The Role of Search Capabilities in a Software Best Practices FAQ

Help users search a software best practices.
Help users search a software best practices.

A customer is hoping to improve their understanding about a particular subject in your software best practices FAQ. Overwhelmed with information, they conduct a quick search to narrow down the customer support results.

If you don’t have a search function in place, your customers will be scrambling to find information. On the other hand, offering search capabilities streamlines customer research to get to the heart of your software best practices FAQ.

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.

Isn’t the FAQ organized well enough to eliminate the need for search?

It might be easy to navigate your software best practices FAQ, but don’t forget about the customers who want to get right to the information. Perhaps they are installing an advanced feature or syncing it with another program.

No matter the issue a customer is dealing with, if time is of the essence search becomes increasingly important. Expect professional users to want to get to the information quickly in your software best practices FAQ.

What if customers still can’t find what they’re looking for?

Always offer a helpdesk for additional support — whether you choose to provide the helpdesk online, over the phone or both. When in doubt, a customer is going to call your customer service team.

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