Wise organizations realize that achieving a positive customer experience is more than just looking at statistics and analytics. There is more to answering more calls or catering to the needs of several customers at once.
Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting & how-to information for customer self-service.
Sure, you’ve reduced the time you spent on the call or every support ticket you handle but you seem to be forgetting one thing – quality of the solutions you’re giving them.
For every call or support ticket you handle, you might think that the lesser time you spent on each it can be considered efficient. At some point, it is – but there is a limitation to this concept.
The fact is, you are only providing the most basic level of support. Even if the customer spends three hours on the phone but the quality of the solutions you gave is high, a positive customer experience is still ensured.
Many organizations have been there and done things they were supposed to do years before. If you want to learn from their mistakes, you should think that obtaining a positive experience will always be more than just analyzing the data or reading the statistics.
These are people we are talking about. Statistics and analytics are mere information. They do not involve emotion, tastes, preferences and the need for personalized service.
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