Different Layers of Rules in Social CRM for You: Part Six

All five layers have already been peeled – it is time to go on the last and final layer of rules in social CRM. The final layer to peel on the list is the analytics layer, which is an important layer to complete the series.

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The analytics layer is a layer that is characterized by unceasing and endless research. This means – there is nothing fixed about this layer. As the most superficial layer, it constantly evolves secondary to the data you’ve collected. When it comes to social CRM, you should spend much of your research time and attention on this layer but as long as you’ve completed and religiously followed the layers – this should not be that complicated.

However, the analytics layer has one specific characteristic that you should focus on and that is control. You should learn how to control the data you collect and feed into this system. As a business, you will receive high amount of criticism, customer data and other related profiles through social CRM and it will continue to accumulate as time goes by. The idea in this layer is to control, which data you should feed into the analytics system and which data you can live without.

The data you collect from your CRM system is usually raw, disorganized and unstructured. You should filter this data and identify useful insights that you can use for the betterment of your social business. There you have it the six-part layer of social customer relationship management.

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