Build, Execute, and Measure Your Branding Campaign

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“In the age of pervasive marketing messages, marketers must actually develop buyer personas before they begin their branding campaigns. Then businesses must examine their buyer personas in terms of age, gender, location, salary, disposable income, industry, and job title,” – Danielle Bilbruck

Modern consumer societies are the recipients of incessant blizzards of advertising and marketing messages generated by commercial organizations with the express intent of attracting and monetising the customer’s attention. The creative branding campaign is the weapon of choice designed to raise consumer awareness and the market visibility of a brand. These campaigns are conceptualised, designed, and executed by master strategists that are well versed in the creation and propagation of compelling marketing messages. Brand messaging, brand logos, and brand taglines are the essential tools that can kick start the inauguration of a successful branding campaign.

Brands and businesses should take into account the unique attributes of large customer segments when they set out to build a branding campaign. The strategists should seek to talk in the language that can be perceived positively by said customers segments. Strategists that wish to target a particular geography must build in the distinct dialects, colloquialisms, tradition-rich nuances, and cultural influences that pervade that certain geography. For instance, a seaside community can be targeted with a branding campaign highlighting the flavour of life on the seaside. This is possible by accentuating the active lifestyles of such communities, the unique values they hold dear, the sun and sand that typifies the outgoing lifestyles of said community, and a distinct accent on physical labour and the closely held sense of community. A branding campaign that focuses on these values and nuances will likely find deep resonance within seaside communities and the brand will likely succeed in its commercial intents.

Building a successful branding campaign must also take into account the online habits of the target customer segments. This is important because many customer segments actively participate in online activities, such as social media platforms and professional networking websites. For instance, a new business-focussed publication or magazine can be pitched to C-level executives through the creation of an adroit branding campaign that hinges on professional networking websites. C-level executives typically maintain updated profiles on such electronic networks and therefore, these networks represent rich hunting grounds for a business that seeks business subscribers. This strategy should be augmented by tactics, which involve sharing sections of important articles with the targeted customer group. This action will likely ignite customer appetites regarding the new publication, thereby elevating the chances of a positive response from the target constituency.

In a similar vein, brand strategists can harvest targeting information from online micro-blogging services in an attempt to build a large target audience. This aspect of a branding campaign takes into account the various hash tags that populate said micro-blogging services; these hash-tags can be monitored to select a core audience group that can pitched with an online branding campaign. For instance, an anti-virus software maker can identify a certain number of data security specialists by using the mentioned techniques. The second phase of the branding campaign commences when the said business connects with each individual in the above list in an attempt to elevate customer awareness regarding the brand of the anti-virus software maker. Brand strategists can choose to invite these individuals to review software packages and to share their impressions on their individual social media handles. The common outcomes of such a branding campaign include wider consumer awareness regarding a product and an increased brand presence in the mindscape of interested consumers and potential customers. We must note that this technique of building a branding campaign must form a part of on-going marketing initiatives designed to build and expose the brand presence in relevant markets.

Brand building efforts must include strategies to help a certain brand to grow in strength when compared to competing brands. Therefore, businesses must be advised to periodically review brand-building exercises and exploit new market opportunities, while maintaining a steady commitment to deliver impeccable value to paying customers. For instance, businesses and brand managers should seek feedback regularly from brand advocates, in order to gain an understanding of their current views on a certain brand. The advocates should also be encouraged to explore the potential way forward in terms of consolidating the strength of a certain brand. These conversations centred round a brand can help to promote business and impart new and fresh momentum to an on-going branding campaign. That said, we must note that brand advocates should be encouraged to reinforce their commitment to a certain brand by undertaking the customary advocacy duties on a regular basis.

The execution of a successful branding campaign should hinge on promoting user experiences through mass media platforms. We note that this approach to execution promotes a participatory flavour between a brand and its consumers, thereby promoting closer cohesion between the two parties. For instance, a smartphone maker of recent vintage can choose to spotlight certain technical aspects of its products in a bid to trounce the market competition. The device maker can encourage buyers of its latest products to click pictures with their new smartphones and share them with the manufacturer. A selection of the best images can then be fed into a branding campaign that promotes the said attributes through billboards, online advertisements, and posts on social media platforms. This approach to the execution of a branding campaign will certainly make a deep impression on audiences, thereby prompting more customers to invest in the said product.

Brand execution strategies should be designed primarily to help a brand or business to connect with customers. One of the outcomes of such exercises is heightened customer loyalty, which ensures favourable business outcomes. For instance, the execution aspect of a branding campaign can be operationalized when a brand offers free sample products to random customers. The ‘shock value’ attendant on this tactic can help to deepen customer recall about a brand and thereby enable mass customer conversions to the said brand. We note that brands and businesses should work to adopt appropriate methods (such as the above) to solidify the brand presence in the mind of customers

The achievement of certain key performance indicators is necessary to measure the success of a branding campaign. For instance, a boost in brand awareness is perceivable when the number of brand mentions rise exponentially in social media conversations. Similarly, heightened customer engagement with a certain brand is one of the reliable indicators of a successful branding campaign. This metric registers an uptick when a widening pool of consumers initiates conversations and interactions with a brand on social media platforms. Consequently, brand strategists can infer that a brand has successfully boosted customer engagement and interactions. Similarly, an improvement in the number of mentions pertaining to a certain brand in comparison with mentions of competing brands indicates a higher share of voice for the said brand. This is a crucial metric because a higher proportion of mentions of a particular brand indicate the emphatic success of a branding campaign. The volumes of information compiled through these metrics can enable brands and businesses to form a clear picture of the performance of a branding campaign.

In the preceding paragraphs, we have examined some of the techniques that can be leveraged to build, execute, and measure the outcomes of a branding campaign. Every brand or business can be advised to undertake such efforts in a bid to etch a clear and distinctive brand presence in the saturated markets typical of modern times.

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