Using a computer or connected device is only as good as the internet connection. Customers can usually improve their internet speed, but few realize how to do it. To fill this need, offer a decision tree driven troubleshooting manual that covers how to make connection speeds faster.
Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.
My company is not an Internet Service Provider. Why should I care about connection speeds?
If your customer isn’t able to connect to a strong internet connection, how do you expect them to use your robust product? Any product that requires an internet connection should also provide a reference for improving connection speeds.
We already have an FAQ. Why do we need a decision tree driven troubleshooting manual?

Offering decision tree driven support means that more troubleshooting issues can be resolved through customer self-service. The good news is that you can turn your FAQ into a decision tree driven troubleshooting manual with the help of a customer support analyst.
What other customer support tools should be in place?
Think of customer support from a holistic approach and you can provide comprehensive customer service. A decision tree driven troubleshooting manual covers customer self service online, but what if a customer has a question?
Always supplement self service tools with some kind of helpdesk for customer support. You can choose to offer live chat, call center services, social CRM or all three!
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