Can Companies Know the Difference When CRM Becomes Social?

There is a huge difference between traditional CRM and its evolved version – social CRM. In the traditional version, people – in general – don’t have control over conversations and flow of interaction. In social CRM, on the other hand, customers have an edge over companies because they can make posts (i.e. feedback and opinion) about a certain brand or product through their social media.

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How can companies then identify when CRM is actually social by determining the social customers? What are social customers? There are several steps before a customer becomes a social customer and you should identify each step so you would know what to do when you’re confronted with one.

“Action-Type”: The action type of person will just voice out his opinion without expecting any response but would appreciate action.

“Venting-Type”: This is the type of person who don’t necessarily want to be responded to but would appreciate a certain gesture of acknowledgement.

“Pressure-Type”: This customer actively seeks information and will not rest until he gets it.

“Engaging-Type”: This customer is becoming more and more social by engaging in conversation – and is happy to welcome others to join.

“Community-Type”: This customer will seek out a community where he can converse or interact with many.

By identifying what customers you are catering to and categorizing which type they belong to, you will be able to formulate solutions on how to deal with each of them – and that’s what social CRM is all about.

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