Different Layers of Rules in Social CRM for You: Part Two

Previously, we’ve dealt with segmental layer as the first layer of rule in social CRM. Now, let’s talk about the second layer – which is the business layer.

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The business layer refers to the set of rules implemented within a business governing various operations and functions. It also covers the processes that the company must execute in order to function well. There are rules in this layer that are not inherent to the business but imposed by external “forces” called authorities – which we could refer as rules of compliance. There are also rules that are not necessarily for compliance but practiced by the entire industry that the company has to implement to stay competitive.

The business layer in relation to social CRM is a non-independent rule – which means that it must be implemented together with other layers. Alone, it cannot do much but with other layers supporting it could become the most powerful social CRM ever built. (That really sounds exaggerated – but nonetheless true). In this layer, social considerations must align with stated functions and policies in order for you to become a social business.

This particular layer cannot be implemented only on specific segments (in reference to the first layer) but on the entire target audience of the business.

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