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“Recent market surveys indicate that an estimated 82% of U.S. internet users trust print advertisements when making a purchase decision, more than any other medium. Roughly 61% of online users trust search engine advertisements and only 25% of Americans trust pop-ups,” – Contently.com
Modern business enterprises create and deploy enormous marketing budgets every year. These dollars help to create publicity and advertisement campaigns that sell ideas, products, and services. However, modern marketers have access to a raft of options in terms of publicity and advertising vehicles. These vehicles include print, online, radio, outdoor, in-app, in-video, and in-store. Therefore, it is incumbent on marketers to choose advertising vehicles that are most trusted by customers in a bid to attract and retain consumers’ attentions. We will explore some of the advertising strategies in the passages below.
Advertisements and advertising campaigns that are designed for television, newspapers, and magazines continue to attract significant swathes of consumer attention. We note that these vehicles comprise ‘traditional’ media and have dominated public spaces and the public discourse for many decades. They also offer tremendous reach in terms of market depth and remain most trusted by customers. It is interesting to note that television, newspapers, and magazines have attained gained new leases of life through the ubiquity of the modern Internet. Television broadcasts are being channeled through modern fiber optic cables into consumer homes, while newspapers and magazines are being consumed in online formats by large numbers of paying customers. This scenario creates an emphatic business case for merchants, brands, and businesses to invest their marketing dollars into television advertising spots and print advertisements.
Print advertisements in newspapers and magazines enjoy an enormous quantum of public trust in modern times. These are most trusted by customers in terms of making purchase decisions for home, personal, or business use. In addition, the sheer outreach of multiple publications of newspapers and magazines confers enormous advantages on said advertising media. For instance, small towns and counties have their own daily or weekly print publications that are consumed by large numbers of customers. National editions of prominent print properties (both electronic and paper-based) enjoy huge followings from coast to coast. Recent statistics indicate that nearly 158 million adult Americans read newspapers each week. An estimated 74% of high income households subscribe to newspapers. In the age of ubiquitous broadband access, roughly 89 million US adults read newspaper content on their tablet devices and smartphones. Therefore, advertisements published in these vehicles reach millions of consumers and guarantee a high return on investment for ad space buyers. However, we must note that certain market observers have noted that digital advertisements are encroaching into the market share of traditional advertising media.
Advertisements published in newspapers encourage readers to gather additional information about advertised products and services. Significant numbers of readers visit advertiser’s websites and may download any relevant mobile apps to pursue their interest. This trend in consumer behavior underlines the fact that newspaper advertisements are most trusted by customers. Further, ads published in newspapers tend to create a favorable opinion about advertiser in reader’s minds. Some newspaper readers tend to save printed advertisements for future reference; they may even take the initiative to recommend the product or service to family and friends. Further, market research indicates that newspaper readers may consider purchasing an advertised product or service by visiting a store or a dealer. Significant numbers of such consumers may elect to search online for products or services advertised in the newspapers. In light of these facts, we may state that newspaper-borne advertisements are most trusted by customers.
Direct mail and radio-based advertising campaigns also enjoy heavy public confidence in the modern day. We note that market surveys indicate that these vehicles are most trusted by customers residing in urban, semi-urban, and rural areas. Proponents of direct mail underline the fact that this advertising medium garnered a 5.1% response rate from consumer households. Direct mail campaigns are conducted through over-sized envelops, post cards, and letter-sized envelops. Observers note that this medium offers a tangible experience to customers because they receive these marketing artefacts in their physical mail boxes. The personalization of the customer interface in direct mail packages tends to boost conversions. A recent statistic indicates that marketers sold merchandise worth an estimated $2095 for every $167 invested in direct mail-driven marketing campaigns. In light of the above, we may state that direct mail remains one of the advertising vehicles that is most trusted by customers.
Social media has emerged as one of the enduring mass consumption practices in this Internet-powered age. The truly outstanding reach and depth of social media makes it a prime target for advertising and media professionals. We note that an interesting intersection has emerged wherein print magazine readers and magazine consumers fuel online conversations on social media platforms. Market research indicates that paper-based magazines fuel deep consumer involvement, drives sensory engagement with the print product, and creates highly focussed consumer attention. Further, consumers of print and online magazines drive social media conversations and this proves the fact that magazines remain most trusted by customers. Therefore, marketers and marketing departments should deploy significant portions of their marketing budgets in magazine-based advertising. The outcomes can include lively conversations on social media and deeper market penetration in terms of exposure to audiences. Brands and businesses can also elect to create multiple campaigns in order to establish a brand presence in the minds of consumers. These actions will likely create a sustained brand impression and may spur the pace of commercial engagement between a brand and its many consumers.
In-app advertising and mobile marketing campaigns have gained significant momentum in recent years. This field of publicity and advertising is driven by the fact that overwhelming numbers of modern consumers have a presence in mobile platforms. A high percentage of modern consumers are spending much time on the mobile Internet and therefore, mobile advertisements present a viable medium for marketing budgets. The escalating pace of digital engagement indicates that mobile platforms have joined the legion of media that are most trusted by customers. In addition, mobile search and display statistics indicate that marketers should craft a satisfactory mobile experience in order to harvest a greater quantum of consumer dollars. Further, multi-platform ownership of digital devices should encourage brands and businesses to deploy digital marketing strategies. In addition, present trends indicate that the digital domain will significantly steer commercial fortunes in future years; therefore, brands and businesses should deeply engage with customers in digital domains because these are most trusted by customers.
In the preceding paragraphs, we have examined some of the techniques that enable commercial enterprises to choose the most efficient advertising media that are most trusted by customers. We must note that adverting dollars represent precious corporate resources and therefore, business organizations must judiciously deploy these to drive desirable business outcomes. The evolution of consumer behavior should instruct marketing departments on the finer points of engaging with modern consumers. Intelligent and responsive commercial strategies will enable the modern brand to drive a sharp focus on consumer requirements. In this context, we must state that the voice of the consumer should attract paramount importance because this intangible can create outstanding instances of business success in modern times.
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