Have you ever thought about some of the most extreme venues where call center agents are needed to perform at their best, no ifs, ands or buts? Well here is a list of some riveting venues where call center agents must be consistent, by any means necessary:
Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.
- Fire Dispatch – A fire dispatcher is a call center agent in essence, but they carry a very important function: they must ascertain information about a potential fire or medical emergency, take note of the information and dispatch corresponding units as quickly as possible. One mistake can prove to be lethal as fire dispatchers are often the link between a victim and the emergency service units that can save them. Fire dispatchers are always on the front lines.
- Police Desk – Another situation similar to fire dispatch where efficiency and consistency is everything! Police desks take on a more diverse set of calls than fire dispatch. Fire dispatch often pertains to EMS and Fire Department related incidents, so there is a bit of certitude in what to expect. Desk calls at a police precinct can vary from domestic incidents to a paranormal event. Thus, the need to ascertain information correctly is crucial.
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