find content for your social media. If you want your customers to follow you, present contents in away that is specific to each platform.

Yonyx will provide you with the most natural form of finding and publishing self service information that customers love to engage with! Get your interactive guide for serving customer self service information today.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree