Flowcharts for Benefits to Employers from Gig Workers

“When you need to innovate, you need collaboration.” – Marissa Mayer

Constructs and concepts, such as work-life balance and progressive employment, have taken center stage in contemporary labor markets. These ideas represent the composite product of a series of observations, thoughts, experimentation, innovation, and evolutionary stances endorsed by modern employers, human resources professionals, and the providers of capital, schools of theorists, economists, and social scientists. In this context, the emerging gig economy presents a perfect case for assessing the utility of this remarkable construct, as also the various points of convergence and divergence it shares with traditional methods and modes of labor and employment.

  • Talent & Policy Making

A micro-analysis could focus our attentions on the many benefits to employers that may emerge from the ongoing expansion and diversification of the gig economy. Such delineation remains a crucial part of the gig narrative, and the many avenues of its ongoing engagement with human talent and the policy imperative of generating incremental employment. To develop the contours of such analysis using the flows and mechanisms and processes native to modern blueprints, such as flowcharts, would ensure brevity and clarity.

  • Hiring in the Gig Construct

Hiring plans, whether annual or quarterly, can gain a decisive boost when clients and employers integrate gig employees into the proverbial big picture. The flexibility afforded by the gig construct allows employers to hire large segments of temporary workers to negotiate workflows and aid in the completion of various work projects. Hence, employers could ideate on such plans through the use of flow diagrams; such a tactic enables distinctive benefits to employers and helps expand the paradigm of modern labor and employment. Additionally, flow diagrams empower employers and supervisors to allocate (and re-allocate) talent and resources to different segments of projects in tune with emerging requirements. Such flexibility is a priceless contribution of the gig economy, as it may also reinforce the sinews of employers to engage with clients at various levels of operations and strategy.

  • Implementing Diversity

Diversity in the modern workplace has emerged as a watchword in the domain of employment – plans to implement diversity could take shape inside flowcharts, and thus comprise distinctive benefits to employers and clients. In line with this, modern employers could fashion plans that promote the employment of a diverse array of talents and human power. Such an initiative must remain cognizant of the objectives of work projects and the possible benefits that follow a decimation of the monolithic mindset in employment practices. The emerging matrix could portray an interesting mix of different grades of talent and ability; supervisors could leverage this matrix to plan the contours and velocities of work flows. In addition, custom methods may assist employers to quantify the benefits to employers, thereby developing new structures/processes that implement diversity and drive utilization of talent in modern workplaces.

  • Flowcharts promote Flexibility

Flexibility in terms of pay structures and compensation packages represents premier benefits to employers that hire gig workers in their organizations. Bespoke editions of flowchart could empower the providers of employment to conduct detailed assessments of hiring gig workers, undertaken from a purely monetary/budgetary perspective. In this context, the flowchart must outline the budgets allotted to projects, and the expected outgo in terms of human power costs. Planes of comparison could include the cost structures that attend deployment of full-time employees, their wages, cost of benefits, insurance and severance packages, among others. Subsequently, flow diagrams could spotlight the benefits to employers that elect to rely on gig workers; in this instance, the flowchart serves as a tool of analysis and comparison.

  • The New Work Schedule

Work schedules that match the requirements of projects or assignments may emerge as points of disruption inside traditional methods of labor and employment. The gig construct defeats this problem, because gig workers can participate in digitally-enabled projects from different time zones – enabling a fluid, even intelligent, enmeshing of work schedules with evolving requirements of work projects. This remains a key outcome when we survey the benefits to employers that flow from gig workers. Pursuant to this, businesses can invest in fashioning multiple editions of flowchart; these can depict a stream of intricate mechanisms that shoehorn schedules to best suit the requirements of gig clients and employers. Additionally, complex versions of flowchart can drive superb convergences between the multiple variables that animate multi-phase gig projects.

  • The Gig drives Ambition

Entrepreneurs can chase ambitious targets when they integrate the gig employee into their business plans. For instance, a food delivery startup could employ gig operatives to service its clients around the clock. Operatives working in shifts could enable this model, thereby enabling entrepreneurs to gain scale in minimal time frames. Gig employment also empowers business operators to trim the costs of conducting business, remain flexible in terms of operational commitments, and gain the competitive edge in congested market landscapes. In essence, the gig employee is an enabler of modern enterprise, and the aforesaid benefits to employers remain a key reason that drives the essence of gig economies. Flowcharts can enable entrepreneurs to devise multiple models of gig work, derive tangible value from New-Age business operations, and promote new thinking in the domain of employment generation.

  • The Matter of Best Practices

A considered adaptation (and nuanced implementation) of best practices in the workplace could amplify the benefits to employers. Flowcharts bear significant potential to enable this project of adaptation and implementation in tune with the requirements of various industries and operational verticals. For instance, the best practices that attend a balanced distribution of the workforce could uplift the quality of performance of various segments of the gig economy. Flow diagrams could help in such adaptation, and empower employers and clients to chart different sections of such strategy. Further, the spaces inside such illustrations could enable additional benefits to employers when they record the gains subsequent to the implementation of best practices. In such instances, the flowchart operates as a dashboard – one that enables enterprises to transition to higher states of operations.

  • Elevating the Buddy System

The buddy system represents an interesting method, clever adaptations of which could empower employers to reduce the costs associated with training fresh batches of temporary employees. In this instance, segments of flow diagrams could prove instrumental in multiplying the quanta of human power deployed by a gig enterprise. Various aspects of these illustrations could spotlight the benefits to employers, thereby allowing new versions/methods of informal training to take root in modern workplaces. Additionally, flow diagrams may assist employers to boost engagement levels between temporary employees, the modes of gig work, and ranks of regular clientele. Further, evolved versions of the buddy system may originate inside flowcharts when employers diversify the different versions, methods and techniques of gig-driven business operations.

  • To Conclude

These ideas may spark new initiatives and explorations into the uncharted waters of the modern gig economy. Such exploration is vital to preserve momentum in this form of economic activity and to spur a greater engagement between informal work systems and the dominant paradigms of the modern industrial world. On their part, entrepreneurs and employers could work to locate new avenues (and devise evolved mechanisms) in pursuit of unearthing benefits to employers. Additionally, they may devise visual modes of ideation that could drive a diversification of gig structures, systems and processes. The idea of shared benefits may also take shape and gain credence, thereby uplifting the methods and protocols of engagement that typify the gig economy.

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