A customer service manual title with a little bit of originality and humor can put a smile on anyone’s face
Like the chorus of a song, a title must be catchy. However, every hook must be pertinent to the title of the song. In the world of music, poetry can be a fluid method to link thoughts and ideas. When creating a customer service manual, the title should be concise. However, it must also not be generic. Creating a catchy and attention demanding title to a manual will stimulate customers before they jump in to an interactive guide.
Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.
A title that exudes titillation is immensely appropriate. Originality is essential. Here are some tips on how to create a concise yet catchy title:
- Be original – If you are composing a how-to guide on installing word processing software. Do not write “How to install your word processing software”. This is title is fairly obscure, citing a specific brand makes the title more concise.
- Be synoptic – This directly relates to originality. Being synoptic is authentic. Citing the specific subject in which the manual addresses, alleviates the time it takes for customers to figure out whether or not it is an appropriate read. There is no need to play guessing games in a fast-paced world.
- Drop a “Punchline” – Placing a little bit of humor or wit never hurts. Sometimes it can be rather refreshing in the irritating situations that are linked to troubleshoots.
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