Basic Rules of Social CRM that Companies Should Follow

Most business entrepreneurs engage in social CRM without really having full grasp of the concept and its implementation within the company’s existing system. This is not to say that they have not understood its importance but this is to say that they have not learned in-depth how to implement and integrate social media into CRM. In fact, this concept is too encompassing and quickly evolving that it is quite hard to grasp.

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Here are some basic rules that companies must follow:

  1. Actively monitor your social media page. Make necessary updates for your customers to check out and listen to what they have to say. If you have to monitor it 24/7 then so be it just as long as you know what to look for and what tones of conversation your customers are using.
  2. Be aware of comments done by your customers. Feedbacks from customers are easy to spot as long as you’re in the right place as they are. For instance, majority of your customers use Facebook then it is implied that you should be in Facebook, as well. When a customer makes a feedback – which goes like “your customer support is awesome” – this is already a positive and reputation-building comment. Be wary, however, of negative feedbacks and recognize them immediately so you can offer resolution.

Social CRM is not something to be afraid of – it is to the contrary in fact. Use this evolved version as a tool to make necessary improvements to your company.

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