Using Flowcharts for Connecting Assessments to Instruction

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School education represents a primary responsibility of the modern nation state. Most countries of the world allocate annual budgets to fund school education, recruit qualified teachers, educators, and instructors to operate the education system, and create incremental infrastructure to advance the cause of knowledge in contemporary societies. The advanced nations of the world have worked to implement research-based educational strategies as part of efforts to amplify the outcomes of modern educational systems. In addition, experts have worked to assess the various requirements of students at different levels, boost their fluency in reading and writing, improve their grasp on classroom lessons, and develop academic skillsets to prepare students for higher academia. Flowchart diagrams represent one of the paradigms that allow modern educators to evaluate student performance and utilize the outcomes to fine tune teaching skills, methods, and strategies. These illustrations allow educators to undertake actions for connecting assessments to instruction in pursuit of refining the thought processes that molded the behemoth of modern education.

Flowchart diagrams designed for connecting assessments to instruction can commence at the stage wherein teachers demonstrate a new concept or a procedure for the benefit of students inside a classroom. The subsequent stages of this flowchart can include brief Q&A sessions during which students clarify their doubts and queries with the teacher, spend time understanding the moving parts that animate the concept, accept homework, complete and present assignments the next day, etc. Further to this, the final stages of the flowchart may depict classroom assessments (or tests) with the objective of enabling teachers to evaluate the progress registered by his or her pupils. The outcome of these assessments points to the success of the teaching endeavor and may help uncover areas of fresh instruction. This illustration of connecting assessments to instruction allows reviewers to examine the various stages of modern classroom education.

Modern education is a complex, nuanced project that seeks to impart vast amounts of information and knowledge into the minds of young students. Specialization appears at a late stage when students attain the ability to absorb the depths of extant knowledge in academic fields of their choice. Therefore, educators must appreciate the utility of a flowchart diagram in conducting student evaluations and connecting assessments to instruction. Such a diagram may proceed on multiple levels; the first level may include a sequence of stages that depict the alterations and shifts that must attend a teaching strategy. Essentially, this area of the flowchart diagram allows educators to refine their approach to teaching with a view to generate best outcomes. The second level in this attempt at connecting assessments to instruction must focus on the design of an assessment exercise. Teachers may variously try to focus on evaluating the factual knowledge of students, their interest in drawing connections between diverse subjects in the curriculum, and their ability to draw conclusions in a range of wider contexts. These multi-level diagrams also allow teachers and educators to reflect on the efficacy of their teaching methods, tools, and techniques.


Behavioral assessment is one of the techniques that drives exercises designed for connecting assessments to instruction. For instance, a teacher that specializes in teaching life skills may verbally explain the actions that attend a domestic errand such as grocery shopping. Subsequently, the teacher may seek to measure the performance of his or her wards in actual assignments that center on shopping for groceries. A flowchart can assist the teacher by outlining the performance of each student in the various sub-tasks that comprise the above assignment. Each student scores a set of marks in the final assessment, thereby allowing the instructor to assess individual performance and discover areas of improvement in the performance of each student. The teacher may also choose to draw connections on this flowchart wherein, each area of sub-par performance helps build a new list of teaching tasks for the teacher or instructor. This instance of connecting assessments to instruction illuminates the utility of deploying flowchart diagrams in the service of elevating the quality of modern education.

Corrective strategies represent one of the core objectives of modern education systems. Teachers and educators may elect to position such strategies at the center of flowcharts created for connecting assessments to instruction. Such an inter-linked diagram may comprise a series of stages in which teachers outline a variety of sub-skills and steps that help students to attain a certain objective. Each of these stages depicts the express actions that students must undertake to register progress toward the envisaged outcome. Demonstrations, explanations, pointers, brief revisions, and pre-tests mark some of the stages in this flowchart diagram. An assessment appears next and its outcomes dictate the teacher’s stance in spotlighting corrections for the benefit of students. Instructors may visit each site of correction with a view to underline the failings of individual students; however, the teacher must announce the corresponding corrective action to the whole class. This technique of connecting assessments to instruction reinforces the impact of classroom lessons and empowers students to acknowledge and correct their individual errors and mistakes.

Teachers and instructors that have freshly embarked on teaching careers can design high-level flowcharts in a bid to map classroom teaching plans. These diagrams essentially hinge on connecting assessments to instruction because the outcomes of teaching efforts must segue with the wider objectives of modern education. Consequently, teachers can identify the learning needs of their students, create a baseline for student performance, set teaching and learning objectives, develop an education plan, implement teaching and instructional strategies, and evaluate the performance of students, etc. A critical connection inside this flowchart emerges when teachers assess the outcomes of the sequence of above actions and connect this to the earlier stage of setting objectives. This implies the act of connecting assessments to instruction because teaching objectives must be tailored in tune with the outcomes of multiple assessments. This ensures a dynamic, balanced system characterized by constant course correction with a view to ensure best outcomes.

Teachers and educators may task advanced scholars and mature students with a  mission to solve sets of problems that seek to gauge the depth and scope of their learning. This technique represents one method of connecting assessments to instruction in the realm of higher education in the modern world. Further to this, instructors may present a flowchart to the advanced members of the student community. This diagram may depict various stages – essentially instructions – that involve the use of frameworks, theoretical knowledge, procedures, formulae, etc. to accomplish a range of unfamiliar tasks. Certain stages may pose an additional challenge by querying students to deploy the most appropriate method to solve a given problem. The outcome of each student’s endeavors in this task may vary and will depend on his or her level of proficiency. Subsequently, teachers and instructors may allot marks (or grades) to each student based on individual performance. Flowchart diagrams primarily drive this method of examining students’ knowledge and illuminate one method of connecting assessments to instruction.

The foregoing paragraphs have examined the many uses of flowcharts in enabling a modern classroom-based education system. Policy makers, school administrators, and teachers must invest effort to explore the use of such diagrams in the pursuit of creating the next generation of educated, informed, and motivated young citizens.

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