What is the trouble with troubleshooting self service?

Troubleshooting calls make up some of the highest time consuming calls (read “cost”) handled by your support organization and require the most trained, scarce & expensive resources to address. And yet, most troubleshooting handled by support desks is repetitive in nature. Organizations create articles and guides documenting troubleshooting information for internal knowledge transfer, training & for customer self service. But there is something inherently different about these articles!
Related Article: How decision tree driven interactive guides are best suited for troubleshooting?
The more comprehensive a troubleshooting article (or “troubleshooting guide”) gets – the harder it is to read. The use of If, then, Skip to step#, together with detailed instructions make the whole article intimidating for customers, drastically reducing its use for self service. If you keep the article simple for readability – by covering only the basic scenarios and leaving out all the intricacies – it would hardly help resolve anybody’s issue.
Related Article: How call center agents use interactive guides instead of call scripts to assist customers in troubleshooting their problems?
Interactive Guides offer a solution that is well suited for troubleshooting:

  • Knowledge is created as multimedia flowcharts.
  • Customers traverse these guides one step at a time through a simple interactive interface.
  • You publish these guides your support portal.
  • These guides may be integrated with your CRM/Ticketing systems.
  • Users can escalate issues into your CRM/Helpdesk while traversing an interactive guide.
  • Agents (handling such tickets) see the trajectory traversed by customers in such tickets.
  • Derive powerful insights from traversal analytics of customers.
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    Interactive Guides for Superior Customer Service

    Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

    Interactive Decision Tree