Creating Inspirational Info-graphics using Flowcharts as a Guide

“Info-graphics are a trend. It may eventually fade away, though I don’t see it happening over the next 5 years. But a thing that will stay here forever is the need for data visualization.” – Uldis Leifert

Data visualization represents an innovative technique – one enabled by digital technologies – of interpreting and positioning strands and silos of information within an illustration, map, visual structure, or a graphic. This technique enables the human brain to perceive, understand, and visualize data; subsequently, a survey of the info-graphics allows reviewers to find patterns, discern trends, and locate outliers within groups and sub-groups of data and information. That said; the act of visualizing data also entails the addition of text, colors, outlines, graphics, and shapes. Therefore, context and information play complementary roles in defining the scope of data visualization. In this context, a modern flowchart empowers designers and data scientists to undertake the act of creating inspirational info-graphics. These inter-connected blueprints equip data scientists with the ability to ideate, create, refine, and implement the various thoughts and actions that generate detailed expressions of modern info-graphics.

The representation of information encased in different shapes remains central to projects wherein designers set about creating inspirational infographics. Bearing this in mind, a designer can formulate separate silos each of which depicts, for instance, bar graphs, extended triangles, circular shapes, sets of vertical silos, pie charts, stylized droplets, gear wheels, etc. These elements can depict separate sets of information that convey a message to readers and reviewers. A flowchart, when deployed, serves to impart momentum and direction to such a technique of creating inspirational info-graphics. Each element mentioned above can occupy a distinct stage inside the flowchart, while connectors between the various stages indicate the way forward to the completion of info-graphics undergoing construction.

A variety of visual elements and on-screen devices, when deployed judiciously, assist in the project of creating inspirational infographics. Colors, graphics, tints, panels, minor illustrations, over-sized text, and explanatory notes can combine to create a fine instance of modern infographics. Designers can harness the space inside a flowchart to plan various actions that aid in such creation. Stages and sub-stages inside the illustration could posit different stages of the design initiative, indicate the placement of elements inside info-graphics, and help in creating the general tenor of the final creation. In addition, units of measurement and the general direction of development can populate certain sections of the flowchart. We note such a device also remains instrumental when designers seek to re-model a completed info-graphics or revise the contents to reflect recent information.

Info-graphics pertaining to a specific domain enjoy a wide appeal among certain sections of modern populations. For instance, the pursuit of creating inspirational info-graphics could encourage aficionados of music to create a series of info-graphics on modern music. To achieve this end, they could commission designers to etch visual representations of various forms of music, the shapes of popular musical instruments, human legends that gained popularity in this domain, cutting-edge musical compositions, new talents, etc. An intelligent use of on-screen graphics and imagery can serve as a baseline to drive success in such projects. A flowchart could aid such projects by delineating various lines of endeavor and guiding the creation of a set of info-graphics. Periodic assessments of the progress registered by such projects can enrich the quality of outcomes, thereby boosting the project of creating inspirational info-graphics.

Hexagons, pentagons, and octagons can impart visual flavor and add momentum in design projects that aim at creating inspirational info-graphics. These solid shapes, when rendered in different sizes and transparencies, empower artists and designers to create definitive visual impact inside modern info-graphics. For instance, a designer may seek to convey different lines of information via cross-sections of each of these shapes appended to horizontal bars. Colors and deep hues can be filled in each section of this illustration, thereby projecting a uniquely functional visual image. Permutations and combinations of such an approach can boost various aspects of creating inspirational info-graphics in this manner. Such strategies can find evolution inside a flowchart, thereby allowing designers to validate the artist’s imagination with the cold logic of data mechanics.

A design novice could venture into acts of creating inspirational info-graphics by following a sequence of stages etched into a flowchart. These stages include outlining the goals of creating info-graphics, collecting sets of relevant data, visualizing the data or information, choosing a design template, positioning data silos into the creation under construction, and adding stylistic elements to the final design of the info-graphics. In addition, designers can seek guidance from best practices and thus evolve a personal style for creating inspirational info-graphics. We note the flowchart remains the primary design framework in such ventures; this assertion stems from its ability to mold and re-mold data flows prior to their final implementation inside the final image. Further, the flowchart serves as a template for constructing ever more detailed info-graphics in tune with the variety and volumes of data available in different points of time.

The use of iconic imagery, outstanding typography, and innovative themes empowers dedicated efforts focused on creating inspirational info-graphics. In this context, designers could deploy digital automation in the form of software packages and software plug-ins to drive such efforts. The resulting info-graphics can seamlessly portray the evolutionary timeline of a modern industry, the top-selling products of an enterprise, or the complications associated with a certain style of modern marketing. Flowcharts can assist such efforts by outlining the scope of information architecture inside info-graphics, elaborate the idea of data density, and spotlight avenues for minute interventions. In addition, designers can employ flowcharts to investigate any visual extensions they may wish to implement in their pursuit of creating inspirational info-graphics.

The best info-graphics combine form and function to craft a compelling image and transmit a visual narrative that captures readers’ attentions. Clusters of globules (circular shapes) calibrated with different radii and contrasting colors can weave an outstanding visual narrative. For instance, each cluster inside the info-graphics can denote a different geography and its annual contribution to global GDP. Smaller circles within each cluster can convey information in terms of regional contributions within an individual geography. The designers can append a detailed legend inside the graphical representation to aid reader comprehension. In addition, the inclusion of facts and figures can signify additional depths of meaning to info-graphics. A flowchart allows these various elements to combine on a single plane and present a unified picture that rests on a large number of data silos.

Information architects and designers can utilize these inputs and techniques to construct new editions of outstanding info-graphics. Each designer can implement a signature style, while pursuing an endeavor to explore new vistas in info-graphics design. On their part, commercial operators could consider using these techniques to review business performance and boost operational metrics in tune with market competitors. Researchers and academics could deploy info-graphics to study various phenomenon and arrive at insights that power new investigations. However, the flowchart remains a central plank that elevates the quality of planning and exploration prior to developing new editions of modern info-graphics. These illustrations are best suited to calibrate various aspects of info-graphics design while retaining the true flavor of different forms of data and information. Therefore, an alliance of artists, designers, and data professionals can effectively explore new dimensions in constructing meaning by mating graphical design and volumes of digital data.

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