Troubleshooting calls make up some of the highest time consuming calls (read “cost”) handled by your support organization and require the most trained, scarce & expensive resources to address. And yet, most troubleshooting handled by support desks is repetitive in nature. Organizations create articles and guides documenting troubleshooting information for internal knowledge transfer, training & for customer self service. But there is something inherently different about these articles!
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The more comprehensive a troubleshooting article (or “troubleshooting guide”) gets – the harder it is to read. The use of If, then, Skip to step#, together with detailed instructions make the whole article intimidating for customers, drastically reducing its use for self service. If you keep the article simple for readability – by covering only the basic scenarios and leaving out all the intricacies – it would hardly help resolve anybody’s issue.
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Interactive Guides offer a solution that is well suited for troubleshooting: