Different Layers of Rules in Social CRM for You: Part One

Apparently, there is no failure proof rules for companies to follow when it comes to social CRM. The reason is because this is a constantly evolving system that requires greater flexibility and adaptation. A company cannot successfully implement its social CRM if it cannot bend towards the greater good – meaning you put emphasis on your customers.

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The basic functions of CRM includes marketing, sales and customer support. All these three functions under different layers of rules. The first being the segmental layer. This refers to the various groups of people or “customers” for that matter that will be immediately affected by the business. Now, social customer relationship management must go further than the old-school revenue or profit system and instead, indulge in social interaction.

As you begin to get involved in social functions or make use of social channels, you will later notice that your reputation is progressively building in communities. But know that this reputation ranking is entirely different when you consider the different segments. Yes – communities are different from segments. As previously mentioned, the segmental layer refers to specific groups of customers, which means they are not created equal. Each segment is smaller than a community but could significantly impact your business.

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